#she looks different in every panel. we don't have to talk abt it!!!
strawberrrylipsart · 3 months
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i hope she's doing okay :-(
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agnessmadness · 7 months
Askin character analysis post because @naturesbeat actually wanted it
askin is genuinely a really complex character. being made out of everything yet nothing at once. being the definition of CONDRAICTION itself. wanting to die but also wanting to live. wanting the fun but also avoiding the risk. acting weak but also acting cocky.
but we arent completely in it yet. have u notice the way he acts weak but also having that cocky and underestimating tone within his voice and his words? well that is one of his acts, wanting his enemy to get angry and go all out just for him to be completely weak in the end and makes them put their guard completely down just so he could take onto that and get the advantage out of it.
he done that over and over again to trick and trick and trick the enemy further and further.
hes also somewhat a really polite person despite being cocky and underestimating everyone he have fought with proven by two screenshots of him calling Gerard 'Gerard-san' Lillie 'Lillie-san' and pernida 'Pernida-san'
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he also seems to have interacted with bambi and claiming that she creeped him out with her saying the same exact thing of choking out the enemies while they were down and not knowing the thing he called 'delicacy'
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he also seems to never really use a hand-to-hand combat and moreso using the feet and leg to attack back and counter once close distance. if it's far he still going to use a bow, which moreso more than likely that he don't want to get his hands dirty so he have to resort to ANYTHING but using his hands to fight
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he also have mentioned that he likes to kill people purely off of lethal doses despite admitting himself that he hated his power
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this leads to me feels like he THINKS that despite hating his power there was still something good abt the power so he have to use it somehow someway just so he could make himself and the power itself useful. it isnt good to have a power and not use it right? it'll be kinda dumb in fact
he also seems like hes always caught off guard by EVERY attack he ever receive despite him having the off guard attack happened to him TWICE by now. why isn't he learning from him underestimating oetsu and then he pulls out a different thing?
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well because is a part of his act to get the enemy to think he was the weak one
now lets talk abt his facial expressions shall we? first. in this panel he both looks like hes pitying her yet he seems somewhat bored out of his mind like this have happened so many times before
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and into the next panel you see a closer look and how his eyes and facial expression changed into a softer tone but also full on pitying yushiro
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in this panel he quickly calm himself down after yoruichi fucking flew up like she wasnt suffering from his ability before and immediately tries and analyze everything within or under a second just so he could get all of this and avoid the worst possible situation
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also him taking yoruichi more serious. just kidding he just being a piece of shit here is all, but do you see how his eyes follow yoruichi's movements? because he wanted to analyze more onto what is going on and what just happened to yoruichi
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also his favorite breed of dog might be Pomeranian but im not sure, im just not sure y tf did he have to mention a pompom here
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back onto the more serious topic of askin facial expression. in this panel he seems rlly rlly crazed like he was actually going to have fun within the battle of him and kisuke
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looking completely lost out of his mind right?
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well in the next panel he straight up look bored. is almost like the moments hits and he already guessed that this it just going to be another fucking boring ass fight that he going to only use one trick and one trick, act weak and arrogant and then caught them off guard so he could kill them fast and quick
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just for kisuke to knew and counter the attack of his. he never find anybody like kisuke before.
in this panel now he seems he wanted to try and keep up the calm composure despite being in pure panic, obviously he would act scared shitless and run like how he did with grimm. but kisuke was different. he knew there was no chance in running from him anyways, for grimm is bc he knew the kitty was weaker than him and there ws no chance that one could take on him. but why the calm act then? well it's a way for him to analyze the power that he never saw before. he needs a way to counter them because he doesn't know what the fuck is that thing
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now check onto his expression will ya? it goes from shock, to an angered one, then confused just for it to end with fearful one
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but hen within seconds and onto the next panel he was back to his arrogant cocky self because he feels like he have put up Kisuke's guard down enough same with the power and then says that he hates power vs power battle
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but then in the next scene he was back to the crazed smile because he never met an enemy like kisuke who knows him more than himself and predicting in everything he was going to do and then counter it all like it was nothing to him. in the panel you can see that his smile was crazed like he was having fun, but then you look at his eyebrows and he looks like he's also pissed. hes having a really mix up feelings about this, because he LOVES that KNOWS what he's going to do next making this fight more fun, but also hates that he KNOWS what he's going to do next making this fight becoming a slower death
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in this panel you can't see his eyes but his mouth tells everything, he was completely lost out of his mind because he was fighting one of a kind. one of the man that actually compete with him in intelligence, he never met one such as this
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but now in this panel..he have completely stop with the cockiness and the underestimating and instead it becomes a respected and 'overestimating' him which is the first he ever did that
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now in this panel you can see that he seems he's struggling, wanting to die in peace but also wanting to see of how kisuke is going to get out of his gift bereich so he tried and stay alive as much as he could just so he could see what is kisuke going to do
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he also seems to really like playing with his words using 'gift' in german for 'poison'
he also seems to really be a highly focused person because of how he have gotten surprise by another party joining onto the fight TWICE. first was with oetsu and tenjirou and second being kisuke and grimmjow, because he wanted to focus on one and one enemy alone. he needed to focus and analyze onto every single little thing about the one single enemy he have in front of him just so he could analyze them and counter them better, but even if there was multiple from the beginning it still isnt much of a problem because he's going to try and do both somehow..he just get a bit surprise when someone new join in and that someone new is someone he have no knowledge of
you can say he prefer one on one battle
now onto his quotes that have hidden things being hidden within all the words
"The way I speak, the way I act, I seem like a worthless underling, even I know it. But you know, I don't think I really mind. It used to bug me something awful, but lately, I've come around to thinking that it's actually one of my good points. That's what I tell myself, anyway. Think I'm gloomy, do ya? Well, that's just what's so fatal about me." ah yes, the main quote of them all
'It used to bug me something awful, but lately, I've come around to thinking that it's actually one of my good points. That's what I tell myself, anyway' is a line that hidden behind a confident looks and words with his action acting like he was all high and mighty while in fact if you focus and look into it more further you can see that there is some insecurity hidden within his words
"The reason His Majesty took me in was quite simple. It’s because I just wouldn’t die. A bit of a pathetic ability, right...? I hate it, myself. Just thinking about this ability of mine makes me feel so fatally irritated." ah yes more insecurity
'A bit of a pathetic ability, right...? I hate it, myself. Just thinking about this ability of mine makes me feel so fatally irritated' calling his ability pathetic and also admitting that he also hated his power, must mean something right?
passive-suicidal Passive suicidal ideation is the desire to die without a plan to reach that result. It can come in many forms
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(theres many more than this just read im lazy to go find more)
wanting to die but also not wanting to die.
OVERALL. askin is a really interesting and really really deep character that at first, i only love him because of how he looks. but the more i look into him everything just..i start to love him more and more because of his complex and almost incomprehensible personalities. he's made out of everything yet nothing at once. we know for a fact that one character at least had to have one thing that are contradicting each other because it just a natural thing for humans to be contradictioning. but askin on the other hand is made out of every contradictions, being the definition of
thank you for listening, there's probably gonna be more because I'm insane about his character in general
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