Update of soap opera of my life (this is honestly just for me to vent) so anyway my boyfriend of 4 years left me a couple months ago cause he couldn't handle emotion for like a week. But anyway remember he broke up with me right because he thinks he can become a rapper. He said I was holding him back like motherfucker I literally let you move in with me for two years cause his mom lost the house and he had nowhere else to go. This bitch the entire time said he was homeless cause he said it was my home not his. Then he finally moves out with his cousin cause him and my sister were butting heads they did not like each other. I felt bad for the cousin because my boyfriend wasn't holding down jobs cause he was entitled AF cause his grandma was rich but when she passed the aunt took all the money and he actually had to start living like a normal ass person. So he was a shopaholic and couldn't save for his life. Like as I'm typing it out I kinda feel like I dodged a bullet. But I was blinded by love cause I legitimately thought I could change this man I was in love with his personality but he did such dumb shit and had a terrible dream but damn the fucking abs and shit but anyway I'm getting away from myself. He has been calling and texting me constantly acting like the victim like he didn't break up with me. Like he didn't make me feel like I was so used and fucking hurt that his dumbass broke up with me. You see he's allergic to hard work. That's all I do. I'm a construction worker I work usually 60hrs a week and have my own home I just bought it last year I was renting it before that and he has the nerve to tell me that I have it easy that everything was just given to me. I work so hard to afford everything I have. I just feel so belittled by him. He says he wants to be friends he broke up with me like I was so hurt I felt so alone. He broke up with me the weekend after my sister's funeral. The house was so empty it was my sister and my niece in the house with me then my sister died and my niece went to live with her father I had just never felt so hurt lost alone and just rejected. I felt unlovable. And he destroyed any hope of me caring about anyone probably for the next 3 years lol. But I think I'm finally focusing on myself for the first time in a long time the sadness helps me understand priorities. At least I was smart enough not to go back. "Sadness is caused by intelligence, the more you understand certain things, the more you wish you didn't understand them." -Charles Bukowski.
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So guys update on the soap opera of my life (This is really just venting) my neighbors are nosey they are the most nosey motherfuckers in the world they lie too. Like one time they called the police on me because I "killed" my dog and threw him on the roof. Right it was a stray cat sleeping on my roof I have a German-Australian shepherd mix looks nothing like the orange cat that was on my roof sleeping, but off topic anyway they have been suspiciously quiet the last couple months. So I have my dad go over and talk to them apparently I have traumatized there youngest son cause as for mentioned my sister died a couple months ago, mind you he's like 35 40ish . So she had epilepsy and had a seizure in the tub it was fucking tragic like awfull I was the only one home and by the time I got suspicious of her being in there too long i found her and panicked after I called the police I got the neighbors son to try and help me get her out of the tub for cpr cause the dispatch person said we needed to start cpr. But he's stupid guys he took one look said "not again" and ran apparently told his whole family she had a drug overdose. I hate people like literally cannot stand anyone. But good news they'll probably never talk to me again. Sorry if it's morbid it just seems that's how my life's going at the moment.
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Guys my life could be a terrible soap opera. My sister died in my arms a couple months ago from her medical condition she was 28. The weekend after her funeral my boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me cause he thought he could do better on his music without me holding him back as he said but then still wanted to be "friends". He keeps texting and calling says he wants to be here for me after taking my heart and stomping on it. Then I found out I'm probably gonna lose my house cause me and my sister split everything and then if I do ill have to put my dog down cause he got behavior issues but he's like literally the last thing I have left. And there's so much fucking more I can't even get started my heart just hurts everything hurts. I just feel so lost and alone and everyone sucks. I kinda just wanna leave and maybe join the airforce get away from everything and everyone but I gotta lose like 60 pounds to do that and I just don't know what to do.
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