#special mention to that time in gaim when zack got all up in micchi's personal space for literally no reason
momolatch · 7 years
give me ur top 5 Gay Scenes from neo-hensei
Woo boy here we go
1. Anything Philip and Shotaro ever did but man that scene in the penultimate episode where they have to de-henshin and Philip knows it’s time, he has to go, and Shotaro is bawling like a baby and pretending he’s not… Bye. That was equal parts gay and heartbreaking.
2. In OOO when Goto was crying over Date thinking he was dead and then Date woke up like ‘sike’ and Goto looked like he didn’t know if he wanted to punch Date or kiss him.
3. In Ghost when Alain finally called Makoto by his name instead of ‘Specter’ and Takeru smiled fondly and gayly as he watched them
4. The flashback in Gaim where Takatora and Ryoma meet for the first time and Takatora shows understanding of Ryoma’s research and Ryoma’s face is like he’s thinking “oh I can’t not fuck him”. (*I think this was in Gaiden but my memory is shit so who knows)
5. Nitoh’s best friend giving him his necklace as a token of their bond & appreciation in Wizard… Idk why I’m remembering this now but it was GOOD.
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