#sorry if anything is written weird I had to leave like 3 seperate times and I'm not double checking if it's comprehensible LOL
powerade · 7 months
how tall are angels usually? (for each verse if thats applicable)
OMG I love questions abt my angels thank you anyway uhhhh hmm.
on average angels in what I just call "misc angels" are around 4'5 (this is stuff like waffle and lung and www) although there's exceptions like death (death is just strange in general tho)
in the verse where paperclip and sam are in their height varies similarily to humans (or uh. mortals in this case cuz it's furry world but *thumbs up* you get it) but usually on the shorter end
Lucy and Mori are both uhm. I'm not sure but they're pretty tall especially compared to all the other angel verses
fantasy verse thing (francois and santiago are notable ocs in this) uh. I don't have this thought out very much.... serenity is pretty tall but the terrors are closer to that 4'5 height
in elevatooors benny (and davit but he's a demon.) is around 4'5 too he's a little short but not an odd amount. height affects rank a little but ranks can change :) or like I guess birth rank affects height is a better way to describe it (strike is same height as benny but a higher rank than him)
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