#technically parts of RE7 had similarities to the horror film g/host s/hip also
shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
anyways the lords are clearly some (occasionally badly chosen) rep for the creatures shown in V/an H/elsing 2004, M/other M/iranda shares near identical traits and powers to Q/ueen R/avenna in S/now W/hite and the H/untsman / H/untsman W/inters W/ar.... so who thinks the Res team just started watching a lot of modern day cult classics and went ‘yeah, we like that.’ 
edit: the only thing i have for donna is the o/ther m/other from c/oraline tbh, but m/iranda’s shape shifting thing also puts her in line with that. moreau doesn’t need words tho he’s both frankenstein, the monster, and a lovecraftian horror thing, bc for some reason they sliced v/an h/elsing franky in half and put half in heisy and half in moreau. donna’s softer side fits some of the o/ther m’other’s beginning personality, but the fact angie is vicious and technically donna’s under the impression she’s supposed to kill you, also fits into o/ther m/other. 
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