#starts coughing because it's 1am and i am as sickly as a victorian child that caught the plague
neteyammeowmeow · 4 months
DeepSeaEnergyHeadcanon during Dragons Rising that Lloyd spent some of his time on a sidequest during his time alone, to try and find Benthomaar, because maybe they didn't necessarily last see each other in decent terms, maybe there were things that needed to be said, or chances that hadn't been taken, or plans that never happened. All he needed the most was to find him, just because. He wants to know if he's safe, or not, whatever he finds, he just needs the consolation that he still exists - just like the rest of the Ninja, whatever that happens or whatever revalation is there, happens, but that's not his priority to stress out over just yet.
and sure, he still keeps it up after four years, he was starting to doubt that it'll ever happen by the third, yet persists nonetheless. But then he meets Arin and Sora- and he finds his siblings, and suddenly that chance doesn't seem so far off anymore. If they come across his scrolls, pictures from books torn or pages ripped, the scrawls he'd messily done on the board, rushed and scribbled as if he had come to a conclusion but never found the answer, it brought up nothing but questions. "I'll tell you, eventually, just remind me, okay?" He'd answer, they all know that's not likely.
and then it happens. How it happened, where it happened, when it happened, he didn't spare a moment to consider. He just knew nobody else that had that hair, curled and swept like the waves, nobody else that had eyes as the striking blue he had, that looked like they swallowed the oceans whole, nobody else had a skin painted like that- a blue on no other, he remembered when he'd joke that the whites on him were like stars, during an evening they had spent gazing at the skies, the hand that pointed towards the distant constellations, he remembers, because nobody else was his Benthomaar.
He could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; he would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. He would know him in death, at the end of the world. There wasn't even a moment to spare, there were no words needed to be said. He simply said his name, and then they just, were.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lloyd tells, what was he apologizing for? Taking so long for convincing fate to reunite them? Never risking it all, when it was what he had to do? Becoming so weak, against what he feared, just when he was convinced he was past the burdens he'd come across? They were apart for so long, he wasn't sure if they were the same as they once had been.
"Oh, Lloyd," Benthomaar's voice had roughened, not as gentle as he was then, yet the calm voice that lulled him to rest when he was exhausted was familiar as ever, he had longed to hear him again. "There is nothing to forgive."
the hand that held him was enough to assure him.
all that he had lost once, what he longed for, what he waited for, ceased altogether, he was sure for a moment, they had all the time in the world. He defied destinies before, he'll break more, he'd eat the world raw, if that's what it takes for him to keep the tides close, for Benthomaar to be by his side, always. He smiled, and his face was like the sun.
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