#spring has sprung & summer is slowly creeping in <3
idealistesworld · 2 years
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jeff3 · 5 years
Haiku Birthday
J.D. Hayes-Canell
The girl with eyes akimbo
keeps her face aimed at the floor
Pigeon toed on knocking knees
she crab walks towards the door
The Party’s Over
Pumpkins smashed upside down in a ditch
X-mas trees brown at the end of driveways
Dried turkey skeletons for everyone.
Eggshells dyed in the trash
Crumpled valentines skitter in the wet wind
Past the charred firecracker corpses and sparklers black and barren.
Everyone has gone home
there’s the trash to take out.
Ethereal Espresso
I live vicariously as you, in sweat and heterosex.
Beat ghosts lie upon the pages snapping phantom fingers
chanting “Cool, cool”.
They sip ethereal espresso and groove jazz
while you and Kerouak trade lies in a duel
like sex.
Reptile Season
It’s the night, x-mas time.
The city sheds it drab grey skin 
and breaks out in livid spots.
Warm wind caressing
Brings the scent of coming rain
Robins herald Spring. 
You wake, stretch and yawn
So today is your birthday
Different but the same. 
I write without ink on no paper 
I read a book with no pages
I call on a phone with no dial, no buttons. 
What is reality?
Blossom scented breeze
New green of young grass growing
My backyard in Spring. 
Words. Nothing but words
Convey all meaning, mine, yours,
A haiku birthday. 
For Marie, Patricia, Seth and Marci
This spring has come with no green. 
It is barren dust and somber ash watered by a harsh bitter rain. 
Wilted blossoms and rank weeds greet my steps, crows utter curses rough and jagged to my ears. 
Disney Life
I don't lead a Disney life
Filled with twittering birds
And animate inanimate objects. 
I don't have it like Peter Pan
Sitting out adulthood on a whim
Waiting for the tick-tock of adventure to start. 
But I've wished upon a star. 
What We Wanted For You
(For Ryan)
A time ago, when we were young 
We smiled and planned. 
We were going to feed you on laughter
We were going to pour you glasses of knowledge, all that we knew. 
We were children then, 
Knowing only what we knew of life, 
Wanting to give it all to you,
Wanting you to join in the fun that was our world. 
That is what we wanted for you, the madness & the love,
The mayhem & the laughs. 
Only you know if we succeeded. 
Table Exiting the Long Room
You called me one day 
To say you were dying. 
Don't cry, you said
I won't I said. 
I didn't. Not then, not yet. 
I wanted to, but I'm waiting. 
Ray scattered your ashes in
I know the place, it's where I plan to cry
It's where I will remember 
your laugh
Your love
Your heart
That crooked smile you had when you were up to something
The look on your face when you would knock on my door
Asking to stay because whatever
Woman you were with had kicked you out again. 
Wish you were still here
so I could say hi just one more time. 
Day After
It's the day after Sandy 
New York is powerless
New Jersey is scandalous 
Upstate we're watching the winds feeling the rain 
but the lights are still on. 
Snow piles behind the panes
Kept at bay by walls and propane. 
Rocking sleepy in my chair,
Cat lapped, cozy in my sweater. 
On tv scenes of beach sand 
awash in seawater & weeds
Beside me tropical plants doze in their pots. 
 There are moments in life when we are capable of anything...
The body at the bottom of the stairs. 
Death Came Visiting in May. 
Saw some of my friends, 
called on some of my relatives. 
He turned no one down, 
snubbed neither the poor nor middle class,
Grinned as he passed us by to give my brother in law his last ride. 
I hope he goes elsewhere for his summer vacation.
Music in my Clothes Seems like Saturday Night.  
I was so possible that I had to be built on incomprehensibility. 
I do not panic...I smile. 
Butterfly Storms
My soul is taut, it needs to bend and flow, to expand and contract, to fly free and to rest gently. 
It yearns to skip lightly through the aether, gathering the whims and hopes, the ghosts of dreams unfulfilled 
billowing out, blessing all with peace and love. 
Cat hair & Dust bunnies. 
Lying on the valley floor with wheeling stars above
Rain touching feather soft the grass
Tell him I asked, I asked you why
The only answer: the rain. 
By The Light Of A Robot's Eyes
I hold a virtual image of you in my mind but it fades, pixel by pixel. my heart yearns to hang on yearns to hold on to wisps, to fog.   
In the silent dusk my mind slowly draws to a close.
Always Kiss Me Goodnight
There are times you drive me virtually mad
With all the craziness you do. 
There are times you are so furious you lose control and rant from the insanity of my life. 
But when you're gone. 
When the dust settles. 
When the silence falls. 
And all I've ever wanted was for you to shut up for five minutes!
I miss you more than anyone,
more than anything
and though I know how to live alone
I can't bear it without you.
Hotel Kitchen @ One am. 
Ralph Kramden Was a Bus Driver
Thusly we come to know
That some doors remain forever closed 
and we are held bound to our fate 
By chains we forged with pieces of our souls. 
I'm just passing through
You're just passing through 
It's how we live
How we are
Passing through time, space the lives of those we meet
The things we think are real are transient 
The things we think are solid are dust.
Liquid flows
Time flows
And we are fascinated by the firelight shadows on the cavern's wall.   201404.13
A clear voice that sprung from silence sorrow shame
A voice which gave hope love and peace to many
A voice which encouraged never scorned
A voice of freedom and compassion
A voice as clear as hope
A voice as strong as love
Has drifted softly into silence once more. 
First Day
Summer wind paper napkin plastic bag dance swirling pirouettes about each other, about the sidewalk, about my feet. 
Walking down the hill I join the dance. 
Dance of the Lightening Bugs
It's no secret
How the universe turns
It's no marvel to me why life must spin
and spin and spin
Rumpelstiltskin super novas blossom as they whirl and I, 
I long to cry. 
Where Did The Words Go
Out of mouths through the ears and away
We wasted time wasted breath wasted life with words
Let them twist us turn us scorch us burn us
Let them touch us bathe us help us save us
Life and time molded distance carved caverns
Perhaps they fled there. 
Staying Strangers
Alone together
How we travel through our lives cocooned in iPads iPods 
Idontwanttoknow, selfmusic 
selfmovies selfphones selfish 
Insulated from the now
From each other 
from life. 
Thrown together by happenstance 
By circumstance by chance
We retreat hibernate
Back away from all of us
And into ourselves. 
It will come to no good. 
Watching Shakespeare on TV
The commons chatter aimlessly 
While culture and wisdom play before them content in its own self showing no ego in its teaching, ever teaching by its own example
And still the hairless monkeys jabber. 
Soft Dog
When I die 
all the things that I have gathered
Will be scattered to the winds
All the kisses I have known 
Will blow away Never to return
And all that I have said or done 
Shall pass into memories
Held in a drawer
Or a book. 
When you die
All the things that you have gathered 
Will scatter
And no one will ever know
How you felt today. 
Tender is the time
  We spend just lying side by side
Nowhere to go, no place to be     
  But where we are. 
Softly our two hearts
  Beating in time to the song of our souls
Open to each other, and we smile
  Because we are one. 
Soon our time is spent
  We slip apart, away and back to normal
A small ache for the parting hour
And our tender times. 
Summer thunder crashes taking the ears by storm hissing cats and dogs fall pouncing on the ground making puddles lightening squalls across the sky black cloudy growls slowly fade and soon the mice come out to play. 
My new shoes feel good 
I like how they hold my feet.
A year from now they’ll be old shoes,
And I will have forgotten
How they felt
In the days of the old shoes
Way back when I used to wake up early mornings 
When weekends were like Christmas and summer lasted forever
When we were good guys or bad guys and our heroes were on tv
When problems were small things that grown-ups could solve
And kisses made it all better.
When did those days slip into greater worries, into times of grey
With nothing clear or sure.
No going back, no returns, no panacea for the soul
Just a voice, a fading echo which claims “You’re it.”
My soul longs for the peace of a monastery 
The whispers of the hermit’s cave.
It calls out in silent plea for solace from the din, parting from the throng.
But I don’t know where to turn, how to take that step
And I’m afraid to be alone.
Things his mother made;
Christmas things made by a loving hand for her son.
She’s long since passed away but he held those memories close.
Now he is gone as well, unexpectedly pulled from my life and all I have are memories
And these things his mother made
I’m tired of the sorrow and the sadness
The explosive burst of tears and the creeping clutch of emptiness.
I don’t know why you had to go,
I will never know
You were always full of love and I was not
I never stopped guarding my heart against this very thing
I never stopped building walls against this very day 
And when it happened
When the end for you came
The barriers melted, the walls crumbled 
and all they kept out was you
I was looking at our garden today.
I know its winter and everything is brown.
But between the deer and the rabbits
They killed the growing dreams we had; the roses, the willow tree.
I laughed when you brought it home
“We live on a sand dune” I said, “A willow won’t grow here.”
But it did, for the whole of spring and summer it survived.
But not this winter, very little survived this winter.
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