techycatartist · 7 months
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Happy Halloween!
Timmy knew that she wanted to cosplay as Kitty Softpaws this year, but felt that her costume wasn’t complete without an accompanying Puss in Boots. Fortunately, Shredder was happy to fill that role for her— much to Timmy’s joy. During this year’s mutli-park Coasterdroid Halloween party, Shredder and Timmy are a frequent subject for photos; they end up splitting the bounty of candy earned from their top placing at the costume contest. Once the party ends, these two spend the rest of the night going through Shredder’s collection of Horror OVAs and Halloween-centric episodes of the many anime she’s watched over the year. In both of their eyes, this Halloween was perfect.
Decided on doing something wholesome this year for Halloween. Out of all my Nickelodeon Universe (NJ) personifications, these two had recieved the least amount of focus in my art— and so I wanted to change that! Given the DreamWorks-themed waterpark situated within the American Dream mall (plus the boost in popularity for these characters because of Puss In Boots: The Last Wish), it only made sense to dress them up as these felines! As for the “Happy Halloween” text itself, what else but green slime— a Nickelodeon staple!
Whether you’re trick-or-treating, attending a halloween party, going to amusement park’s halloween event, or staying home to eat candy and watch a seasonally-appropriate movie, I hope you have a Happy Halloween!
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techycatartist · 3 months
Shellraiser had already considered the possibility that Sandy had been permanently “lost” within their Charging Station. He had also considered the possibility that repeating Sandy’s actions would cause him to become lost, forever searching for them— or for an exit.
But as he laid in his Charging Station, a far darker possibility crossed his mind.
“Are they even alive?”
For all of the criticism Timmy had about his choice, it didn’t occur to her that there wouldn’t be a body to find— regardless if it was just Sandy, or the potential dozens who tried to recover them.
“Even if they survived the initial incident, how long would they be able to last, if at all? Would I meet the same fate?”
It would be reasonable for Shellraiser to back out from his decision, perhaps giving more thought to how he and the others could go about rescuing Sandy. With how things had been going, it was likely that Shellraiser’s coaster would remain shuttered—giving him ample time to brainstorm.
Acting “reasonable” wasn’t why Shellraiser was willing to put his life on the line, though.
“No. I can’t stand around and wait for them. Not anymore. If this isn’t the solution, if this ends up costing me my life…let it be known that I did it for the right reasons. Some may be unwilling to go this far, but I am ready to sacrifice myself to keep my family safe”.
The last thing Shellraiser saw was a blinding flash.
Most assumed that an afterlife awaited Coasterdroids who passed away, but without concrete evidence (coupled with the fact that Coasterdroid bodies dissolve into pure energy shortly after death), it remains a coping mechanism for those who lost their parkmate far too soon.
Shellraiser would have expected to meet those who he only knew through second-hand accounts, such as Moonsault Scramble, whose coaster’s land was now partially occupied by his twin sibling.
But the first thing Shellraiser noticed was how warm it was— as if he had fallen asleep with a heavy blanket on.
“Is this…is this it?”
Shellraiser tried to stand up straight, only to find that there was no ground to stand upon. He glanced upwards, hoping to locate anything that suggested a ceiling.
“Perhaps it was foolish of me to assume anything about its appearance. Still, I expected to be more…welcoming”.
Shellraiser glanced at what should’ve been a horizon line.
He was taken aback.
“Am I not being loud enough?”
Shellraiser tried again, making an effort to really shout; “SANDY”!
It was like someone had shoved him underwater. Regardless, Shellraiser had to try.
If this truly was the afterlife, they had to be there.
He tried calling out for Sandy again, but to no avail.
Before Shellraiser could say anything else, he began to cough.
“Have I exhausted myself already? My throat…”
Suddenly, he came to a realization.
“My throat! I can feel the dryness, the pain from screaming—I lived! If I survived the blast…then so did Sandy. But if my current location isn’t our afterlife, what is it…?”
Suspended in the “air”, Shellraiser was met with a near-featureless space. A cool white compromised most of the scene, adorned with a seemingly uncoordinated pattern of purplish-gray, semi-transparent rectangles.
Without a floor to stand on, trying to walk in this space seemed like a daunting task at best.
“I’ll have to use my launch once more…”
He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes. But that familiar “buzz” wasn’t there. Shellraiser clenched his fists, hoping that it would somehow jumpstart the launch.
He opened up his eyes, relaxing.
“Did I relinquish that power to get here?”
Shellraiser was running out of options. He looked around frantically, hoping to come across anything that even suggested that it could be stood on. However, Shellraiser could only turn his head so far— he had to shift his entire body if he wanted to see what was behind him. Fortunately, the restrictions imposed on his movement didn’t apply for this action; it wasn’t anything substantial, but Shellraiser had finally made some progress.
Then, he noticed something.
Enclosed within a rectangular space was none other than himself, seemingly asleep.
“How can this be…?”
Though he was close enough to recognize his own face, Shellraiser was still a good distance away— and had no idea what to do about it.
Even if it was likely to be ineffective, he tried to reach out towards his “body”; this told Shellraiser that he was more than an arm’s length away.
“Maybe if I…propel myself forward?”
Shellraiser extended his arms in front of him, repeatedly swinging in a quarter-arc motion; it did nothing to move him forward.
“Perhaps I need more reach”.
Shellraiser moved his arms behind his head, tilting back slightly. Despite this change, he got the same results; “I guess…I have to try a steeper angle? No, no…I’m not getting anywhere with this”. He let out a frustrated sigh. “I know I can’t walk forward, if at all. But I can twist myself around, so perhaps…”
Like a dog chasing its tail, Shellraiser began to spin around; he used his arms to keep up the momentum. “If I’m trapped”, Shellraiser thought, “I have to put this trap to the test”.
He continued to spin, gradually getting faster— but if it wasn't for the lingering effects of his entrance into this space, the lack of any obvious directional pointers made it even more disorienting than it normally would’ve been.
Shellraiser yelled as he lost his balance, flailing wildly; he had no way of knowing how this would affect him, as he was no longer “standing” upright.
Suddenly, Shellraiser felt himself move forward.
For a moment, he was unsure if it had really happened, as Shellraiser was still feeling the effects of all the spinning he did. He closed his eyes, waiting for everything to catch up.
“Have I been deceived by my desperation? What was I doing differently? Twisting around only kept me in place, but losing control has tilted me forward…”
Shellraiser was now “lying” on his chest, his legs positioned behind him.
“When my legs buckled, I tried to reorient them. But I was unsuccessful on that first attempt, so I tried repeatedly…”
He brought his legs in slowly, then extended them back out.
Shellraiser moved.
“That’s it”!
As if he were trying to outmaneuver an oncoming wave, Shellraiser entered a breaststroke.
In just a few seconds, he made it to his target. Though its contents were visible from the outside, Shellraiser was met with a solid surface when he laid his hand on it.
“No reaction. I was led to believe that a part of my soul had remained inside, that I could be reunited with it”.
Upon further inspection, Shellraiser’s “body” was not contained within the rectangle— like an old CRT monitor, his likeness had been “burned” on the surface.
“This is what we were seeing with Sandy— an afterimage left in the wake of their powers. But if this is my Charging Station…”
He looked up at the nearby “rectangles”.
“Each of you…belongs to a Coasterdroid”.
Shellraiser swam upwards, reaching the top of his Charging Station. Knowing that he could choose to rest on these makeshift platforms, he let out a sigh of relief.
“Though our stations are programmed for individual use, they provide the same functions for all; it only makes sense that it comes from the same source”.
Shellraiser began to swim towards the closest Charging Station.
“If one theory was correct,” he thought, “I have another to test. If my Charging Station is here, then the others must be close by”.
While Slime Streak had been without access to her station for a while, Shredder and Timmy could be residing in their respective stations at any given moment. Unfortunately, Shellraiser was greeted with a face he couldn’t put a name to.
“You’re not even a Coasterdroid who lives in our state…”
Shellraiser swam back down to his Charging Station, sitting on its top.
“If I couldn’t get back through my own station, there’s no way that Sandy would have. But it’s not like they wanted to return”.
While Shellraiser was surrounded by thousands of Coasterdroids, he knew that he and Sandy were the only ones who managed to break the boundaries.
“It won’t be hard to spot Sandy among a sea of geometric shapes”.
He stood up, making sure to be thorough in his visual scan.
“But I don’t know when I’ll find them”.
Shellraiser pushed himself off, ready to embark on his search.
“As daunting as it is…it can’t compare to the crushing weight of my guilt”.
He began to kick his feet in a rhythmic motion, propelling himself forward.
“I have to find Sandy”.
But back at Nickelodeon Universe…
“They never came back”, she said in a hushed whisper.
For the first time in two months, Sandy’s Blasting Bronco was open to the public. Though it still had some minor periods of downtime, it was a welcome sight for those who happened to visit that day.
That couldn’t be said for Shredder and Timmy.
“I don’t think they could come back, Shreds”.
“But you said that when their coaster reopened—“
“That was before we knew that Sandy wasn’t in there”.
“So they’re gone forever, then? What about Shellraiser, is he gone too?!”
“No, God no”!
“How do you know?”
“I—I don’t. Not for sure, at least. But…”
Timmy looked at Sandy’s Charging Station, which still displays Sandy’s silhouette.
“If they and Shellraiser ever walk out of their Charging Station looking slightly different, then we’ll know”.
The mere implications of this outcome brought great sadness to Shredder.
“Timmy, I really hope Shellraiser was right about all this. That they all link together, and that he’ll find Sandy”.
“As much as I hate to give him credit for doing something so stupid….I can’t help but agree”.
The pair sat together in silence for a bit, watching the last handful of guests leave the area.
“You know how my coaster was closed today? Well…it’s going to be closed for the next three weeks”.
Timmy had given the park’s website a quick glance beforehand, having a feeling that this would be the case.
“No. Not you. I’ve lost enough this year…”
“I’m not going to hibernate, Shreds”.
“Yeah, I’ll just take the aches and pains as they come. ‘Course, this means that you’re technically going to have to lead this park on your own”.
“What do you mean by ‘technically’…”?
“Well, I’m still gonna try and do what I can. Might just sit around for most of the day, though”.
“Guess that makes sense”.
“Plus, I…like being in your company, y’know? Yeah, I could just sleep through it, but that’s boring. I’m never bored when I’m around you”.
“Oh, same! We make for some good co-leaders, don’t we?”
“Though if I’m the one in charge…I recommend you get some rest tonight! Then report back to me tomorrow, ‘cuz we’re gonna meet with Slime Streak and spend the day at Great Adventure”.
Timmy let out a small laugh; “I’ll be sure to follow it, Shreds”.
Slime Streak looked up at her parkmates; “So Sandy’s coaster didn’t bring them back…”
“I know you didn’t want to hear that, but…it’s the truth”.
She turned away from Shredder and Timmy, sitting down on the concrete.
“Chiquita, you don’t have to come back to the park if you don’t want to”.
“Good. I like it here better anyways”.
Shredder’s heart sank.
“You don’t really-”
Timmy gave her a non-verbal “cut it out”, nudging her arm into Shredder’s side.
“We just wanted to let you know about Sandy and Shellraiser, nothing more. We’re worried about them too”.
Slime Streak turned her head slightly; “...and there’s really nothing we can do to help?”
“We can only hope that they’ll come back”.
About a week-and-a-half later, Shredder received news that she had been dreading ever since Shellraiser went missing.
“...I’m so sorry for your park’s loss. We were all hoping that Do-Dodonpa would come back. Shellraiser would talk to me about them, how infectious their energy was. Makes me wish I had gotten to know them better. I’ll make sure to send over something”.
“You want Shellraiser to be there in-person”.
Shredder paused.
“I…He’s…He can’t make it”.
“No, his coaster hasn’t re-opened yet. The website now says April 30th”.
“I know this is a special case, but…”
Her throat tightened.
“Shellraiser’s gone, and I don’t know when he’ll be back”.
“We lost Sandy when they launched while inside their Charging Station, and once he realized it…Shellraiser did the same in hopes of finding them”.
“I’m sorry, I…”
“He’s not dead, I promise”.
“I never wanted this to happen. I tried my best to convince him to stay but-”.
“You’re right. This is my fault”.
“I’m sorry”.
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techycatartist · 3 months
“They would’ve shown up by now”.
Shredder glanced at her parkmates forlornly, having just pulled herself away from Sandy’s Charging Station.
“Maybe they don’t want to come back…”
“I don’t think that’s how it works, Shredder. If anything, Sandy’s return would probably happen when their coaster reopens. Of course, the only thing it would ensure is that they won’t be back for a while, knowing this park’s track record.”
“Well then maybe we should just…open it ourselves! We can do it when the park’s closed so that the humans won’t know”.
“As much as it would be fun to show up those “experts” who seem just as clueless about Sandy’s coaster as we are, there’s no way we could get away with it without the humans noticing— and no way that Shellraiser would let us get away with it”.
Shellraiser shot a glare at Timmy, not wanting to waste energy by verbalizing his disapproval.
“Shreds, it’s only been a month. If it’s too much for you to handle, I’ll take over the checking duties”.
“That’s one month too late!”
“I know this means a lot to you, but you shouldn’t tear yourself apart over this. Please, let me handle it”.
“But is it going to change anything, Timmy?!”
“We can’t give up on Sandy. If checking on their charging station is all that can be done, then I’m going to do it”.
“Is that all that can be done, though?”
Shredder was snapped out of their despair at the sound of Shellraiser’s voice.
“As unfortunate as my coaster’s downtime has been for my well-being, it has left me with time to consider”.
“Consider what?”
“Well, let’s think back to what happened. Sandy stepped into their Charging Station, then used their launch powers while they were plugging in. After the explosion, it appeared that their Charging Station was occupied.”
“Don’t we know that already?”
Shellraiser used a firmer tone; “It appeared to be occupied”.
Gears were turning in Shredder’s head.
“Oh. So it’s possible that--”
“Sandy was never “there” in the first place”. Timmy had reached that conclusion ever so slightly faster. “Great. And this is supposed to help us because…?”
“You’ve only been skimming the surface, per se”.
“Skimming the surface…” Shredder mused. “You mean that we need to go in to Sandy’s charging station”?
“That’s one course of action we could take”.
Shredder was swept into a momentary period of validation, as she craved Shellraiser’s attention like nothing else.
“It’d be great if any of us could actually do that. Sandy’s Charging Station is, well, theirs. You can’t do anything with someone else’s station”.
“Unless you meant it literally, in which our only option is to find someone who can crack that Charging Station open and modify it. Unfortunately, the only Coasterdroid who’d have the skills to even try would want nothing less than an arm and leg from each of us in return…”
“He’s not going to use Sandy’s station, Timmy”.
Shredder pointed at Shellraiser.
“You…you’re gonna use your launch power while you’re plugged in”.
She ran up to him.
Shredder clasped Shellraiser’s hand.
“You can’t do this to-“
With one swift motion, her grasp was broken— and Shellraiser was on the other side of the park.
Still, Shredder couldn’t stay away.
Given his coaster’s lack-of-operation, Shellraiser needed a moment to recover from using his launch powers. Fortunately, Shellraiser wasn’t far from his coaster’s station— all he needed to do was run.
Shellraiser didn’t even consider looking back.
By the time Shredder made it up the stairs, he was already plugged in.
“Do you really think this won’t end in the same way? That you won’t be just as lost as Sandy?”
“I have thought about that possibility— but you aren’t considering the idea that we can return”.
“But how will you find your way back? Hell, will there even BE a way back?!”
“She’s right, Shellraiser”. Timmy arrived, slightly late. “All we know is that Sandy is lost…somewhere…within their Charging Station. Even if you were able to use their Charging Station for this, who’s to say you’ll end up in the same place? Hell, it’s more likely that you’re going somewhere completely inaccessible to Sandy— it’s your station after all”.
“Yes, it would be better if I could use Sandy’s Charging Station. But while each station is hard-wired to its user, they all perform the same functions. With all the Coasterdroids that exist, I believe that they all connect to the same source”.
“….So you’re willing to risk your life to test a theory?“
“No. I’m risking my life to save Sandy”.
“And what are we gonna do when you get lost, huh? You want me to go into MY Charging Station, launch myself into the void, and leave Shredder and Slime Streak ALONE? What happens when I get lost, huh?! Do we just keep getting launch coasters to go into their stations until there’s NOBODY LEFT?!”
“I’ve already lost one person I hold dear,” Shredder interrupted. “Don’t make me lose another. Especially not you”.
“You said it yourself— there’s no use in waiting for Sandy to return on their own”.
“Yes, but…you’re my rival. My hero. How am I supposed to go through my day without you?”
“Perhaps by removing your self-imposed devotion to me”.
Shredder’s face became flush with embarrassment.
“Wow, way to ruin your final moments with us, Shellraiser”.
“I’m just pointing out what’s been obvious to me since she started acting like this. Besides, it’s not like you don’t find it as problematic as I do”.
“Yeah, because telling her to fuck off before you die is REALLY helpful. She deserves better than that”.
“Well, would you like to take my place? You’d be far away from me either way— but I have a feeling that you want to stay with Shredder”.
Timmy glanced back at Shredder, who looked to be on the verge of tears.
“Then it’s decided. I don’t know when I’ll be back, if at all. But whatever happens, I will do everything in my power to find Sandy. I know it may not look like it at times, but I do care”.
Shellraiser’s face softened.
“If these are the last words I speak, let it be known that I am honored to be part of this family”.
Timmy’s eyes widened, quickly switching her sights to Shredder.
Without a single word, Timmy grabbed Shredder’s arm and activated her own launch powers.
Now standing towards the entrance of Nickelodeon Universe, Timmy spun around on her heels— just before she was sent backwards, heading towards Sandy.
Timmy watched as the same electric shockwave poured out from Shellraiser’s charging station. While similar in appearance, it was far more powerful; Timmy and Shredder were lucky to have fled in time.
Timmy finally came to a stop in the middle of the park, gingerly letting go of Shredder. Moments later, power was restored to Nickelodeon Universe.
Shredder had been silently weeping, her cheeks streaked with tears. With an unsteady gait, she slumped to the ground.
Timmy followed suit, though she was more careful about her descent.
There had been times where she wished to spend time with Shredder alone— Ideally, a week-long vacation in a nice location. Something they would both enjoy.
Unfortunately, Timmy’s wish had been granted.
[Author’s Note: For clarification, Shellraiser’s not dead. Also, Shellraiser’s coaster (as of today) is still closed. However, Sandy’s coaster has actually re-opened— if you’re in the area, I encourage you to check it out. You should do it sooner than later, knowing how easily it closes for extended periods.]
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techycatartist · 4 months
Under the protection of a magical barrier, Sandy (as their coaster) had laid dormant ever since New Year’s Day. In a state of perpetual slumber, Sandy was entirely untroubled by their circumstances for the first time in a while.
Suddenly, a pair of hands grasped at Sandy’s body, shaking them awake— and before they could resist, they were pulled out of their hibernation.
“…I’m really sorry I had to do that”. Shredder took their hands off Sandy’s shoulders, waiting for Sandy’s response.
“…Why aren’t you sad about this?”
“Why would we be?”
Sandy’s assumptions were broken upon hearing the sound of their coaster’s LSM launch.
“No…this is a dream”.
“I can verify that this situation is quite real,” Shellraiser said. “Your coaster has been returned to an operational state”.
“How long has it been?”
“Two days since the stated re-opening date”.
Sandy could feel their throat tightening.
“The park hasn’t opened yet, but—”
Slime Streak embraced her older sibling, unable to wait any longer.
“Your coaster’s all good now, like I wanted it to be”.
Sandy winced at the feeling of Slime Streak’s nails digging into their back.
“….Don’t leave again”.
Eyes wet with tears, Slime Streak was desperate to get their friend back.
Sandy pulled away from her.
“…I can’t”.
“I can’t do this again”.
Slime Streak was too shocked to keep holding on— and Sandy didn’t hesitate. Timmy scooped Slime Streak up into her arms, overcome with grief.
“Sandy, don’t you see what you’re doing to her?” Timmy begged. “Just stay with us, even if it goes down tomorrow”.
Sandy shook their head.
“I said what I said”.
Sandy stepped back into their charging station.
“Hibernation will get you nowhere, Sandy. Though your circumstances aren’t ideal, it is the reality you must face”.
“But I can’t live like this, Shellraiser”.
The barrier began surrounding Sandy again.
“I don’t want to”.
Shellraiser shot them a glare, unable to contain his displeasure.
“I’m not going to let you run away again”.
Shellraiser grabbed Sandy’s arm— but was met with a powerful shockwave of electricity.
Though fixed to their spot, Sandy could still use their launch powers.
Shredder caught Shellraiser in her arms, just barely saving him from a concussion. As another victim of the shockwave, her legs buckled as the two slumped to the ground.
Timmy was curled around Slime Streak, sparing the young girl from any additional pain. “You’re safe, chiquita”.
Barely hanging on, Shellraiser glanced up where he had last seen Sandy.
Sandy’s charging station was occupied once more, and within a few days, their coaster would receive the label of “temporarily closed”.
But history decided to repeat itself…
On the morning of January 17th, Sandy’s Blasting Bronco had been removed from the website’s “Ride Maintenance Schedule”.
“…Should we?”
Shredder turned to her neighbor.
“You’re the one who’s questioning this? I thought you love doing what he says…”
“I do, I do! But…isn’t this…what got us hurt the last time?”
“Last time I checked, it was Shellraiser who decided to overstep their boundaries. He knows better after that, and he even agreed to let Slime Streak stay at Great Adventure for the time being— something I’m sure he wouldn’t have agreed to before this happened. This is our chance to make things right, but the only way it can happen is if you wake them up”.
Shredder looked away from Timmy.
“Would you want me to take care of that?”
Shredder grabbed her shoulder.
“Then all you need to do is listen”.
Timmy approached the charging station.
Shredder looked up.
“You’ve got this. We’ve got this”.
Shredder gave a half-hearted smile.
Timmy gingerly stuck her hands in the barrier.
Her expression changed.
Shredder ran up to the scene.
“Is Sandy OK?”
“I-I don’t know. I can’t…I can’t get a grip on them”.
Shredder stuck her hands in, only to be met with a coldness that swirled around her fingers.
“…They’re gone”.
[Author’s Note: For clarification, Sandy’s not dead. With how often their coaster is closed IRL, I decided to put them “in stasis” for the time being. While I hope that Nick U will improve on SBB and Shellraiser’s reliability, it’s likely that they’ll continue to operate sporadically. Though the story won’t end here…]
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techycatartist · 5 months
Nickelodeon Universe was bathed in a warm glow as the morning sun beamed through one of the park’s massive skylights. Ride operators had just arrived at the scene, preparing the park for its opening later that day.
Sandy was lying next to the bottom of a Paw Patrol-themed slide, typing away at their phone.
Slime Streak tumbled down the slide, head-first.
“Sandy!!! I didn’t think you’d be here!”
“Me neither, but I guess there was something inside of me that wanted “outside”...or as “outside” as a playground structure can be”.
“Yeah, we can’t really be “outside” when our park is in a big building. Plus, outside here is basically just…swampland. Also, the Metlife Stadium”.
Slime Streak begins scooting back.
“Slime Streak, what are you doing?”
“Going up the slide!”
Sandy lifts their thumb off their phone, glancing up.
“Just don’t hurt yourself, ok?”
Sandy returns to their digital document, a work-in-progress draft of their next Spongebob Squarepants episode review.
[“...If you’re new to the sponge-blog, you might’ve been interested in BassWard because it went sorta viral in the cartoon community, on account of it being the only episode so far to NOT feature Spongebob. After watching the episode myself…yep, he’s not there! Since I’m assuming that you new people are familiar enough with the show, then you know that Spongebob and Squidward are typically paired together due to their opposing personalities/interests/goals. Well, this episode swaps the sponge for Bubble Bass, everyone’s favorite used-to-be-a-one-off character…”]
Simultaneously, Sandy was also listening to Slime Streak.
“So I’ve learned some stuff about Great Adventure because I’ve been hanging out with Lil’ Devil so much. You know how Flash is gonna be there next year, right? Well, there’s some big meeting the humans of Great Adventure have to attend on the 18th. I dunno what exactly’s gonna happen, but if the town-humans like it, it means that the park can build Flash!”
“Weren’t they building Flash already?”
“Not really. It’s mostly dirt right now. The park-humans can’t do their thing until the town-humans approve the stuff”.
“Yeah, there’s like…plans. Blueprints. They have to show the town-humans the blueprints first”.
Slime Streak came tumbling down, now shoe-first.
“Oh, and how’s the review going?”
“Good, I guess. Kind of hard to judge it when it’s only an introduction”.
“I’m sure they’re gonna love it!”
Slime Streak crawled back into the slide.
“I really hope Flash gets built, Sandy. They apparently were gonna be in China, but the original park didn’t want them. It’s sad, but a good thing that Great Adventure is giving them a home. It’s like they adopted a puppy!”
“I’d say it’s more like adopting a human, Slime Streak”.
“Oh yeah…right! Sorry, I had puppies on the brain ‘cuz we’re surrounded by Paw Patrol. Great Adventure gave Flash a new home AND a new family! Plus it’s the 50th anniversary so it’s EXTRA special!”
Popping out of the entrance, Slime Streak looked beyond the mesh that kept rowdy kids (like her) from going out towards the edge of the tower.
“Flash’ll be right next to the entrance, so the humans are gonna be scanning their tickets while they hear--”
Slime Streak was stopped in her tracks.
“...that. That! THAT!”
Hurling herself down the slide, NSS yelled at the top of her lungs;
Sandy felt something tugging on their arm.
“Okay, okay…”
Sandy gave a half-hearted shuffle towards the playground’s exit.
Suddenly, Sandy was knocked off their feet, landing what seemed to be a pile of Nickelodeon's trademark green slime.
“Aw, come on! You know I don’t like the stickiness this leaves on my clothes…”
Sandy’s objections couldn’t stop them from being pulled forward, screaming in surprise.
Given that a sentient pile of slime was an…odd form of transportation, all Sandy could focus on was how close to the “edge” they were-- the last thing they needed was to faceplant.
“I can’t believe you’re doing thiiiiiis!”
Sandy was suddenly swung around, the slime mimicking how a skier would stop.
“...are we done…?”
There was a pause.
Sandy gingerly stepped off the blob-- which quickly formed back into Slime Streak.
“That was fun!”
“For you, maybe…”
“Well I kind of had to, Sandy. You might’ve not believed me if I didn’t take you here…”
“I mean, I guess I don’t entirely not believe you, but I didn’t hear any--”
Right on cue, a train was launched out of the station.
“See? SEE?”
“I do! I do…”
Slime Streak grabbed one of her hair “tentacles”, looking up at their older-sibling-figure with nervousness.
“You don’t sound happy about it…”
Sandy looked down at her, then turned their head away.
“It’s just that…how long will this last?”
“What do you mean?”
“How long will my coaster operate before it goes down again?”
“It’s not gonna happen, Sandy”.
“Why do you think that is?”
“...because it’s Christmas”.
“It’s not Christmas yet.”
“But it’s almost Christmas. Humans like going to the mall near Christmas time, ‘cuz they gotta get gifts for everyone. The park wants your coaster to be open because there’s gonna be lots of people here!”
“It has been a bit busy these past few days…”
“...and students will get time off between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day…”
“...so there’s gonna be even more people at Nickelodeon Universe!”
“...YEAH! It’s gonna be great, Sandy!”
“I guess it will. Though now that my coaster’s open, they should open Shellraiser’s too”.
“Uhmmm, I don’t know about that…I kind of like having Shredder and Timmy in charge!”
“C’mon Slime Streak…”
“I was just joking! Shellraiser should get the chance to be happier too!”
“It would stop him from being so worried about what Takabisha thinks…”
“Speaking of New Year’s, humans like to talk about their “resolutions”. Never done it before, but my resolution is to learn more songs on my ukulele. What about you, Sandy?”
“I think I’d like to…change my outlook on life”.
Their footsteps echoed with each step, keeping a steady pace as the others followed behind.
“Please don’t hide away in your room again!”, Slime Streak yelled out.
“You are going to get through this, as you have before…” Shellraiser’s coaster had finally reopened after months of downtime, just in time for New Year’s Day— and this was one of the only things that could’ve halted his relief.
Sandy kept running, drowning out the noise produced by their parkmates.
“It’s only a few days!” Shredder added.
That sentence stopped Sandy in their tracks.
“A few days…a few DAYS?! WE ALL KNOW THAT IT’S NOT GOING TO BE A FEW DAYS!” Tears were streaming down their face.
“However long it takes, we will be here for you— you just have to trust us!”
Sandy used their launch powers to pull them right to their charging station, with Shellraiser just barely missing them before they hooked themselves up.
“Just listen to me, Sandy!”
“No…listen to me”, Sandy said through haggard breaths. “When I woke up today, I thought that this year would be different, that my troubles were over. That maybe I was wrong to be so down on myself”.
A barrier was beginning to form around them.
“…unless the park is demolishing my coaster, don’t wake me up. I’m done trying to care about my future”.
The barrier was now covering Sandy’s entire body— and so began their hibernation.
Slime Streak broke down into tears, unable to understand why Sandy had seemingly abandoned them.
“Hey, hey…I’ve got you”. Timmy had swooped in to comfort the smaller Coasterdroid.
A look of horror was plastered on Shredder’s face; “Oh my god…I’m an idiot! I can’t believe I said that to them! Now they’ve shut themselves away, and it’s all my fault…”
“You are not to blame for this. None of us are”.
Interrupting her regret was Shellraiser.
“This is their fault”.
“…I don’t think we should be blaming Sandy for this”.
“I’m not referring to Sandy”.
Clouds hung overhead, depriving Nickelodeon Universe of natural sunlight. Shellraiser pointed at the large display located at the front of the park’s entrance.
“It’s THEIR fault”.
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techycatartist · 7 months
Dear Diary,
It’s been over a month since I’ve had something substantial to add…though some of that was just not having the motivation to write. But I think I’ll get somewhere with this.
So, the elephant in the room. My coaster’s still not open. Neither is Shellraiser’s. Though it seems that it’s actually caught up to him— he (begrudgingly) has stepped down from his leader role in order to not make his sick worse. Seems like all the extra work for the Halloween party was too much.
Shredder, by default, is in charge now (and you better believe she lost it when Shellraiser personally appointed the role to her). Timmy’s her right-hand woman that keeps her in check (and uses the opportunity to very obviously flirt with Shredder— too bad Shredder’s mind is so dead set on romancing Shellraiser that it completely flies over her head). They’ve actually adapted quite well to the role, though they’re not leading like Shellraiser does.
Shredder’s birthday just passed. She seemed to have enjoyed it for real, unlike what I was doing for mine. I made a point to be there physically but it was a struggle to be there mentally for more than a few moments. Nothing against her, it’s just me.
I tried spending some time with him, y’know, given that both of our coasters are down for neptune knows how long, but...he’s kind of boring tbh. He doesn’t watch the same stuff that I do, and he’s always watching with a critical eye. Seems like Shellraiser even treats his downtime seriously! Eventually I just retreated back to my room.
Slime is currently having a playdate with Lil’ Devil Coaster. She’s been spending a lot of time outside the park because of me. I’m not the awesome big sibling she used to have, just a sad sack of nothing.
Though speaking of other Coasterdroids like me…We had a multi-park Halloween party a week ago. Mostly other NJ parks, though we shockingly managed to get a hold of the Hersheypark gang (minus Skyrush, who apparently collapsed into a “ball of sickness” after their coaster had been running on one train for the back half of the season— evidently, it caught up). Can’t say I did much partying though…I don’t like large social gatherings even when I’m not depressed. But I did give an initial “hello” to all the guests before I crawled back under my metaphorical rock…though I nearly had a full conversation with someone.
With the Great Adventure crowd came El Toro, and while I don’t know him personally I know that his coaster was closed for a good while and didn’t open until June. I thought he might have some advice I could use. But…his coaster DID re-open this year— and to my knowledge, has operated without any further extended downtime.
He’s not struggling like I am (and probably doesn’t want to talk to a ‘nobody’ like me).
I tried to keep myself entertained during the party, putting on the usual lineup of halloween-themed episodes.
But it wasn’t the same. It wasn’t fulfilling.
At least I have a stash of Hershey’s candy in my room now.
Dear Diary,
It’s 8 am as I write this, which is new for me. Usually I write in here when I can’t sleep, though I guess sleep is still relevant here. I didn’t get you to keep a record of my dreams, but I feel like I need to get this one down, for…reasons.
[The dream starts here]
It’s a warm summer day.
I’m at the beach, strangely in my usual wear instead of my bathing suit.
I’m lying down in the sand on my back.
My dream-self knows the others are there, but I can’t see them.
It looks like nobody else is on the beach, or in the water.
It’s very quiet, besides the ocean.
The tide is rolling in.
It only reaches up to my feet, at first.
But with every wave, it gets closer.
The water is cold, but not frigid. Refreshing(?)
Slowly, the water begins to surround me.
It gets to the point where my head is just above the water.
At that point, I’m some distance away from the shore.
The next wave is unusually large.
It’ll definitely pull me underwater if I don’t get up.
But I’m still lying there.
I don’t know why.
The wave is getting closer, building and building.
It reaches me, floating me towards the ocean.
Just as it’s about to hit my face, I wake up.
…Maybe I’ll figure out what this means someday.
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