#someone with a more extroverted muse should start a trend. bring goofy asks back
darkenforcer · 19 days
2 basics, 2 canon, 2 tumblr
QUESTIONS FOR THE MUN || accepting !
How do you describe writing / rp to others?
i don't <3
...but if i had to, i'd just describe rp as an activity where people write interactions between characters-- simple as that.
What was the first muse that you’ve written?
my old sonic oc i mentioned in a previous ask! i also used to drag canon characters into the email threads, so i wouldn't be surprised if sonic was the first official character i've written. can't say for sure, though.
How far do you go with divergencies when it comes to your canon muse?
i try to keep yuri canon-compliant! it's hard when a lot of vespy's supplementary material isn't translated or readily available online, but i gobble up anything i can find. if making him bi/trans is divergent, then that's about as far as i'll go unless i'm explicitly writing an au (i'd argue bi/gay/aro-coded readings of yuri's character make complete sense, though... a rant for another day lmao).
What is your favorite canon muse?
not yuri, that's for sure (lying).
What are trends when it comes to writing that you dislike?
people making it their personal mission to format as unintelligibly as possible. whenever i see someone using different fonts, text sizes, excessive italics and bold, strikethroughs, and colored text -- all in the same post -- it's an automatic "nope" from me, sorry! if it works for them and their writing partners, that's great, i just don't wanna waste energy deciphering it lol.
What trend would you wish to see on here?
more random asks! speaking as someone who stresses himself out over the slight possibility of annoying others, i think we need to start utilizing the ask box more, even if it's just for our muse to say "'sup loser" for a quick, silly ic interaction.
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