#sorry for horridly slow fic updates eheh
akirameta84 · 9 months
Okay I could be entirely off mark when it comes to this but I need to share this anyways-
I just had this mental image of WoF Kuusuke just, worrying about his missing twin. Like, the Skywing Queen probably told him about her founding him, alone and abandoned. She probably told him that he was probably dumped in favor for a twin with more venom.
But he has access to maps. He has access to books on the various cultures of the other Dragon Races because to be an effective spy he would have to know this stuff. So he would know that no Rainwing would go that far to get rid of an unwanted child with no venom.
So that means his egg was stolen, and his missing twin is probably with their kidnappers.
Then he finally meets his twin. His twin who acts like he's never sun bathed before, and probably did. Who's grumpy and reserved and acts the opposite of attention grabbing, instead trying to hide. Who's with the Dragonets of Destiny, who also act atypical of their kind.
And Kuusuke is smart. He's smart and he's a spy. He knows how to read people.
And if that doesn't blare the alarm bells that his brother was abused, alongside his fellow Dragonets, I don't know what does.
below the cut cause its long and has spoilers for future parts of the fic
yeah kuusuke was sent on a long trip to study rainwings pretty early (with large threats should he fail to return to the sky kingdom) in order to let queen ake be more knowledgeable on a tribe shes just realizing shes lacking info on, and now that she has a rainwing under her care/command, she wants that info, and the knowledge of that venom...when he tould the queen about it in confusion, she placed easily that he must have been a rainwing twin and told him that explains why she found him abandoned, for he is venomless when he shouldnt be.
it took awhile for that to happen because kuusuke had to grow up, and until he learned that from spying on rainwings (with skywing guards also studying them, of course), him and the queen had no clue about rainwing venom. but once they did that idea is accurate
its quite fitting, considering he plays the role of a fireless skywing twin.
and so when the dragonets of destiny are discovered not too far away from the ravine he was found by, and theres a rainwing with them who has the same purple accenting patterns on his body as kuusuke when hes not disguised...kuusuke puts it together quickly, even if kusuo doesnt because kuusuke is disguised as a skywing and kusuo has no reason to believe this guard thats oddly fascinated with him isnt a skywing, let alone his supposedly dead twin
but yeah, none of the DoD act like their species...except for aren. hes prickly and prone to violence like many sandwings. the nightwing is anxious and cowardly. the mudwing cares far too much about other tribes. the seawing is scared to get her claws dirty in even the slightest manner. the rainwing is the second most violent member of the group, and falls asleep so often its obvious hes never had a sun time in his life. even the skywing queen realized that her best spy couldnt be left permanently sleep and provided him a few hours a day to sunbathe.
not to mention the fact that kusuo has been subsisting on the wrong diet his whole life (technically. but eating purely meat isnt good for rainwings, even if theyll live). again, even the skywing queen realized that she should probably let kuusuke eat what his diet requires if hes going to be in best shape
kuusuke actually decided to bring food personally to kusuo when the DoD were prisoners (much to the queens suspicion), and he was honestly downright sad that his probably maybe twin rainwing didn't even know what a watermelon was or how to eat it
love this ask. hit the mark for the au for the most part and i love talking about my aus. tysm for the ask!!
also rip kuusuke btw, he didnt get venom AND he didnt get animus magic, which is a genetic trait
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