#so im posting it here for the tumblr peeps and to memorialize the art
oxensfree ยท 9 months
Tumblr media
"Happy National Video Game day from all of us at Night School Studio to you. ๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ•น๏ธ" from @nightschoolstudio's x/insta
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pplumberry ยท 5 years
edit oct 2020: here comes the loser again with a goodbye essay ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
the only thing i really use tumblr for is uploading my art but i don't even do that anymore. drawing is fun sometimes but i like doing other things too and when i stop drawing for a while (like rn lmao) i start to feel guilty towards my followers since im not providing content. on top of art not being that interesting, i'm losing interest in musicals which has been my #1 motivation for drawing. musicals are nice but i think i've listened to the same like two musicals too many times and it's becoming bland. also, i get tired of drawing the same characters over and over again but i have no motivation to draw anything else. since i'm not uploading anything to tumblr, it feels kinda wrong still having the app even though i don't use it.
(edit: lmao what a dramatic loser) i never really thought i would ever say this, but i think my musical phase is over. i already archived my hamilton and dear evan hansen board on pinterest lol. i loved listening to them and those two musicals really got me through some times when i wasn't the happiest person, but i think i'm starting to be okay. i don't want to stay in this hole where i listen to the same things and do the same things, doing the same things over and over again is ok but after a while it gets boring, ya know?
i want to have new interests and not feel like i have to stick to the same things i always have because i've shown people that's what i like. i don't know why i'm writing this huge essay lol no one said i had to, but i guess a part of me wants to <lmao see that bmc reference?
idk if this is going to be my last post, so if it is, thank you everyone for your amazing support i appreciate all 472 of you for choosing to follow me and letting my mediocre attempts of art to appear on your dashboard. i've met some great people on tumblr and i appreciate you all for allowing my virtual self into your life. i may not be on tumblr anymore but i'll always remember the happy memories you gave me :)
EDIT: ok i think i'll leave my blog here and maybe come to it once every blue moon when i have art. since i won't be here anymore, i'd like to say some words to some peeps. (some of you might not even remember saying stuff lol) but nevertheless, thank you to @everything0bagel @amirue @peggysexual @moonchild4419 @whispering-artist @theloulouve @fox-on-the-roof @iamdarknessiamdeath @cookie-muncher-yum @highlysensitiveintrovert thank you all for your amazing and uplifting support, for saying happy birthday, and all your positive comments that you posted i am very grateful for them, it may not seem like much but they always made me really really happy to read.
thanks to @celestialplanisphere for saying i am an inspiration i was really really rEALLY happy when you said that and i am truly honored that you see me as such :)
thank you to @lamsandmullettetext for always reblogging many of my posts i don't think i would have half of my likes if it wasn't for you xD i appreciate it
a very special thank you to @holdmybreadsticks
also thank you to everyone who has liked and reblogged my posts you have made a little 15 year old kid very happy :) โ™ก
goodbye for now everyone ๐Ÿ’•
06-10-2019 9:00pm
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