#takes plave after the mother's day celebration
blackhakumen · 4 years
Mini Fanfic #420: Certified Moms' GroupChat (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Certified Mommies' GroupChat
Samus: Ok. So this might be the dumbest question I'm gonna ask....But does anyone else feel like crying again after that wholesome party our kids thrown for us?
Peach: OMG YES!!! I've never cried so hard with that much JOY before!!
Daisy: Me neither, cuz. The way Pitty went up on the stage and told us how much he and the other kids here love and appreciate us, without even having a written speech LITERALLY got me in full force! Like.......HOT DAMN that was a good cry!! :'D
Rosalina: It was a wonderful celebration for all of us. I'm just so blessed to have them in our lives.
Peach: Me toooo~ I love each and everyone of our babies so much! Speaking of which....I got something precious to show you ladies today!
Samus: Lay it on us, princess.
Peach: Uploaded PreciousFamilyCuddleTime .JPEG
Rosalina: So Precious....
Peach: I knooow, right?!~ I cried so much earlier today that I made Mario and the kids worried lol. Even my precious Ultimate Lifeform was Worried about meeee!~ I'm soooo happy right now that I just can't!!!~
Samus: That's really cute and all....but you ain't the only one who's having a Cuddly moment right now.
Samus: Uploaded TheCuddleSquad .JPEG
Peach: Oh my goodness that is soooo adorable!!~
Samus: Lol Yeah. Kirby and My Little Partner been with me back when we were all crying our all out over Pit's speech. And they never left my side ever since.
Daisy: Too Precious for words, Sammy....
Samus: Will you ever stop calling me that?
Daisy: Never! :p
Rosalina: Uploaded WholesomeCuddlesandSnuggles JPEG.
Peach: Awwww!~
Daisy: Awwwwww!~
Samus: Wow even Rosie having a Cuddle Squad of here own lol.
Rosalina: It's true. Ryu and the children we're all Worried about my well being ever since the Mother's Day Celebration Party. So they were all so kind enough to keep me company. I'm really glad Lucas, Ness, and Ashley came back home here safe and sound.
Peach: Me too. I missed them sooo much earlier today, but I'm really proud of Lucas for being brave enough visiting his mother's grave. And I'm proud of the other two for staying by his side as well.
Daisy: Tell me about it. That kid....He really been through a lot, hasn't he?
Samus: Yeah....But I'm really glad he's doing much better now.
Rosalina: Us too, Sammy.
Samus: Seriously?
Rosalina: Yes :)
Daisy: See? Even Rosie likes the nickname.
Samus: Whatever.....
Daisy: Anywho....I wish I have a Family to Cuddle with, but Luigi and Yoshi went out to grocery store a couple of minutes ago. So I'm all alone now :((((
Peach: Awww.... I'm sorry, Daisy.
Daisy: Eh it's fine. Weegie told me he and our baby boi will me give me lots of cuddles once they get back. So I honestly can't wait! :D
Samus: Of course Luigi gonna give you some Cuddle Time. Like, has there ever been a day that he doesn't?
Daisy: Other than the time him, Mario, and Peach went to a Fancy Haunted Hotel for the entire week, my man NEVER forgets our Daily Cuddles~
Rosalina: That's because he loves you very much.
Daisy: I Knooooooow!~ And I love him too!~ So Frickin' Much, People!!~
Peach: We know, sweetheart. Calm down lol.
Samus: Okay, Seriously, Does anyone here agrees that this is best Mother's Day any of us had this year?
Peach: Oh Absolutely!~
Rosalina: Of Course.
Daisy: Hell Yeah! It was amazing!
Peach: And so beautiful that I might cry again :'D
Palutena Joins the Chat
Palutena: Hey, Ladies.
Peach: Hello, Palutena. How are you this evening?
Palutena: Amazing. And I have a special guest with me~
Bayonetta Joins the Chat
Bayonetta: Why Hello, My Girlfriends~
Peach: Bayonetta!!~
Daisy: Yo! Welcome back!
Samus: The hell you been all day lol
Bayonetta: Oh nothing special. Just came back from a date with my darling little Joker.
Daisy: Oh yeah...I forgot you told us Ren was taking you out today! How was it?
Bayonetta: Absolutely Wonderful, Darling! We both had so much fun with one another. He even took me to this stunning Restaurant from a across the street. And I CANNOT express how happy I am to tell you all the Wonderful News today.
Samus: "Wonderful News"...............No.....
Bayonetta: That's right, my dear Sammy. It's finally happening!~
Samus: Holy Shit..........
Daisy: What? What is it?
Samus: Ladies, I think Bayonetta is saying here is that Ren has accepted their proposal of adopting him officially.
Peach: OH MYYYYY!~
Rosalina: Oh my goodness!
Palutena: Yep!~ As of today, our Renny is going to be Officially joining our family!~ :D
Peach: Oh my Goodness that is WONDERFUL NEW!~ I'm SOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO!!~
Bayonetta: Us too!~ I've cried more than twice today and they're ALL Tears of Undying Joy!~
Palutena: Also......
Palutena: Uploaded HappyCuddlyFamily .JPEG
Samus: My God.....Does the Preciousness EVER ends?!
Peach: Never in a Million Years, Sammy!~
Samus: You too?!
Peach: Yes! It's cute and I already Love it.
Samus: I swear, you people are impossible sometimes.....
Bayonetta: And yet you love us all the same~
Samus: True. You all are like the a huge family I never thought I wanted until now.
Daisy: Awww~ You do loves us!~
Samus: Guess I do lol
Peach: I Love Everyone of You with All my Heart!
Samus: Us too, Princess. Us too.
Daisy: Happy Mother's Day, Everyone!! :D
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