#shadowsan is still the one that found her but he doesn’t join her bc he’s scared for his safety after the coat exam incident
skipppppy · 2 months
Carmen Sandiego AU where instead of hiring a revolving group of nannies to look after her as a baby, VILE gets the Cleaners to do it. Fuck it. They can raise a child. They’re hypercompetent at literally everything they do. They’d be great parents. Black Sheep being raised by Vlad and Boris and being given formal training by them before joining the academy might be the deadliest force of nature that’s ever graced the planet. And god forbid they decide to leave the Island with her. Faculty isn’t stopping jack shit. They thought Shadowsan was a problem? Can you imagine La Femme Rouge rocking up to a caper with the fucking KGB? The only times Carmen has EVER been apprehended by VILE it was because of them. Those 2 were 80% of the organisation’s workforce. Without them there straight up isn’t a VILE to thwart. There would be no story. It would be so funny
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