#she's been shot at conked on the head nearly eaten by wampas had 'vital parts' nearly frozen (her words not mine)
vespertine-legacy · 5 years
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So I don’t really know how Zuvi feels about Guss, but godDAMN did it feel good to punch him.
1. Zuvi: This is just a complicated scheme of Rogun’s to drive me to suicide, right?
(between images, Guss says something about how he knows all of Rogun’s plans and can help her blah blah blah)
2. Zuvi: I’ll need a reason that outweighs the fact that you’re a two-faced lying scum who tried to get me killed.
(between images, Guss says that he’ll be a great addition to her team and lists some of his skills)
3. Guss: And that’s before you teach me! I’m a blank slate, Captain. (Dialogue choices - 1: You might be useful; 2: Fine, but... [punch Guss]; 3: I can always kill you later)
(Zuvi went with door number 2)
4. Zuvi: There’s just one thing, first.
5. Same caption, just Zuvi winding up for a sucker punch.
6. Same caption, nice almost POV shot of Zuvi’s punch.
7. Still same caption, Guss fucking reeling from getting punched, but he takes it like a man.
8. Guss: Ow! What was that for? Don’t answer that.
9. Guss: Does this mean I can come?
(between images Guss rattles off about needing to grab his stuff and all the changes he plans on making on the ship suggesting he has already been on the ship what the fuck Guss)
10. Please for the love of all that is holy look at the fucking sneer on Bowdaar’s face.]
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