#srsly this is the most passive aggresive shit ever this is like
pastadoughie · 5 months
u r 16 , i hope u come to a more nuanced and intelligent pov when you grow up
did you know : the way that ppl get more nuanced opinions is by having respectful arguements with people and hearing other perspectives, sending an ask saying "ur opinion is bad" with zero elaboration is not helpful or constructive, as i have said previously im open to people talking to me about things, its just that you are not open to having a conversation because you think that my critique is somehow less valid because of my age
ive gotten multiple asks like this and i genuinely dont understand what the goal is besides uh, being mean to people so you can feel better about yourself on the internet and because youre too much of a coward to actually talk to people off of anon or explain any of your opinions
again, this isnt constructive or helpful or productive, its trying to look like it is without any of the actual legwork that goes into that, please learn how to interpret text before you speak to people on the internet :3 and, when youre losing in an arguement maybe bringing up things people have zero control over and cant change isnt a good look, there is no prerequisite age for having an opinion
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