#so sorry to any hanro supporters out there
lvcky0ne · 7 months
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。:°ஐ soulmates
✧. characters ; minami hiro, kim angel ! ✧. warnings ; suggestive content ( 18+ ftb ), drug use, mentions of unhappy relationships ! ✧. word count ; 750 !
Another puff of smoke floated from Hiro’s lips as she absently played with the messy curls of the man’s head in her lap. “Do you believe in soulmates?” she mused, watching the pale smoke dissipate into the air as she passed the joint to him.
“Like… people who are meant to be together?” Angel asked. 
She hummed to confirm as he plucked the stick from her fingers.
He paused to take a deep inhale. He knew his answer was no. He hardly believed in love at all anymore. He never truly saw it as a kid, his parents constantly arguing and unhappy, and his mom and her boyfriends didn't set a much better example.
“You're so fake deep when you're high, Hiro,” he chuckled, the smoke escaping his lungs as he did.
“I’m serious,” she whined, tugging on his dark locks.
“Ok, ok,” he relented, taking another hit of the joint, allowing the drug to seep into his veins through his lungs. “No, I don't,” Angel finally answered.
“Even ones that aren't like… romantic?” The woman asked, clearly still feeling pensive.
He hummed, thinking on the follow up question. He was never a big believer of fate and all that. He thought things just… happened. Not because they were written in the stars all along. “I don't think so,” he shook his head where it lay in her lap.
“Hmm,” she sighed, taking the roll from him once more.
“Hmm?” he repeated her sound, more as a question. Was it just the weed that had her asking such a question or was there more?
“Hmm.” she repeated once more with finality. She wouldn't elaborate, it seemed, without a bit more of a push.
“Why, do you think I’m your soulmate or something?” he asked, a teasing tone in his voice.
“Shut up,” she grumbled, shoving his head off her lap, though a smile peaked through her lips.
Despite the teasing they shared, the answer was yes. Hiro did think Angel was her soulmate. Maybe not quite soulmate in the sense that they're destined to be in love forever and spend the rest of their lives together, but she felt as if their paths were fated to cross one way or another. How else would a boy born in Australia to a poor family and a little rich girl from Japan just so happen to end up in each other's arms?
Love wasn't quite the word for what they had. If there was a word for long-term-fuck-buddies-and-best-friends-who-never-discuss-feelings-whether-they-exist-or-not, that would be the right word. Sometimes in the early mornings after a night together when she couldn't sleep, Hiro would find herself watching Angel in the light filtering through the curtains. He looked his most peaceful then, and in those moments where no other reality existed but her own fantasies, she could see herself truly in love with him. In a happy relationship free from the opinions of anyone else. 
But when the sun rose higher in the sky and they had to return to the reality where no one is supposed to know about them, all of that is gone. They were simply group members, co-workers, friends.
Angel had always tried to distance himself from love, far too afraid to commit to someone and then end up like his parents did in a life of unhappiness. He'd always been perfectly fine with sleeping around, enjoying the physical pleasures of humanity without the attachment that pulls on heartstrings. 
Hiro was the only girl that stuck around for awhile. Maybe it's the way they find comfort in each other or maybe it's convenient, living in the same building and once, even the same dorm. But he liked her. He liked the constant of her scent and the way she knew exactly what he was thinking both in and out of her bed. He liked her friendship and the way her hips moved when she danced. But he didn't love her. He just didn't love at all.
Angel flipped himself over, still lying on top of her now, but this time face to face. He liked her face, too. There was no denying she was beautiful. “Maybe I am your soulmate if I’m the only one who can make you cum so hard you see stars,” he mused, beginning to slink down her body.
“I never should have told you that,” she groaned, though a laugh was mixed in, as she sank into her pillows. Her fingers stayed steady in her Angel’s halo.
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