#sp*derman is cool bc he’s sp*derman and is unfortunately forever stuck in this Peter Pan like narrative
hinasho · 2 years
Smthg I really really love is how Ryan Coogler mixes art and violence. I cant speak too much of recent marvel movies as I’ve fallen off quite a bit. But of the ones I’ve seen, most of them portray action and fight scenes as just that, action and fight scenes. Most if not all of the artistic expression is done through color scheme, setting, superpower special effects or etc. but watching Wakanda Forever, RC reminded me that movement and action itself can be beautiful.
The Talokans introduction is them defending their territory, not through elaborate espionage from the shadows or by an explosive dash onto the US ship. But by song. Beautiful soft melodious song that, without having to lift a finger, lured swarms of enemies overboard simply bc of how enchanting it was. Another scene, Shuri, with the help of one of the Dora Milaje (I believe Ayo but I’m not certain) swinging along the side of the ship in a move reminiscent of elegant trapeze artists.
Like so much in the movie was just gorgeous and the fact that RC expresses beauty in every corner of it was wonderful to see.
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