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citizen name: kori andersing.
citizen color: black long hair, light blue/light tan eyes, tan skin, light blue/white short shirt, light blue/purple skirt, short orange short pants, light blue shoes.
transforming vital bracelet: connetink.
super hero name: starflame.
super hero color: light blue/white star flame mask, white visor, light blue/purple/white star flame battle dress outfit, orange star flame short undersuit, light blue/white/orange star flame gloves, light blue/white/orange star flame boots.
model based: star, flame.
personality: she is from the outerspace to arrive at the world of men know as earth, she was trying to be very nice to the people of earth, she was fear about the people of earth will kill her in her nightmare, she just trying her best to keep her power to keep the people of earth safe as she stay away from them, she met dickicker grayork at the crime street as she walk by herself, she told him that she is from the otherspace all along, she was aid by him to join the super hero team, she is decided to help them to save the world, she just has a huge crush on dickicker grayork, she feel fall in love with him, she can use her power to fight the crime as starflamera.
weapon: star flame unarmed combat style, star flame handblast, star flame eyeblast.
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