#take the entirety of sex symbol l.ara c.roft and then forget it ever existed
archeolgstarch · 2 years
i know there’s a lot of talk about lara possibly getting a new love interest in the future tr game, but i reserve my belief in that lara is someone who is very hard to get romantically involved with. my lara definitely presents as demi/ace and only shows intimate and sexual interest in someone she has a deep emotional connection with which is very, very hard for someone who has experienced the amount of trauma she has experienced. my lara turned 30 this year but she’s still figuring that part of her out still. 
that being said i think the only heavily developed ships for lara on this blog are with @afraidofchange‘s alice s.hepard and @vendicarus‘s e.zio a.uditore. that’s not to say that i’m not open to more ships for her. i’m just saying. a lot of ooc discussions and plotting will go into it because i have to really feel it to be able to write it.
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