#source I'm ch!nese
happy10thousandyears · 10 months
I think brx is Chinese bc he have that special vibe of Chinese tm despair and passive suicidalness also gaIIifreyan society is v similar to Ch!na now
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jaybarou · 4 years
From my research most countries in the world including the US will still back T*iwan sending their Navy to defend it's independence but they have to bow to China's language and can't officially acknowledge anything or risk losing trade. I'm not exactly an expert though so I may be completely misunderstanding the situation
Yeah, that’s more or less what I read, but most sources are terribly simplistic and/or biased, so trying to read between the lines is hard. I didn’t investigate the Navy deals, but trade is definitely a big threat to anyone who wants to interfere in the political landscape. I won’t even pretend to understand M*ao’s history and his dealings, but it is evident that there is a delicate situation there that should be treated with care, and if such things keep popping up in my job, I feel like my duty is to get the proper documentation to understand it. 
Hearing my boss dismiss it so easily just upset me. 
Especially because I think there is some kind of message being sent regarding the H*ng K*ng protests, like an imperialistic wink. Nothing that will be too obvious... 
The paranoia might be a strong factor there too. It is not even a big thing. The text I was translating was for a target audience of Elitist Rich Americans who love a Certain Sport, which is also a factor, of course. 
If I had access to the people the text was talking about, I’d ask them how they want to be considered, but I don’t. And I don’t like that maybe I’m saying these people are Ch*nese while they feel strongly against being considered such. 
It is complicated, but I’m reading on it. And if someone were to point me out in the direction of different sources or first-hand experiences, I’d be glad to learn. 
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