#stop trying to kill cats okita u suck
nobuverse · 7 months
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@yabokku said: EVEN IF LIFE IS PAINFUL & TOUGH, people should appreciate what it means to be ALIVE at all. ( For : Okita Souji. )
If the statement is supposed to be encouraging, she Okita doesn't find it to be so in the least. The once proud warrior can only meet it with disdain, giving a soul piercing glare in response.
She's on her knees, fingers trembling too badly to be able to properly hold on her tanto. She can still the old, decrepit cat she'd aimed to kill trotting away - proving to her how worthless she'd become.
Had she been trying to put the creature out of its misery?
No. She'd been trying to prove to herself that she could still kill. But it seems like she's fallen so far to this illness that she can't even manage to snuff out a life already half dead.
She coughs as she first opens her mouth in response, crimson splattering all over hands.
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"And this..." she heaves, trying not choke on her own blood
"This is what you would call living...?"
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