#speaking of i need to finish dd so i can play soj and see MAYA AGAIN!!!!!!!! and also FINALLY be able to start following people
lorillee ยท 9 months
Simon and Athena for the duo bingo (I know you haven't played SoJ yet but just based on DD)
ok i am SO so very sorry this took so long to answer . to be honest there have been like 57 concurrent Incidents in my life and i have been severely lacking in the emotional energy to do anything at all. but things have finally calmed down a bit so HERE WE GO !!!!
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wasted potential box hit because of my eternal frustrations with aa5 on two different points: 1) i know that because of the way the case is structured its impossible to do it this way but to be honest i wish that the player character for the final case was athena instead of phoenix because like obviously without athena simon totally 100000% would have been executed but i feel like it wouldve come across stronger if it was more of a turnabout goodbyes situation (not 1:1 obviously, but still) except with athena & simon . like come on we're already establishing athena as a direct parallel to phoenix re: "i went to law school to save somebody important to me" and then you dont even let her properly do that ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜” honestly i think its a phenomenal shame they didnt actually capitalize on that more regarding her relationship with phoenix but WHATEVERRRR and 2) the irrelevancy of the phantom's identity to the core conflict of the case, among everything else, also severely undermines the main emotional thread of the relationship between the cykes & the blackquills imo and all of this could be vastly improved by making aura the phantom . but that is an essay for ANOTHER TIME !!! ha aha. ha. sigh. anyways
simon is VERY much the kind of character that you absolutely need to pair off with an opposite of some sort because he's so . extremely. something . that it works SPECTACULARLY well (think: athena, bobby, jinxie) and im so happy that the aa creators have assigned athena as his certified weirdgirl little sister its everything to me. actually this bit from his testimony still makes me insane its so cute
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since aa5 kind of cheaped out on giving me the family soap opera messy feelings melodrama of my dreams at least in aa6 ill be able to get my stupid siblings fluff and i am TREMENDOUSLY excited for it i cannot wait to watch them bounce off each other in a much more casual context and if i dont get this i am GOING to cry im gonna be so sad my life will be ruined . my dream is for simon to be exactly and prickly and obnoxious as he was in aa5 and to make his stupid jokes that absolutely nobody thinks are funny except for him and athena to make fun of him for them and drag him around to do whatever dumb thing she wants to do today and he'll pretend to be grumpy about it but he would 10000% kill and die for her and they both know it
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