#sorry fr vent i jst feel so sadge for no real reason other than the usual d**th panic
skunkes · 2 years
downer post below, mention of animal death (not anything detailed, just what the post is ab)
Early december my parents rescued sum pupys from danger in a very high traffic area. We got them vaccinated while we look fr a home for them. Soon after they found another pupy
He got really sick in the past two days, and passed away this morning
Im bummed out about it for no reason
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These are the only non blurry pics we cld get of him
Its less about the bond w the creacher, bc we only knew him for a month (though it was incredibly funny how he'd manage to break into our house whenever we opened the back door, to try and steal a toy frm the dog toy corner to take outside) and more the usual Can't Easily Shake Off The Feeling of "I Was Literally Just Carrying His Wiggly Body Back Outside A Few Days Ago, After Another Funny Moment Where He Managed to Get Into The House, and Now It's As if the Creacher Never Existed Bc He's Gone Forever/the Body No Longer Has Life In It" i constantly experience with any d**th or the thought of it
Oh well
Here's the other pupys that are still here. They have gotten so big in just a month.
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Idk if we'll get rid of em but we don't know what to do w em either lol......
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