#take a wild guess how i spent the last 24hrs.
deepestbluesky · 10 months
hanwenzhou thought of the day: i think wkx has very rarely been sick, and when he's been injured, most of the time he had to hide it or push through. and all this means that the first time he gets properly sick at siji post canon, it's going to be Miserable. he does NOT know how to not do things, he spends so long hiding his symptoms and pretending he's fine, but once he is forced to acknowledge that he's actually sick, he's going to be such a menace about it.
no one wants to deal with him, which is honestly fine bc part of his issue is that he hates the idea of people seeing him in a state of weakness, but hy and zzs are determined. (gx is also determined, actually, but she is also relieved that she can make hy and zzs deal with the brunt of it. she still hovers around outside his rooms a lot tho.)
zzs takes the brute force approach: wkx needs to take medicine? he will refuse to do anything else and also physically make wkx take it. wkx needs to sleep to recover? zzs will just lie down on top of him until he sleeps. this is so zzs doesn't have to say anything, bc if he tries to talk, he will quickly reveal just how worried he is and he refuses to admit that.
hy tries to talk wkx around: if one of them was sick, wouldn't he want them to take the medicine? if he sleeps sooner, he'll recover sooner, and then it will be sooner when wkx won't have to suffer through everyone else's cooking. if wkx is being particularly unbearable, this might be supplemented with drugging wkx—hy is not immune to doing questionable things for those he loves and he's not strong enough to make wkx do anything.
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