#so funny that he interrupted Ikki and Subaru's fraternizing as well
scoups4lyfe ยท 2 years
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I kNOW this is Vice's VA literalllllly complimenting himself,,, but since Vice is Ikki's inner-demon,,,this just means that
Ikki's being homosexual again LOL!!!
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Vice is in the background fan-boying THIS ENTIRE TIME
I'M gonna go fCKING insANE
OF COURSE they know each other intimately as well
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Rumors ๐Ÿ‘€ huh
Very straight of you to be keeping up on rumors of your male soccer kohai
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I can't believe I'm being forced to watch as Ikki flirts with Vice's seiyuu. This is literally fking iNSANE
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Ikki's ex-boyfriend has entered the scene
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lmao why does Kouji feel like the "cooler" more thotty nickname while Jiiko feels like the real name? LOL. ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿ˜‚
(I misunderstood it like this for a solid 3 minutes)
The quotation marks around "Kouji" really does it for me LMAOOO
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sooooo funny
while Ikki and Subaru were like 5 seconds away from making out in public; Kouji couldn't care less
lmao in fact
I think he would pay for Subaru to keep a min. of 6ft distance from him at all times LOL!
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