#so happy Phoebus is getting character development on the unscrupulous side
sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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//I think part of why I am enjoying writing Phoebus in a less savory light lately is because I’m writing some sort of exploration/deconstruction of the healer archetype.
Magic healers in fiction all too often show themselves to be altruistic, kind, warm, nurturing, etc (and there is nothing wrong with that. That’s the personality of my Holy Priest in WoW RP). When you do have “doctor jerk” types, they’re often just effective or eccentric healers with abrasive attitudes and poor bedside manner. This is definitely the case with Dr. Tripoli at @lookthedevilintheeye​, who is the kind of doctor to smack a patient on the face with his crutch if they misbehave or don’t follow his orders.
With Phoebus, he has a nasty case of Jerkass to One, the One being his brother. As much as Guy is a scoundrel, a lot of the flak he gets from Phoebus is undeserved or unprompted, making Phoebus look like someone you wouldn’t trust to heal a booboo because of an escapade gone wrong. And as demonstrated a few times in the past, Phoebus has a sadistic side. His very same healing powers can be used for cruelty and harm too. It can be used for comedy (making certain body parts fall off because you’re too loud or annoying), or definitely for horror (making an entire crowd die of cardiac arrest with a stare).
When one says “Phoebus is not a good healer”, they wouldn’t say this because he’s not an efficient one. They say this because he can turn malicious in the drop of a hat.
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