#sky almost went into divorce papers speaking how many times hes been engaged but the garlic bread saved him
Winx Club Characters as Fake Pop Tart Flavors
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absinthemadness · 3 years
Short fic prompt; Akuroku #9 or #40
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
#40 exes meeting again after not speaking for years au
CW: Physical abuse (mentioned, from a third party)
More under the cut for length
"You deserve better."
"There's no one better! And even if there was, I want you!" Roxas's voice rang out, even above the waves, out over the sand. "Why are you doing this to me, Axel!?"
Axel jerked awake with a sharp gasp, one sleepy hand coming up to wipe away the tears leaking out.
"Ax?" the figure next to him stirred, reaching out a hand to rub at his shoulder.
"Nightmare," he grumbled. He wasn't about to tell his boyfriend he'd been dreaming about his ex.
"Gonna be ok?"
"Yeah, go back to sleep," Axel soothed, reaching over to run a hand through his boyfriend's hair. "Night."
"Night, Ax." And the man rolled away, snuggling under the covers. His soft breathing resumed minutes later and Axel turned away. And he wondered
When had they stopped saying 'I love you?'
And why in the world was he dreaming about Roxas again. It had been… what? Six or seven years and one cross country move when he couldn't take the memories... the guilt anymore. But when he picked up his phone, knowing full well he wasn't getting any more sleep that night, there it was.
Roxas's face. His profile on some random social media thing. Older now, mid-twenties. And looking almost… world-weary, serious. In Axel's inbox sat an inconspicuous 'hey, how have you been?' that had popped up shortly after he'd accepted Roxas's friend request. And he'd closed it in fear, terrified of confronting his demons, laid out for all to see, in the light of day.
But now, in the creeping stillness of the night, with nothing but the faint echoes of the city, he started scrolling through Roxas's status updates. There were concerts, museums, the usual boring stuff. Sitting next to the button for pictures was one for life events and in curiosity he poked it, wondering if Roxas was one of those that used the feature. And to his surprise, he started to swipe through events.
Moved. Moved again, never leaving their small hometown. In a relationship.
Of course, Axel sighed, a person like Roxas wouldn't stay single forever.
Split up. In a relationship.
The breath rushed out of Axel. A wave of heat followed by a dousing of ice left him gasping for breath, surprised he didn't wake his boyfriend back up.
But there was more. He held his breath and flicked his thumb, expecting the next one to be married.
It was.
His heart gave an almost violent squeeze. What was the next one? Adopted a child? Bought a house in the suburbs? He had to know. He scrolled.
He blinked. Divorced? Within the year. What the hell had happened?
Pictures told much of the same story. Up until the divorce. And there was one of Roxas, the faintest hint of a smile, a bruise under one eye and holding a paper. The next was of him and a dark-haired girl who looked his age, not his… ex-husband. They were wearing party hats with a sign in the background proclaiming 'just divorced.' Two years ago.
Was… that why Roxas had gotten back in touch? He felt dirty for hoping. Surely Roxas had seen his 'in a relationship' status.
Besides, were two years enough to get over a divorce and an abusive relationship? Did Roxas not remember what Axel had accidentally done to him years ago?
He couldn't bring himself to reply to Roxas's message, but spent hours and hours, day after day, pouring over his profile, every picture, every ounce of Roxas's life he'd missed out on. Up until—
"I've… met someone, Axel." His boyfriend told him one evening. Axel noticed the bags by the door then. "And you're hung up on your hometown. On this Roxas person."
Axel waited for the pain and sadness. But there was an odd sense of relief. So they parted with hugs and muttered 'no hard feelings.'
He started packing the next day, putting most of his stuff in storage, turning in his notice to both the apartment and his job. Maybe he'd be back. Maybe he'd wind up staying.
He drove hundreds of miles knowing full well that Roxas could take one look at his face and tell him to go away. He could put his fist into Axel's nose, yell at him for leaving. But he had to try. He had to see Roxas. Had to talk to him.
Within a few days, he was driving onto familiar roads, and unsurprisingly the town hadn't changed much.
He looked everywhere for Roxas with no luck. He wasn't at his listed workplace. Axel wasn't sure where he lived now. So, exhausted he checked into the one hotel for an extended stay and passed out after checking in on social media.
The next day he went back out, running into old friend after old friend. At the grocery store, the diner, the main square. He met families, husbands, wives, kids. So many of them asked if he'd seen Roxas, but yet no one could tell him exactly where he was.
"He's been through a lot the past few years, I'm sure he'd be happy to see you again."
"He works up at the skate shop, but I think he's got today off."
"I swear I saw him at the skate park a couple of hours ago. You should go say hi."
"Axel! Oh man, Roxas is going to be so happy to see you!"
On and on. But it started to feel like he was following a phantom around town. He was always gone before Axel got there, leaving him to wonder if he was avoiding him or if it were just a case of bad timing.
But once the sun started to sink towards the horizon, he headed down to the beach… their beach and posted a picture of the sunset. And he stood there, hands in his pockets watching the fading sun, feeling eighteen again.
It was beautiful, shifting into deep reds and oranges. He hadn't seen anything like it in years, not since he left for the city.
"Nothing like sunsets on the beach, huh?"
He must have missed the crunch of footsteps drowned out by the ocean and nearly jumped out of his skin.
The voice was so achingly familiar, maybe a hint deeper. He turned, and there Roxas was, standing next to him. Just as short. Just as beautiful. Axel tugged his hands from his pockets, one halfway to Roxas's face before he let it fall to his side.
"Yeah, they really are." He turned back to the sunset but jumped again when a hand slid into his. "How'd you know where to find me?"
"Saw you were back in town, and then the sunset picture. Figured there'd be only one place to find you."
"Why come find me?"
"Because I've missed you," Roxas spoke like it was the simplest thing. The most obvious thing. "Besides, at least a dozen people mentioned you'd been around looking for me."
"I… saw what you've been through."
"Oh." His hand tightened around Axel's. "The marriage?"
"The divorce."
"He hit me," Roxas said with absolutely no emotion. "I ran when he broke a rib. Got a restraining order, then a divorce. He's in jail now."
"I wasn't going to ask," Axel mumbled.
"Everyone else does," Roxas whispered, barely audible over the waves. "Why come back? You used to talk..." He took a shaky breath, leaning into Axel's arm. "Used to talk about us getting out of here someday. I thought you hated it here."
"I thought I did too. Thought there were better things out there. But I only came to realize everything I cared about had been left behind." Axel's fingers tightened around Roxas's and he swallowed hard. "Can you ever forgive me?"
"Already did." There wasn't even a second of hesitation before Roxas brought Axel's hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to his skin, lips searing like fire.
Axel didn't ask why. Didn't ask how. He turned and cupped Roxas's jaw, tilting his head up in an old familiar gesture, to kiss him.
Roxas's arms came up to circle his neck, to hold them tight together and Axel couldn't help but picture Roxas, stretched up on his toes in the sand, just like old times.
They kissed until the sun disappeared, until the moon was high in the sky, before heading back into town, hand in hand to have a nice long talk.
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11tumbler · 6 years
Nightingale 7
Robert was in his bedroom. His wife walks in and past him. He smells her perfume. He immediately turns and looks at her. She recognizes that look. It was the same look he gave her nearly 5 weeks earlier. She stops stunned not sure what to say. “You cheated on me?!” It was part question part accusation. Her silence told him the memories that were flooding back into his mind were true. “You cheated on me! You bitch!” “Fuck you!” she answers. “For the past week you let me believe we were still happy. You put on this whole charade, why?!” Robert shouts back. “If you think I am going to walk away from this money without a fight you are mistaken.“ Robert couldn’t believe she just said that.  The hurt he was feeling was nothing compared to that blow.  He had no response, but just stood there staring at her, watching his entire life crumble around him.  Devestated he grabs his suitcase and begins packing clothes.  Although Diane continues to argue with him, he says nothing and simply leaves the house for a hotel.
The next day a call comes into Lance County Hospital, “Hello is Dr. Johnson working?” “Yes she’s on rounds, how may I help you?” “Do you know what time she leaves, I need to set up a meeting with her.” “We don’t give out that information. I can have her receptionist set up a meeting, let me transfer you.” Robert hangs up before the call goes through, he just wanted to make sure she was at work. He knew she probably got off around 6, he would get there early and just wait. He goes into work, sets up the flight, does a bit of work then leaves.
Kym waves goodbye to the front receptionist, he sees her and stands walking towards her. She stops. She can’t believe he’s here. He steps forward with a bouquet of lilies, “I know it’s presumptuous of me to think you don’t have plans tonight, but would you like to have dinner.” She knew she couldn’t, she looks at him wishing she could say yes. She starts to shake her head. He steps up closer and talks quickly before she can say no, “I got my memory back, my wife cheated on me and I was filling for divorce. I want to talk with you.” He wanted to tell her everything, that what they felt didn’t need to end, that he wanted her. He waited for her answer. She knew this could be the one time she could explore this, she owed it to herself to take that chance. “Ok. Can I go home and shower first.” “Absolutely,” Robert’s face lit up at her acceptance. “Can I pick you up or meet you somewhere?” “Yes, let’s go to Beverly’s, it’s on Darren and Mill Pond Road. Can we meet at 7:30?” “It sounds perfect. Here, I got these for you.” He hands her the flowers. They walk out together. “I will see you in about an hour?” She turns back, “Yes.” He didn’t want to wait that long. He got into his car and searched up the restaurant. It was only about 15 minutes away, this was a small town so everything was only 15 minutes away. He was starving he hadn’t eaten since before he flew out. He grabs a quick burger from McDonald’s, he needed something to hold him until they ate. He then went back to his hotel for a bit then got to the restaurant. He was early. He was nervously waiting in the lobby.
He sees her walking in, a huge smile appears on his face. “Hi.” “Hi,” she blushes by the way he’s looking at her. “Hi Dr. Johnson,” the hostess says. “We have your table over here.” It was a nice little restaurant, dark, cozy and a formal restaurant for this area. He pulls the chair out for her and they sit.
“How are you, how was work?” “Everything is fine. Tell me what you started to tell me at the hospital.” Robert leans in. “Well. I was in the bedroom and the smell of Diane’s perfume made me remember everything. I remembered coming home early and walking into the bedroom and she was there with another man.” He pauses. “I remember I lost my temper and we fought about it. We fought about it last night when I remembered all this. I contacted a lawyer before my accident to file for divorce, she’s going to be served with papers this week. I was in Michigan looking for a vacation home on Houghton Lake. I have one in Toronto, but I’ll either lose or have to sell that. So I decided to drive up here to look at a place when the accident happened. I still don’t remember that. I do remember I was staying at my vacation house the week and a half before I had to fly out to give my speech.” He looks at her seriously, “No matter what happens between us, I can tell you that I will be divorced.” He recounted the story with sadness. She could tell the whole situation destroyed him. She just looked at him, could she let herself feel everything she was feeling. She was afraid to let him in. She’s about to speak when the waiter walks over.
“Do you have any questions about the menu?” They both turn their attention away and open the menu. “Do you need a few minutes?” Kym says she knows what she wants, so Robert looks quickly while she orders. “Chicken and risotto with steamed vegetables.” He turns to Robert. “Beef Wellington, baked potato. And what’s this Mari Vineyards wine?” “That’s our local wine grown right over in Traverse City.” “Ok please bring me a bottle of the cabernet.” They hand the menus back, now they can just focus on one another.
Kym is hesitant to speak. Robert smiles, “It’s good to see you again.” Kym smiles back. “It’s a weird thing getting your memory back. It was like waking up from a dream suddenly everything was real.” He takes her hand. “I want to thank you for being so nice to me when I was in the hospital. You have a great bedside manner.” She blushes. “It wasn’t just work you know. I really,” she pauses, “I really like you.” He knows she’s holding back. “Can I ask you what you’re afraid of?” He moves his hand up to her shoulder blade. “This.” She just looks at him. He hopes that he’s not making her nervous. He pulls his hand back. “It’s ok that I came to see you?” “Yes. I wanted you, I mean I’m glad that you. Oh gosh I don’t know what I’m saying.” Robert laughs, he changes the subject to let her relax. “How was work?” She talks a bit about work then their food comes. She asks him about his job, his life and his kids. He explains that his daughter was at the house last night and he had been calling her all morning and she wouldn’t pick up and texted him to quit calling her. Kym was sad to hear about all the hurt he was going through. Dinner is almost over and there’s something Kym wants to say. “Robert, you know in the hospital when you asked how I ended up in Reed City? And just now you asked what I’m afraid of. Well……I was engaged. I met a guy in Pennsylvania when I was doing my residency. It seemed like love, he asked me to marry him. He got a job offer at a private practice so I came with him. I finished up at Lance County. But within a year he told me he was leaving. Apparently he fell in love with one of the nurses there and they were moving to Oregon. He packed his things and was gone. I was so ashamed. I had no other job so I stayed. It took me a while to tell anyone he left. It really hurt. So I’ve just been here since.” “Where do you want to be?” “What do you mean?” “I want you to think about what you want. If you could write the perfect life for yourself what would it be. Write those things down. Set a deadline and make it happen. You can have whatever you want.” Kym was caught off-guard by his confidence about her life. She could tell that he was someone that didn’t just accept things the way they were but changed them.
The waiter brings the check. Robert takes the bill, pulling out his wallet and setting some cash inside. “Are you ready?” She nods and they get up. He walks her to her car. He gives her a big hug. His heart is aching, he is just happy to see her, but knows he wants more. He knows why she’s so hesitant, she was hurt before and he’s in a crazy relationship about to go through a divorce, and he doesn’t want to hurt her too. “Will you call me tomorrow?” he asks. “Yes.” Kym takes his hand. “Thank you for dinner.” “You’re more than welcome, taking a beautiful woman to dinner is never a chore.” He leans in and gently kisses her cheek. She gets into her car and drives off.
Robert is lying in his bed staring at the ceiling just thinking. It’s almost midnight and his phone rings. “Hello are you ok?” “Yes. Can you come over and look at my list?” “Yea sure.” He sits up in bed. Kym texts him her address. He drives over. “Sorry to call you so late, but I got home and I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. About writing down what I wanted and I did. Can you read it?” She was so sweet. Robert couldn’t do anything but smile. He sits on the couch and she hands him the list nervously waiting for his response.
Get married
Have kids
Start my own practice
Live in a nice community
Be happy
“I wrote so many things but I just kept coming back to one thing, wanting a family.” Robert looks at her and smiles. “This is perfect. Now that you know what you want you can plan on how to get it. Keep a positive outlook and good things will happen to you.” Kym is amazed at how supportive he is. He didn’t judge or say her items were a bit too pie in the sky. He just told her she could do it. She reaches out her hand and places it along his neck. “Am I crazy for wanting to fall in love with you?” “No. Because I’ve been in love with you for the past 3 weeks,” he answers.
She pulls herself to him and they kiss. It was amazing the wall of tension between them vanished and it felt so peaceful. Once they started they both knew this wouldn’t end with just kissing. There was a passion between them that they both needed to explore.
Robert lies back bringing her with him and she rests against his body. She unbuttons and unzips his jeans and slides her hand over him. He moans against her lips. Their kissing continues. He pushes into her sitting up. He pulls off her shirt and unhooks her bra. His hands go to her neck pulling her into his kisses. They finally get up from the couch, Robert steps out of his jeans and they make their way to her bedroom. He removes his shirt as he gets on the bed with her. He slides her pants off. “I don’t have any birth control,” Kym says. “Ok don’t think I’m a jerk, cause I wasn’t expecting anything to happen, but I put a condom in my wallet.” She looks at him, “Get it.” Robert gets off the bed heading back to the living room grabbing the condom and returning. He takes off his boxer briefs and puts the condom on. He gets back into bed with her and they explore the ultimate passion together.
After, as Robert returns to bed they share a few kisses. Kym snuggles into him putting her leg inbetween his with her left arm under his right and her face buried against his neck. He’s using his right hand to trace a path from her shoulder down over her butt and back again. “I can give you everything on that list, if you let me,” he whispers. She holds him a little tighter.
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