#small 002
kimsuyeon · 2 months
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send me an idol and era ↳ haneul + midas touch era for anon.
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amcryllis · 2 months
hummm. like for a short one line starter.
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enjomo-arch · 9 months
𝗗𝗥𝗬𝗩𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗘 𝗜𝗦𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗗 tanmesa buildings concept arts # 1 / ?
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tanmesa  is  a  town  located  on  the  northern  part  of  the  island.  the  population  is  around  687  people  living  in  here  as  for  now  and  is  the  hometown  and  real  birth  place  of  portgas  d.  ace  after  the  incident  of  baterilla  and  escort  of  portgas  d.  rouge.  the  town  as  well  is  the  hometown  of  ace's  mother  where  she  grew  up  before  setting  off  with  her  husband  gol  d.  roger.  the  town  is  known  of  it's  hospitality  towards  outsiders  and  outlaws  as  well  as  the  liquor  service  as  the  main  town  refuses  to  welcome  people  that  are  'criminals'.
​​​​​​​the  main  attraction  and  meeting  place  of  the  town  is  obviously  the  well  known  saloon  owned  and  ran  by  zed.
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zed's  saloon  was  rouge's  temporary  working  place  as  a  waitress  and  cleaning  service  so  she  could  earn  money  to  live  her  life  with  her  newborn  child.  zed  was  like  an  uncle  for  ace,  he  was  rouge's  closest  and  most  trusted  friend  since  they  were  teenagers  and  so  he  gladly  made  a  spot  for  her  to  work  and  in  spare  times  if  he  didn't  need  to  stand  as  the  bartender,  zed  was  looking  after  ace  in  his  room  located  at  the  building's  top  floor. zed is currently around 60 years old.
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𝗙𝗨𝗟𝗟 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗣𝗧 𝗔𝗥𝗧 #1 ( under read more )
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kidskulls · 2 months
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+ the full canvas
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linagram · 1 year
[ 𝚎𝚒𝚔𝚘'𝚜 𝚝𝟷 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚊 ] 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎
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eiko's voice drama is here!! it's her, the ultimate girlboss dhjskskssl
i like her character a lot actually? she's so chill compared to kei and writing her vd turned out a lot easier than i imagined it to be, it felt like a nice break from whatever kei's drama ended up to be. doesn't make her any more sympathetic though
anyway, i'm very curious to see how her trial will go! it took me a lot of time to figure out her canon verdict too..
(divider link)
(sounds of footsteps)
Miki: Eiji-san.. Are you okay?
Miki: The last interrogation.. wasn't the easiest one.
Eiji: I'm fine. As long as you let me vote him guilty, I will be fine.
Miki: But are you sure this is the right decision?
Eiji: No matter how much you try to make me change my mind, Kei is the only prisoner that I will still vote guilty. Maybe I will give other prisoners a chance, even though that possibility is small, but Kei is someone I will never forgive.
Eiji: Wouldn't you do the same if you had to judge the person who had ruined your life?
Miki: .. I was that person.
Miki: But out of all the people in this prison, I'm the only one who truly doesn't deserve to be forgiven.
Eiji: .. Don't say things like that.
Eiji: I don't know what you did, but I'm sure that you're not like those sinners.
Eiji: You wouldn't be chosen as a guard if you were just as unforgivable as them.
(door opens)
Eiko: Hiiii!~
Eiko: Wow, you two are even more cute than I've imagined you to be!
Eiji: Ugh, she's just like him.
Miki: Eiji-san, if you need a break..
Eiji: It's fine. I'm fine.
Eiko: You look so tired though.. Interrogating all those scary people all day must be so hard..
Eiko: Don't worry, I'm not like them at all. Actually, I don't think my crime can even be called a crime.
Eiji: Well, that's for us to decide.
Eiji: So you are.. Prisoner 006, Yoshioka Eiko, 23 years old.
Eiji: And you also were a model before arriving here.. You and Kei really would be a perfect couple.
Eiko: Haha, yeah, me and Kei are really close! He's so funny and I have to say, he's kinda cute.
Eiko: You look cuter than him though.
Eiko: I like how these bandages look on you. Sure, maybe you're injured, but it also means you were strong enough to survive all that.
Eiji: ...
Miki: Eiji-san, are you.. blushing?
Eiji: I'm not.
Eiji: A-anyway, about your crime-
Eiko: Oh, you want to talk about that first? So straightforward, I like your style.
Eiko: Keep acting like this and maybe you'll be able to impress us.
Eiji: .. Who's "us"?
Eiko: ...
Eiko: Haha, nevermind. I'm probably just tired, I mean, I did have to wait for you two to come visit me.
Miki: W-we're sorry for being late! The last interrogation was just..
Eiko: You don't have to apologize. Kei's interrogation was a nightmare, wasn't it?
Miki: How did you-
Eiko: Kei is attractive, I have to agree. He's fun to talk to and we're kinda on the same wavelength.
Eiko: .. But I don't think he's "perfect" enough for me.
Eiko: He can be really annoying sometimes. And I don't think our relationship would be as deep as I want it to be if we actually start dating. It's obvious he's just interested in me because of my looks and nothing else.
Eiko: So yeah, I can imagine the last interrogation was hard for you both.
Eiji: .. Finally, someone gets it.
Eiko: Hm? Did you say something?
Eiji: No, I didn't.
Eiko: Okay then. So.. you want me to tell you more about my murder, right?
Miki: Y-yes, please!
Miki: Um, only if you're comfortable with that, of course..
Miki: If you tell us more about your crime, maybe we'll be able to save you!
Eiko: .. "Save me"?
Eiko: Ah, you mean voting me innocent.
Eiko: Well, to be honest.. I don't really care about all that.
Eiji: Really? That means you're okay with me voting you guilty?
Eiji: It's not like I care about your opinion, it's just nice to hear that you won't try to resist.
Eiko: *laughs* If you're the one who comes up with all the punishments, I'll be okay with anything~
Eiko: But also, I just don't think either option is.. how do I say it.. "good enough" for me? I just can't imagine a perfect outcome.
Eiko: If you vote me innocent, that will just mean that you want me to depend on you more and start seeing you as "my knight in shining armor", because wow, you've saved a pretty girl, even though she's a murderer just like all other prisoners, how kind of you!
Eiko: And if you vote me guilty, that will mean that you want me to remember that you're the one who rules this place. Maybe you won't even think that hard about it, because it's so tempting to just make a girl like me beg you to forgive me.
Eiko: Or maybe you just want an excuse to do all kinds of things to me, haha.
Miki: Eiji-san? Um, can you hear me?
Eiji: ...
Eiko: Oh no, I think I broke him.
Eiko: Haha, looks like he's not used to talking to women as beautiful as me.
Eiko: Then you can be the one asking me questions, Miki-chan. Oh, by the way, are you okay with me calling you that?
Miki: Y-yeah, sure.
Eiko: Great. So, what questions do you have for me?
Miki: Well.. I can't exactly ask you to tell me about your victim, can I?
Eiko: Why not? I'll gladly tell you about that liar.
Miki: I knew it- Wait, what??
Miki: You'll just tell me everything like that??
Eiko: Listen, I have nothing to hide. I mean, I do have my secrets, obviously, but they're not related to my crime.
Eiko: So I'm not scared of telling you everything about it.
Miki: Oh.. then, can you please tell me more about your victim? And why did you call them a "liar"?
Eiko: Well.. let's see. That man never kept any of his promises, he lied to me about every single little thing and in the end he turned out to be someone completely different.
Eiko: I knew that a person can be different from their "online self", but still..
Eiko: That difference was just too big.
Miki: Did he turn out to be a bad person?
Eiko: I wouldn't say that. It's not like he was a bad person, it's not like he was evil or anything like that..
Eiko: He was just too "imperfect". He had too many flaws. He was not good enough for me.
Miki: "Imperfect"..
Eiko: Oh, sorry, that probably makes me sound like someone who always expects too much from others.
Eiko: Even though I will admit, my expectations can be a little bit too high sometimes.
Eiko: But hey, I just know that I deserve better! What's so bad about that?
Miki: No, no, I just find it weird how often you say this word.
Eiko: What word?
Miki: "Perfect".
Miki: "Perfection", "imperfect", "good enough"..
Miki: I didn't expect you to be such a perfectionist, Yoshioka-san.
Eiko: .. *laughs*
Eiko: You're right, Miki-chan, I really say words like that pretty often.
Eiko: It's just that I was taught to never accept anything that's not "perfect" or even "good enough".
Eiko: I know, I'm not the most sympathetic prisoner here. Sorry about that, I guess.
Eiko: But I'm sure your partner will have fun coming up with a punishment for me.
Eiji: .. O-of course, I will!
Eiko: Oh, so you can still talk!
Eiko: By the way, I just can't understand the kind of relationship you two have. Are you a couple or-
Eiji and Miki: WE'RE NOT!
Eiko: Haha, okay, okay. You two get along well though.
(bell rings, machinery sounds)
Eiko: I wonder what my video will be like.
Eiko: Oh, it will be a music video too, right? A lot of people have told me that I have a beautiful voice, so I hope you like it~
Eiji: I don't care about all that. Your crime is the most important thing.
Eiko: Hehe, okay then. I hope you have fun watching it anyway.
Miki: But isn't it scary? I mean.. What if we see something that we weren't supposed to see?
Eiko: .. Then I will simply have to accept it. You can start, Ei-
Eiko: Oh, sorry, I meant to say Guard-san.
Eiji: I don't need your permission.
Eiji: Prisoner 006, Eiko, sing your sins!
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mahirushiina-official · 5 months
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《Do you really think you know what love is..?》
Hi hi!! Welcome to this casual RP blog :3
- no nsfw please! The mod is an adult and so is the muse, but I'll be interacting with a lot of minors, so strictly sfw!
- mod will do semi-lit rp if it's started by someone else, otherwise I'll stick with casual
- mod has lots of hcs, feel free to ask about them!
- if you'd like T2 responses, please say so, or else I'll default to T1
- romantic rps aren't prioritised, and only from characters + mods who are 18+
❨About Muse.. ❩
✰ Prisoner Number - 006
✰ Full name - Mahiru Shiina
✰ Age - 22
✰ Pronouns - She/Her
✰ Birthday - January 17th
✰ Height - 154cm (5'1)
❨ About Mod.. ❩
✰ Main blog is @gravityidol
✰ 19, all pronouns!
✰ Mod is part of a system, please be paitent •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀
Tag list:
❛ this is a claim of responsibility. ❜ - important
❛ let's just overheat together! ❜ - T1 responses
❛ ..it doesn't hurt at all. ❜ - T2 responses
❛ there's something missing.. ❜ - OOC
❛ I find it fun talking to you! ❜ - casual rp
❛ you're so small but you work so hard! ❜ - semi-lit / lit rp
❛ what do you think? ❜ - asks
❛ the bird sings such beautiful songs.. ❜ - Duolingo tag
{001 - 010} - interactions with other canon prisoners
{006..?} - the mappi multiverse
{0??} - interactions with ocs, eg {015}
{warden} - interactions with es
{bunny!} - interactions with jackalope
{the outside world..} - interactions with non-rp blogs
I'll edit as needed!
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batfall-a · 1 year
you always do that when you’re nervous. / @jokethur
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DO I ? the question doesn't fall from lips instead what stirs is the small inkling of a smile , HIS BROTHER does indeed know him well.
their interactions had been brief , CAREFULLY thought out - they truly couldn't be within one another's presence it was too dangerous but ? he had missed his brother , the loneliness had gotten quite isolating - worries that if he allows that to settle that he'll settle within his own thoughts and ebb away , like the settling of sea foam on shoreline.
he envies his brother's openness , EMBRACING who he is as he walked throughout life with the knowledge that there was nothing to hide. bruce has seriously thought about dropping the mask letting all of gotham know ... though that remains nothing more than a dream.
there's the low hum of ENGINE as they leave gotham and make their way to an unknown location. the knowledge that his brother's time wasn't as free as his own , a father of a newborn and two other children , bruce's nieces and nephew.
' yeah ... i guess that's something that'll never change ' what one can see now is the appearance of cowl makeup nothing more - BATMOBILE safe , he had ensured that much. his suit a movements away if needed.
the batcave that they're heading to is embedded within the side of a mountain , overlooking a small stream that runs through the woods. the first of FIVE that would inevitably be created.
his fingers then move through hair , a nervous habit in which arthur had commented on mere seconds before. ' you don't miss a thing do you? ' cheeks pull upwards as grey eyes soften , the ease of a smile settles. makeup spreading even more as coal rounded eyes widen features. ' just used to being hunted ... ' words soft , though there is no need for them to be secretive with words , the bat-mobile safe.
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' figured we were safe ' he casts a look over to arthur , ' how was paskha ? ' his wording awkward with a language he didn't know but his attempt is made out of love , ' what did you guys do ? how were my nieces and nephew ? ' care taken.
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btwjaehyun · 7 months
outside of my misery i think i'll find a way of envisioning a better life for the rest of us, there's hope for the rest of us
Dizer que já havia se acostumado com aquelas mudanças seria um exagero, no máximo conseguiu se adaptar ao fato de que sua vida estava começando a se ajeitar. Era como se aquele momento fosse um pequeno vislumbre da felicidade em meio ao caos em um mundo pós apocalipse, no qual tudo que conhecia de bom, teria, até então, ficado para trás. Por tanto tempo precisou colocar na cabeça de que nunca mais veria sua mãe e de que estava sozinho no mundo que ele ainda não conseguia acreditar no que seus olhos fitavam, o que fazia com que Jaehyun ficasse com aquele semblante sonhador enquanto encarava a mais velha fazendo as coisas mais mundanas possíveis, tal como preparar o almoço enquanto conversava com Jinwoo. "Que mentira, eu nunca fiz isso." Defendeu-se, após o Song lhe dedurar para sua mãe.
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ohmyohan · 7 months
the mood is set, so you already know what's next, i got a secret that i wanna show you, you waited long enough
De um relacionamento frustrante e tóxico a encontros casuais que nada resultavam, Yohan se sentia um completo fracasso em sua vida amorosa. O fato de não conseguir controlar isso era ainda pior, ele colocou em sua cabeça que estava na hora de deixar tudo de lado e por algumas semanas obteve sucesso, contudo, aquele fio de esperança movido a algo que o homem não fazia ideia do que era, fez com que Yohan desse uma última chance para um encontro. No entanto, não demorou nem meia hora para compreender que teria um fim como qualquer outro. E, ao final da noite, se encontrou irritado e decepcionado consigo mesmo enquanto dirigia até o local em que a banda de Jihoon estaria tocando naquela noite, a fim de buscar Joshua e ir direto para sua casa, afogar as mágoas e seu fracasso. A procura pelo filho o permitiu observar um pouco do show e quando encontrou quem queria, acabou sentindo-se preso, como se estivesse hipnotizado, ao ver o Choi em cima do palco.
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zigzheng · 8 months
what goes around, comes around
"Não perguntei." Seu tom saia a cada fala mais grosseiro, enquanto os meninos reclamavam do cheiro. "Então sugiro que comecem agora!" A voz dele se sobressaiu às reclamações sobre a sujeira que ali estava, soando autoritário e ridiculamente estúpido, assim como sua postura, o que fez com que os mais novos baixassem a cabeça e pegassem as buchas e escovas para começarem a limpeza. Sua expressão não suavizou ao fitar Himchan, do contrário, suas pupilas dilataram tornando seu olhar mais ameaçador do que anteriormente, as sobrancelhas, já naturalmente arqueadas o que ajudava em seu semblante pouco amigável, agora estavam franzidas. Ao passar pelo Bae, com a cabeça erguida e sem sequer olhar para este, o moreno apenas ordenou que o menor lhe seguisse.
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sialiia · 2 years
                          x|| @unbearablyindifferent​ liked!
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     “𝓗ey sorry, I wasn’t sure if you were closed already...” Sydney said slowly poking her head into the business, the tables were empty and it looked as though Sarah was getting ready to close up for the evening. “I just got back into town and thought I might stop by if you were still open.”
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immoralitys · 2 years
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            leave it to tace to FORGET she was about to run out of her meds while on a roadtrip--- resulting in a few day dry spell while her doctor sent it to a pharmacy in whatever town they were in. see, the thing is, lack of her medicine typically sent the drummer into an episode... and when she reached a manic state, much like the one she woke up in the middle of the night with, there was very little on her mind that wasn’t of a physical & lustful nature. which wouldn’t be an issue had tace been in the comfort of her own hometown, let alone her home. but right now she was on a few week long roadtrip with her favorite musician. the exact opposite of her solitary solace normally needed. 
            “frankie....”   their despised nickname is whined into their ear, lips just barely brushing against the lobe. she had just gotten out of the shower, an attempt to at least curb her desires, while her prescription was awaiting refills, that proved useless. for the moment she left the bathroom, clad once more in her pajamas, her gaze fell upon frank. who looked peaceful, almost captivating with how the moon’s light peered through the curtains & fell upon their frame. it was likely that tomorrow, or whenever she had her meds back in her system and subsequently ended her manic state, tace would be filled with regret... guilt to be hanging heavy in her stomach for the way she crossed boundaries with her newest best friend. frank was someone she held close to her heart, and despite the late night thoughts she had & tense flirting matches they’d share, she’s not sure what she would do with out them. unfortunately, all her mind can think of is how she’s not sure of what she will do without their touch...    “c’mon, wake up--- i wanna play.”  body practically antsy as she brings one of her hands to the other’s cheek, thumb gently rubbing circles against it.       ( @thcrns )
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ahealinghand · 1 month
OF COURSE, HOW DEVILISH, he thinks, that Miranda has a waiting list. It was as if he'd found out new ways she turned the profession into something DIABOLICAL every day. The nature of healing was powered by the unconditional mandate that you help whenever, however, whoever. But these patients were not just people who needed their help to feel better; they needed his help to be freed from the Miracle Doctor's trance. Urgency is something rarely in her vocabulary, it seemed.
Urgency drove Michael to grab the hand of one of her subordinates, moving past them and into the Doctor's makeshift quarters. Michael knew she wouldn't have a problem with his arrival, if she saw him dealing with her security, she would easily have let him go through. That's the special nature of them. Brushing past the drapes, Michael slams his hand on Miranda's desk, knowing full well it'd startle her. "You cannot keep this up," he says, short of breath. "You cannot. This is not what we are meant for. This — " he motions to the makeshift lecture, "Is not medicine. This is...poison, and we both know it."
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will-bailey · 6 months
@smallstabs Downtown Eureka
For having grown up in Eureka, the town's ability to band together for the same event, year after year, with no signs of fatigue, had always impressed Will. He liked his neighbors well enough, of course—what few he had—and he understood, even before assuming the position of sheriff, that there was a sense of camaraderie among Eureka residents. They generally looked out for one another, and they actively enjoyed one another's company. He'd always found it curious...but charming.
This sort of merriment and sense of community seemed to increase tenfold around the winter holidays. There was always something to do, and thus, something Will was somewhat expected to attend. Some of it he enjoyed, most of it he didn't care one way or the other about. The annual Christmas tree lighting in the town square was generally not something his presence was required or even requested at, but still, he had not missed a Christmas tree lighting in some years.
Eureka's mild temperatures didn't call for more than a light jacket, the pockets of which held Will's hands so he wasn't forced to figure something else to do with them. He ambled casually down the street, admiring the large tree primed for its big night, an onslaught of sounds and sights and smells hitting his senses. The crowds were beginning to pick up, many people clasping mulled wines or warm ciders or hot chocolates, and he looked around with newly piqued interest at where to obtain one of his own.
Spotting an all-too-familiar head of flaxen curls pinned atop a small frame, his breath hitched. He was almost surprised at how easy it was to recognize her, even in the throngs of people. He tried to casually scan the area surrounding her, looking for any sign of companionship—he had no intention of interrupting her. But she appeared to be alone, waiting for something from the food trucks absentmindedly, and he felt emboldened—as he often did with her.
He let his foot fall from the curb, glancing both ways quickly before letting himself jog slowly over toward her.
"Wake up feeling festive today, did we?" He chimed playfully, a soft, wry smirk playing on his lips.
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reddragon-cowboy · 1 year
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Plot starter | @junksatellites 🍞🍖🥯🥫
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As the sun hung at its highest point in the middle of day, that ( special) time of month had arrived during her shift at the library, a tad early than its proposed normal schedule Niah was accustomed. And a rather. . . small inconvenience that may or may not have aroused a tiny drop of fretfulness to sneak its way into her disposition usually placid, should anyone had noticed. All of which led her to visit the nearest grocery store to purchase some pads, once the realization entered her recollections that barely any was left in the box at home.
That was her main objective, initially, but the young woman lingered around the shop with an inquisitive eye upon shelves ladened with snacks and other goodies. Then the list of items her hand tossed into the red basket began to increase in number, in time, replacing the basket with a cart as more goods began piling on top of one another the longer she stayed.
Eventually, three large paper bags were pressed tight against her torso ( & tall enough to reach her nose) as feet crossed through the automatic sliding doors where she exits the building. Now alone on the sidewalk with just a few individuals out of range, eye's briefly fall shut, and a small sigh escapes her mouth as shoulders filled with tension sink, takes a moment to gain her bearings after being in forced proximity with people for a large portion of the day, ready to relax within the quiet and solitude of home. The car was parked a distance away due to lack of spaces available at the time, but it's a walk nonetheless, and she didn't particularly have much energy left to devote one's legs into a quick paced stride.
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But. . . Niah couldn't determine as to how it all happened. Although, the tall stature of paper bags wrapped in her arms may have played a significant role in partially obstructing her frontal view while she trailed in the direction of her vehicle. And the shock felt when mouth winces at the hard impact of someone bumping into her, the force behind the strike effective that she stumbles backwards and loses her grip on the bags as they slip out her hold. And feet were planted frozen as she watched in silent horror as the items tumble out onto the sidewalk, groceries ( cans, bread, fruit, chips, noodles, etc) creating a messy display between the two along the pavement.
Her arms were spread wide and held in midair. A splash of redness splatters against her round cheeks, which would make it clear for the stranger to witness how embarrassment settles violently upon her expression, brown eyes blown wide in utter alarm as her jaw dropped in tow. Heart stopped. How could this day have gotten any worse ?! Cramps were in their first stage of labor that ravaged within her poor belly, and now a spoonful of mortification was thrown into the mix ?!!
❝ Oh, I'm-I'm so s-sorry ! I-I- ❞ tongue tries to formulate a proper sentence, but words only stutter out in a hectic rush as anxiety latches onto her chest. ❝ I wasn't pa-payin' attention like I should've! Th-this is on me ! I-I-- ❞ Quite honestly, during this mental state of disarray where her mind flew a mile a second, Niah couldn't ascertain if she was the one to be blamed or the other, but it's a matter of instinct to take it upon herself to accept all fault for this mishap, as if afraid the man would berate and scream profanities her way. And barely did she pause to cast a proper glance towards them, her attention riveted solely upon her bought groceries that lay in utter humiliation on the ground. Immediately, she drops to her knees, her hand moving to swipe over the nearest item.
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ofmythsandfablesaa · 1 year
@defectivexfragmented​ did not ask for this unprompted starter but i need these two like i need air <3
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❈ — She didn't even think twice about it. Didn't even remotely think about any consequences for her actions which was so unlike her. All she kept thinking about was wanting her lips on his. To finally taste him. 
Going over to where Clint sat, Nat wordlessly straddled his lap and while resting her hands on his shoulders, she leaned in for a firm yet sweet kiss.
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