#tennolive blogging
cephalon-celaeno · 9 months
thank god warframe is ONLY going to get weirder from here
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eliard · 7 years
Well, I figured I’d feel a little better after some time had passed.
It’s been almost two years, so I should be all right now, yeah?
Dear Telly. Sorry I missed the 1-year anniversary of having my ability to trust people murdered - I was working a lot harder than usual to make ends meet, since Bill’s employer has run out of startup funds, which meant I was covering all of our living expenses. I’m sure you can relate. So I hope you can excuse me if our special day happened to slip my mind. Love, Eliard.
Sarcasm aside, I was going to address some of the stuff Telluric said in their response post. In no particular order:
1. They said that the money I was sending them while they were still living at their parents’ place was largely being used for their mom’s very particular eating habits.
...Okay, but your gofundme had stated that it was to help you get a place to live because you were getting kicked out soon. The campaign was even titled “please help me get back on my feet!!” Not once, anywhere, did you ever say that any of it would be spent on anything other than helping you get a place of your own while you were between jobs.
2. They said their sister did actually buy Splatoon for them.
I’ve got no way to confirm or deny this on my own. They say it was Paypal’d to them (as liquid assets), but hey. I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt on this one.
3. They said they were legit stranded at the bar at Tennolive and had tried twice to get taxied back to their hotel.
Fine. But (just my opinion), if you think you’re mature enough to skip out on work and drive 14 hours to a convention in a city that you’ve probably never been to before, I’m not sure how it suddenly stands that you can cry outside of a bar (read: age 21+ to get in) because you don’t have an obvious path back to the hotel. You certainly had an obvious path to the bar.
4. They said they blocked me on tumblr and deleted me from Steam/Warframe because they felt guilty.
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Because nothing says “I feel bad about having screwed this person over” like bragging about how they’re still shamelessly playing the very game that they sank so much time into while they should have been getting their shit together, right?
And I “started making posts about [them] personally that weren’t all that kind” on my blog. Oh? I did? “she mentioned how she hated seeing me log on steam and play Warframe, so I removed her from steam.” Ohh, they meant in my tags. Well, I’m not sure how that’s exactly unkind. I think being angry is a perfectly legitimate response to that situation, all things considered - but clearly it’s not okay for me to be upset despite having been screwed out of my life savings. Sure, I guess. My feelings don’t matter, right? That several-month delay between finding that particular blog and actually deleting me from Steam/WF is interesting too, though.
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cephalon-celaeno · 9 months
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I do this to the soulframe bird
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