#so bizarre like..... i think it's mostly the ED topic from the doc which has rotted so many brains
whiskeyswifty · 10 months
The “1989 is too polished and uninspired and soulless” crowd now pretending they’ve always loved 1989, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE
I HAVE BEEN KEEPING A MENTAL LIST* AND MY TIME HAS COME. so long on this website (post-rep but especially post lover which is so ????) i have endured the retcon that 1989 "wasn't that good" or "she's way popular now than she was in 1989" or "the 1989 era was dark and miserable" AND I SUFFER NO LONGER. the way i got like..... inexplicably emotional in a way i was not expecting when i woke up and saw that announcement.... all the blue..... THAT was the golden age like man.... on top of the world. everything was perfect.
also i always am so confused by that sentiment like.... 1989 is full of longing and wistfulness and i'm like ???? perhaps it's YOU that is uninspired and soulless. just listening to yail today and the gravelly, desperate way she sings "you're my best friend" is just weeeeEEEEEEEE like the album is just FULLLLLL of raw emotion and i'm ready to shine and watch everyone else eat crow. taylor loves it just as much as me!!! WE WIN
*(i have not, my memory is shitty for things like that but if i see one tongue rise against my baby i will strike it down with the corpse of sc*oter braun)
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