#so thats probably why i have a crippling headache all of a sudden
six-of-ravens · 11 months
okay, a to do list while I wait for the Advil to do it's thing:
eat supper (quesadilla probably)
put the seat covers back in the car so dad can stop lecturing me about it
take coworker's tent out of the car (got myself in an awkward situation where he lent it to me and then I realized we didn't need it but by that point it was too late to say "actually no" social anxiety!) as well as the bag of to-go books and the milk crate with the washer fluid and such in it
pick up drinks
pack clothes etc
pack cooking stuff
pack propane, camping stove, sleeping stuff
make sure portable charger is charged
look up route on google maps
take some stuff downstairs so I don't have to try and carry it all down tomorrow morning
try and finish this book (really wanted to finish it before camping but. time. not enough of it.)
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