#so if they fear he’s getting closer to retiring from f1? stealing a new star boy is high on the priority list
slythereen · 7 months
Genuinely I would love to see Charles leave Ferrari and go to Red Bull but at the same time I worry that him going to Red Bull would mean he won't get equal fighting status in the RB. What are your thoughts on this?
i think this is a lot of people’s hesitation over it tbh. my only remaining hesitation is the fact that charles really wanted it to be with ferrari and if he leaves it’ll be losing to that bank to some degree b/c the politics of it all managed to force him to leave his dream team… like, that’s upsetting. i almost wish to see ferrari become competent so that he can have everything he wants, be their chosen one, etc.
realistically i just don’t think they will any time soon. and right now, charles gets treated like a second driver to carlos 99% of the time, so if he’s going to get that treatment i would much rather it happen in an insanely competent team with a car that suits him (bc he and max have similar preferences) that he can excel with regardless of the team’s strategies. bc even if he doesn’t get preference, with the car he can carry it anyway.
however, i actually don’t think rbr would #2 driver him that aggressively. they like to be Unique™ and edgy. they like their youngest winners youngest drivers record breaking moldbreakers reputation. they are literally an energy drink dominating a bunch of legendary car constructors. if any team is going to decide to try out the two #1 drivers domination plan, it’s going to be rbr.
especially when 1) fia/libertymedia have been pushing for a team to do it for the entertainment, 2) it’s charles leclerc and treating ferrari’s (very beloved, very marketable) prince better than ferrari ever did is an insanely good look, 3) mercedes couldn’t really do it without bloodshed and rbr loves to outdo mercedes, and 4) rbr want to keep their star driver engaged and entertained enough to keep him from retiring to a different racing series… hand delivering his lifelong rival and new bestie in the same car so they can really fight (and knowing charles would actually challenge him) is a great strategy if you want to keep max in f1.
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