El impacto del Cambio Climático en el Café.
¡Hola Clase! Hoy, nosotros hablaremos sobre el café en Latinoamérica. Muchas personas en todo el mundo les gusta el café, pero las mismas personas no saben que el cambio climático podría destruirlo. El café es una de los productos más importantes que se producen en América del Sur. La región es la mayor productora de café del mundo. Brasil es el numero uno, y produce cinco mil millones libras. También, Colombia produce dos mil milliones libras de café. Las países en América del Sur tiene un gran cantidad de café porque el clima cálido y húmedo de Centro y Sudamérica es ideal para cultivar el café. También, los granos de Arábica crecen bien en regiones montañosos y muchos países en latinoamerica tienen las montañas. Adicionalmente, muchos países beben mucho café; Brasil y Mexicó consumen 24 millones de sacos de café cada año. El café es integral de América del Sur y Central, tanto para los agricultores como para la gente normal que lo bebe.
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Desafortunadamente, el cambio climático tiene un impacto terrible en la producción de café en Latinoamérica. El WWF dijo: "El clima de América Latina está cambiando. Los patrones de precipitación están cambiando, las temperaturas están aumentando y algunas áreas están experimentando cambios en la frecuencia y severidad de los fenómenos climáticos extremos, como lluvias intensas. Los impactos van desde el derretimiento de los glaciares andinos hasta inundaciones devastadoras y sequías." La mayoría de los efectos reportados del cambio climático sobre la producción de café fueron negativos. Estos incluyeron la reducción de las áreas adecuadas para la producción de café, la reducción de los ingresos y el bienestar de los agricultores y el aumento de las infestaciones que reducieron la calidad del café. Las investigaciones sugieren que las temperaturas superiores a 86 °F podrían provocar anomalías en la planta del café. Las temperaturas en América del Sur se dispararon por encima de los 104 °F en gran parte de Brasil, Paraguay, Bolivia y Argentina a finales del invierno de 2023. Según Reuters, el cambio climático hizo fue el causa de este evento.
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El aumento de las temperaturas no es el efecto único del cambio climático para los productores de café. Otros efectos son las tormentas y sequías que también tienen un efecto en el cultivo del café. Como explicó un agricultor: “Las sequías debilitaron la cosecha de café nicaragüense en 2016 y 2017, y el suelo más seco de lo habitual hizo que cuando lloviera, en realidad dañara las plantas.” Estos efectos del cambio climático volvieron a las fincas cafetaleras de América Central en 2020 cuando dos huracanes, Eta e Iota, azotaron Centroamérica.
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Gustavo Patiño, un productor de café en Colombia, explicó que muchas fincas más pequeñas cercanas de él había cerrado. Gustavo describió que no era sostenible tener una finca de tamaño mediano cuando, al final, es posible que te paguen menos por su café que tus gastos. Patiño dijo “nuestra finca sólo puede sobrevivir porque ofrecemos tours y vendemos nuestro café a los turistas”. Muchos productores de café en Colombia han comenzado a cultivar otro tipo de alimentos en un esfuerzo por diversificar sus fincas. Tristemente, el futuro para estos productores no sería bien. Una estudia desde 2019 dijo que el cambio climático reducirá la superficie mundial apta para el café en aproximadamente un 50 por ciento en todos los escenarios de emisiones. Desafortunadamente, muchos de los pequeños agricultores, cuyas familias han cultivado el grano de café durante generaciones, enfrentarán el mayor desafío debido a las dificultades del cambio climático.
Si te gusto este entrada sobre café, deberías leer el blog de Ethan y Zoe: Gastronomia y Turismo. Habla de comida y de su relación con el turismo. ¡Gracias por leer!
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jxxbermudez · 3 years
Paraguay Breakfast Meal Traditions
Some traditional breakfast meals in Paraguay are:
-cocido (a type of maté with cooked sugar and milk)
-bread and butter
-rolls or pastries.
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Whether the family eats together or alone, that usually depends on the region and family. Sometimes they only eat what they can/have and don’t necessarily eat as a family all on 1 table.
source: https://elearn.fiu.edu/e-dev/WorldExplorer/Customs/South%20America/Paraguay.htm
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friedrag · 3 years
Landslides and Triggers
Landslides and triggers 
There are many types of natural disasters all over the world. From volcanic eruption to severe storms, though not everyone of those are treated equally, and not every type of disaster is seen in all parts of the world. Some natural disasters can trigger another, like how earthquakes can trigger a volcanic eruption. Landslides, which plague South America, are usually this type which needs a trigger in order for it to occur which allows it to be easily ignored so It can cause a disaster later. The purpose of this blog is to understand the capabilities a landslide might impose and how it can be triggered or how landslides could trigger other natural disasters. 
Where you see them occur.
There are many factors that are required for a landslide to occur, Firstly topography, which is landslides, doesn't typically occur  in the Great Plains in the United States, a landslide needs to be in hills, mountains, cliffs; Basically a change in topography, which is not created equal across the world. South America is a place full of topography, from the hillious place of northern South America to the Andes Mountains in the south. Because of this, many towns and cities are built around hills and mountains, like Vargas, Venezuela (and my grandmother's old house) (Veblen et al, 2015). Though those mountains and hills won’t break apart by itself. Landslides are concentrated in the tropics, dependent on other natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes and other potential triggers like mining. Though landslides on average have small global death tolls compared to other natural disasters, around 600 per year compared to earthquakes 10,000 per year, it has potential to be extremely deadly (Alexander, 2018).
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A global map describing where landslides occur between 2004 to 2016. 
Petley. D., Mapping global landslides. AGU,   Available from https://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/2018/08/28/mapping-global-landslides/ 
  What can trigger a landslide.
How do other factors like water or earthquakes cause landslides? Earthquakes are more obvious due to their nature; they shake the ground which cause the earth, soil and rocks to move around, making mountains and hills easy to rip apart. Though the process involving water is more complex. When it comes to it, it is due to large amounts of precipitation, a luxury that South America possess (Vera, 2006) either a large amount of water flooding allowing water to sip and slip through the cracks allowing easy distortion of the earth or hard hitting water through cyclones or torrential rain, both of which are common in South America, though it is not a simple cause and effect scenario, other factors like elevation affect the severity and outcomes (Crosta, 2008).
Why it matters, and examples.
Because of climate change natural disasters as a whole have been dramatically increasing with the global yearly average death toll to be around 250,000 per year, 95% of which are located in third world countries (Alexander, 2018) The 600 deaths in landslides may seem insignificant compared to the total, but that is because they are rarer in nature and it requires pre existing rock, which after an incident may not be possible (or much less likely) in the same place again. Another thing that makes it differ from other disasters is that unlike storms, they usually occur without warning, giving people little time to prepare. For example in 1987 in columbia a landslide occurred that was considered small, though because of its fast appearance 217 people died and 80 homes were destroyed because of an oil well pierced through the rock; Or in Ecuador at the same year where due to the combination of a heavy period of rain and 2 earthquakes near a hillious area northeast of ecuador caused a chain reaction of a landslide, which caused flooding, which caused an oil pipeline destroyed causing wastage, the results was 1 billion dollars (of US dollars unchanged for inflation) and an estimated 1000 death (Schuster, 2002)
A worst case event.
Though the reason this took such interest in me is because how damaging it could really be. In december of 1999 heavy torrential rain caused the mountain behind a city in Vargas, Venezuela to collapse and destroy most of the city, synergizing with the rain causing a flood around the city. It is reported that about 30,000 people died in the incident, called the Vargas tragedy.  8000 residential buildings along with 700 apartment buildings were destroyed. (Wieczorek, 2001) Though this shows a worse case scenario on how deadly landslides can be, people are the ones that can determine that depending on where they choose to live, and because of that it is widely ignored in South America. 
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The aftermath of the vargas tragedy 
Risk Management at the Latin American Observatory - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Aerial-view-of-Caraballeda-Vargas-state-Venezuela-after-mudslides-and-debris-flows_fig8_231814643
It is important to know where you are building and the difficulties it presents, though this is mainly to talk about landslides, you should also prepare for all the natural disasters the area can pose and how that can chain to other natural disasters. The reason Vargas was so deadly besides the suddenness is due to the fact that they build so close to a mountain, and a chainball effect occurred, rain causing a landslide, causing a deadly flood. It is not a large problem in the United States, but many people while looking for new homes and places to live look for the types of hazards that could cause damage to their residence, and alongside floods, heavy rain, and storms should look at the surrounding area to see if landslides could become a potential hazard
Work cited
Alexander, D. (2018). Natural disasters. Routledge.
Crosta, G. B., & Frattini, P. (2008). Rainfall‐induced landslides and debris flows. Hydrological Processes: An International Journal, 22(4), 473-477.
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/hyp.6885?casa_token=MBbiBFAJjG4AAAAA:Ww3ECtwnmNyHSYuan4tLewwvrwa7gYE7Go_2lMeaxqlXMO4y-pK7O cyL9e-lOHh68hm6TqARvzLy8
Carrssel D., Risk Management at the Latin American Observatory - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: 
Petley. D., Mapping global landslides. AGU,   Available from 
Schuster, R. L., Salcedo, D. A., & Valenzuela, L. (2002). Overview of catastrophic landslides of South America in the twentieth century. Catastrophic landslides: effects, occurrence, and mechanisms, 15, 1-33.
Veblen, T. T., Young, K. R., & Orme, A. R. (Eds.). (2015). The physical geography of South America. Oxford University Press.
Vera, C., Silvestri, G., Liebmann, B., & González, P. (2006). Climate change scenarios for seasonal precipitation in South America from IPCC‐AR4 models. Geophysical research letters, 33(13). 
Wieczorek, G. F., Larsen, M. C., Eaton, L. S., Morgan, B. A., & Blair, J. L. (2001). Debris-flow and flooding hazards associated with the December 1999 storm in coastal Venezuela and strategies for mitigation (No. 2001-144).
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kevinwillpkgd · 4 years
South America,
[Colombia, Chile Venezuela Brazil Bolivia Paraguay] churches burn, riots, elections, unrest.
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theislandkid · 4 years
Colonial Urbanism
The Colonial Period is a dark time in the history of the Americas. The long term effects of the Spanish conquest on Latin America was nothing short of catastrophic. Since the arrival of the Spaniards, the natives of Meso and South America suffered greatly from disease, war, and enslavement. In fact, it is estimated that parts of the Incan empire had “suffered a population decline ratio of 58:1 during the years of 1520–1571” ( “Spanish Conquest of Peru”, Wikipedia). From the constant exploitation of the Spaniards, arose the beginning of Colonial Urbanism. There are three major principles that this blog post will primarily focus on:
Race Relation
The “Urban Grid”
These principles will illustrate and denote how European imperialism had drastically changed Ancient Latin America in its favor and created the current cities we are familiar with in this age.
Race Relation
By definition, race relations is the “relations between members or communities of different races within one country” (sourced from google). This is referring to the relationships between the Spanish and the indigenous people of Latin America. In short, the Spaniards were typically not welcomed. There were many differences between the two races, but the biggest difference was religion. Religion in the early history of the Americas, was one of the Spaniards biggest reasons behind their conquests. During the first Spanish and Incan encounters, the Incan Emperor Atahualpa was handed a breviary to “ascertain his receptiveness to Christianity” (Cohen-Aponte, 2018). Since the Incas had no prior knowledge of Christianity, Atahualpa supposedly threw the book to the ground. This was perceived as sacrilege, which “provided the conquistadors with justification for ambushing the city and taking Atahualpa as their captive” (Cohen-Aponte, 2018). After seizing Cuzco in 1533, the city had undergone massive changes, and its citizens would face years of discrimination and injustice.
Religion not only led to the fall of Latin American Empires, but was also responsible for the conformism that took place in its cities. Cuzco is one of the many cities that underwent such change. After seizing Cuzco in 1533, christian missionaries were sent shortly after to proselytize the natives. This meant that churches were necessary. At the heart of Cuzco, was the most sacred shrine of the Incas; The Qorikancha. The Spaniards had torn down the temple and built upon it the Church of Santa Domingo. The architectural and artistic detail behind this church is completely colonial, with construction and masonry of a higher grade than the Incas. The only remains of the Qorikancha is its masonry foundation. 
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Inca masonry remains of the Qorikancha. (Image sourced from smarthistory.org)
The once renowned and sacred shrine had its luxurious parts “converted into a bullion and shipped to Spain” (“Cuzco”, Britannica, 2016). The act of removing the original structure, yet keeping its foundation, was conducted on all the remaining Incan structures. This is symbolic of the racial hybridity that occurred in Latin America, where the interlacing of Spanish and Native Latin Americans created the mestizo. 
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Casta Painting of Mestizo children with their parents. (Image sourced from smarthistory.org)
However, hybridity in Latin America didn’t apply solely to race, but also to its architectural practices. As mentioned previously, when Cuzco was taken, the Spaniards had kept the foundations of the Inca structures and built upon it with their own buildings. This was the same unfortunate fate that the Aztec City; Tenochtitlan, was doomed to face. 
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Inca stone foundations of Spanish structures. (Image sourced from britannica.com)
Architectural hybridity in Latin America also revolved around religion. After all, the task of the stationed missionaries there was to convert the natives into Christianity. One of the solutions to this task was to organize the “local indigenous communities around monastic centers” (“Architecture of Mexico”, Wikipedia, 2020). In architectural terms, this meant erecting churches nearby the locals with “features such as the open chapel and atriums” (“Architecture of Mexico”, Wikipedia, 2020).
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Mérida Cathedral, one of the first churches in Latin America. (Image sourced from wikipedia.org)
These churches not only served as a religious infrastructure, but also became areas where the natives “could learn various arts and trades as well as European social customs and the Spanish language, obtain medical treatment, and even hold funerals” (Architecture of Mexico”, Wikipedia, 2020.) Over the years, these buildings have spread across of what is now Mexico City. These buildings were “created under the supervision of the Catholic friars, was done in the “tequitqui style, which originated in the architectural stone carving and decorative painting practiced by their ancestors before the Spanish conquest” (Architecture of Mexico”, Wikipedia, 2020.)
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Cross statue designed in the tequitqui style. (Image sourced from google images)
Urban Grid
From the very beginning, Spanish urban planning was always based on a grid plan, “with its characteristic large central plaza dominated by a church” (“The City Latin America, Encyclopedia, 2020). Even before their expeditions to western world, Spain had these attributes established in their own cities. One Spanish city that had a defined urban grid was Barcelona. 
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Modern day Barcelona, with La Sagrada Familia. (Image sourced from vox.com)
Initially, Barcelona began and has always remained, “a bounded and compressed city” with walls that “hemmed the city in and ensured that its residents are crammed tightly together” (Roberts, 2019). It is also a city that is “constructed by central planners” (Roberts, 2019) which is distinguished by the large centered church, La Sagrada Familia.
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Original urban grid and layout of Barcelona. (Image sourced from vox.com)
Ironically, Ancient Latin America also followed a grid, although it wasn’t as defined in some empires like the Incas. The Aztecs on the other hand, did follow a defined grid in their city of Tenochtitlan. Tenochtitlan had a central plaza, with significant monolithic temples to define its urban grid. 
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Urban grid and layout of Tenochtitlan. (Image sourced from google images)
After the fall of the Aztecs, Spanish towns with colonial architecture were built on top of the destroyed Aztec city, and became what we know today as Mexico city. Because of the city’s geometric organization, “regularized towns met the needs of the army, church, and state bureaucracy as they provided a framework for administrative efficiency, political control, and Christian indoctrination” (“The City Latin America, Encyclopedia, 2020). 
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reveluciondebelleza · 4 years
El sufrimiento de mujeres (física y mental) en la fuerza de trabajo
Bienvenidos de vuelta!
Espero que ustedes hayan disfrutado el blog de nuestras de antes! Para esto, nosotros solamente vamos a hablar sobre dos tipos de trabajos disponibles para mujeres. En la fuerza de trabajo, mujeres se tratando diferente en muchos lugares. Desafortunadamente, este puede resultar en el sufrimiento mental o físico. Los dos trabajas que nosotros hablamos sobre son medelismo y trabaja sexual. Los dos trabajos son impactan mal por la media. Trabajador sexual que es ilegal en algunos lugares de latinoamérica y ha resultado en estándares que ha resultado en un ambiente con inseguro con mucha violencia y sufrimiento físico. Que lo hace peor es como la media y la silencia sobre estas problemas contribuyen a la problema. Sobre trabajadores sexuales, ellos son un intercection de los demograficos de mujeres, los podres, personas de color, y personas en a communidad de LGBT. A ser un trabajador sexual significa tener la profesión más antigua del mundo. Pero esto no significa que el posision no tiene mucho peligro y una falta de protección y comprensión. Una cosa que perpetúa este problema es como la media representa personas en esta profesión.
En modelismo, la representación de mujeres en media y los estándares de belleza crean mal expectaciones sobre el trabajo del modelismo, que ha resultado en el sufrimiento mental a muchas mujeres. Los dos tipos de trabajos tienen estigmas peligrosos que pueden afectar las vidas de mujeres en caminos horribles. Trabajos sexuales, hay poco protección para estos trabajadores. Sin embargo, una cosa difícil a comprender la magnitud de la problema es que porque prostitucion es ilegal, es cerca de impossible a tener números exacto sobre trabajadores sexuales. Si nos no sabemos como grande la problema es, es dificil a tener la nivel de empatía que es necesario en esta situación. Este invisibilidad de los trabajadores sexuales es un parte de la violencia que ellos experience. Cuando ellas protestan para sus derechos, ellas son asesinados con impunidad, como Angélica Miriam Quintanilla de El Salvador. La problema en Latino America es que muchos veces, la policía no considera la violencia a trabajadores sexuales a ser una crima. Esto significa que hay menos castigos para personas que hieran trabajadores sexuales. Es más probable que si una prostituta va a la policía, ellos arrestan ella y no investigar la problema. Muchas veces, las personas que perpetúan este violencia, son las policías! Cerca de 80% de trabajadores en Latino América experimenta violencia en sus vidas.
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Esto también se puede decir para los modelos. En la industria de moda, hay un específico tipo de mujeres que la industria quiere mostrar. Mujeres que son altos pero flacos y tiene una cara “bonita”. Aunque este es ligeramente diferente, no hay protección contra el efecto mental a los modelos. Para muchos modelos, limitando lo que tú comes y haciendo ejercicio es una manera para mantener un trabajo y las ofertas de trabajo.
  El ideal estándar para un cuerpo a menudo conduce a los trastornos alimentarios. Este es evidente en la América del Sur donde no hay mucho esfuerzo para luchar contra los trastornos alimentarios. Por ejemplo en la ciudad de Medellín en Colombia, 18 por ciento de la adolescente tiene un trastorno alimenticio como bulimia y anorexia nerviosia. En Brasil, donde la industria de moda es muy prevalente, cerca dos por ciento personas sufren de anorexia y cuatro por ciento sufren de un BED (un trastorno compulsivo). La industria de moda promueven un tipo de cuerpo que no es sano para personas. Pienso que este es muy triste. La industria de moda sabe la afecta de este tipo de estándar tiene en mujeres, pero no tiene nada cambió para mejor. El impacto en las vidas de las modelas es muy peligroso y ha resultado en la muerte de muchas mujeres.
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  En 2006, Ana Carolina Reston, una persona de 21 años de edad en la industria de moda, se murió de la anorexia nerviosa. Ella era una persona amada en Brasil y su muerte hacer noticias internacionales. Ella habla sobre la naturaleza de la industria, donde mujeres están en comparación a otros todo el tiempo, trabajan para muchas horas, y muchas veces no tienen una sistema de apoyo de sus agencias.
  Para mi, yo puedo ver los efectos mentales que la industria de moda tiene en las vidas de las adolescentes. Lauren tenga una amiga, que está probando a ser un modelos. Ella ha sido rechazado a trabajos porque ella “no es suficiente alto”. Cuando ella dijo este a mi, estado un poco enojado. Como puedes decir este a algo? Una persona no puede controlar su estatura y por un momento ella tenía inseguridad sobre su estatura. Su hubiera sido ella en este situación, habría sido muy triste. La industria de moda necesita cambiar. Pero, es una idea falsa que esta violencia significa que las trabajas de modelismo o sexuales es la problema fundamental, la problema es la sistema que permite y perpetúa esta violencia. Es imperitivo que nos diminuimos el estigma sobre trabajo sexual a tener mas protection para la personas quien estan en esta situacion, y necesitamos cambiar las estandares de belleza que poner modelos en peligro. Sin comprehension y conversaciones sobre las temas, sería más fácil a olvidar las luchas que enfrentan. Con menos estigma y más leyes a proteger trabajadores sexual, será posible para victimas a tener justicia y ayuda cuando ellos experience violencia. Con más representación de mujeres saludables en la industria de moda, podemos disminuir mucho de los peligros de la industria. Sin un cambio más y más mujeres van a sufrir a cosas mentales. Es obvio que mujeres, no solamente en las industrias están susceptibles al sufrimiento mental. Nosotros necesitamos un cambio.
Lauren y Sonja 
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dalepwithchari · 7 years
Buy some great High Tech products from WithCharity.org #All Profits go to Charity
 Dear Silicon Valley,  You used to be the envy of the world. Over the last decade I’ve seen countless cities try to become you, from the Silicon Savannah to the Silicon Bayou. At last year’s Global Entrepreneurship Summit on Stanford’s campus, hundreds of entrepreneurs from Mongolia to South Sudan came to listen to President Obama and Mark Zuckerberg and get a touch of… Read More [Read More …]
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Global Yacht Engine Market
The report forecast global Yacht Engine market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2025 due to coronavirus situation. The report offers detailed coverage of Yacht Engine industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Yacht Engine by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Yacht Engine market for 2015-2024. And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify Yacht Engine according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Yacht Engine company.
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) : Part 1: Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region Part 2: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc. Part 3: Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography Part 4: Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 5: Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 6: North America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 7: South America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 8: Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 9: Market Features Part 10: Investment Opportunity Part 11: Conclusion
Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru] Key Companies MTU Caterpillar MAN Cummins Volvo Penta SCANIA Mase Generator Nanni Industries Onan Fischer Panda WhisperPower Westerbeke Lombardini Marine Sole Diesel Northern Lights COELMO MARINE VETUS Market by Type 250KW to 600 KW 601KW to1200KW 1201KW to 3000KW 3001kW to 7000KW Above 7000KW Market by Application General Yacht Displacement Yacht Performance Yacht Others
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Global High Frequency High Pressure Discharge Ozone Generator
The report forecast global High Frequency High Pressure Discharge Ozone Generator market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2025 due to coronavirus situation. The report offers detailed coverage of High Frequency High Pressure Discharge Ozone Generator industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading High Frequency High Pressure Discharge Ozone Generator by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography. First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global High Frequency High Pressure Discharge Ozone Generator market for 2015-2024. And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]. At the same time, we classify High Frequency High Pressure Discharge Ozone Generator according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application. Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading High Frequency High Pressure Discharge Ozone Generator company.
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) : Part 1: Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region Part 2: Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc. Part 3: Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography Part 4: Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 5: Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 6: North America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 7: South America Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 8: Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography Part 9: Market Features Part 10: Investment Opportunity Part 11: Conclusion
Market Segment as follows: By Region Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia] Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland] North America[United States, Canada, Mexico] Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa] South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru] Key Companies OZONIA (Suez) Wedeco (Xylem) Mitsubishi Electric Toshiba Primozone Metawater Ozono Elettronica Internazionale MKS Oxyzone DEL ESCO lnternational Qingdao Guolin Industry Newland EnTech Koner Taixing Gaoxin Jiuzhoulong Tonglin Technology Hengdong Sankang Envi-tech Market by Type Water Cooling Type Wind Cooling Type Market by Application Potable Water Treatment Industrial Wastewater Treatment Municipal Wastewater Treatment Gas Disinfection
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keycomicbooks · 6 years
Captain America Dead Men Running
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#CaptainAmerica #DeadMenRunning #1 (2002) #DerekHess Cover & #DanijelZezelj Pencils, #DarkoMacan Story When Captain America responds to a distress call originating from the South American jungle, he discovers a team of U.S. soldiers and group of refugees on the run not just from their common enemy, but from justice itself. Attempting to stay one step ahead of his pursuers, the Super Soldier confronts several troubling questions: What should you do when you discover that the actions of those you are protecting fly in the face of everything you believe? What do you do when you're suddenly an icon of forgotten times, a symbol of ideals no longer revered? And if you're Captain America, how do you keep going - especially if a shield and a strong right cross can no longer save the day?  http://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Captain%20America%20Dead%20Men%20Running.html
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