#she randomly changed it to that recently because it reminded her of Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej. and shes right.
dreamingofnoreality · 11 months
I love Josh Groban as Sweeney Todd for the obvious reasons but also because my best friend has literally always hated him and ngl these past couple months I have been having the time of my LIFE
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Then I found out Gaten Matarazzo is Toby
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By contrast my mom and I are on the opposite end of the spectrum, we've always ADORED him so . . . you can guess what happened next
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Afterwards, I sent her a clip of Gaten Matarazzo singing and we were gushing about how incredible his voice is when she suddenly hits me with this
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So yeah the Sweeney Todd revival is fantastic, 10/10, can't recommend it enough.
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