#terrible dilemma 😰😰😰😰
cindersfireplace · 3 months
Robaire's Dilemma Part 1
Robaire is pacing around in deep thought:
Jesse: Hey Ro I'm too tired to cook so you think we should just order from that pizza restaurant down the street?
Robaire: 🚶🏿🤔
Jesse: Ro? *Waves his hand in front of his face* Robaire. Earth to Robaire.
Robaire: What? Oh hi Jesse. Did you say something?
Jesse: I was just asking if you wanted pizza. Are you ok man?
Robaire: Yeah totally. I mean I am good. I'm great. Why would you think otherwise?
Jesse: 🤨
Robaire: Alright I'm terrible I messed up real bad Jess and I don't know what to do.
Jesse: *Exhausted Dad sigh* Alright. What happened? Out with it.
Robaire: You know that ball that Aaron Z has?
Jesse: The one that he got signed by his favorite basketball player. Yes, I'm familiar with it.
Robaire: Well he was playing on the court and went inside for some water and I was thinking to myself, ‘Wow Robaire it's been a while since you've shot some hoops maybe it would be fun to try right now.’
Jesse: Uh huh.
Robaire: So I shot the ball towards the hoop *does the motion for emphasis* and it did hit something…
Jesse: I don't like where this is going.
Robaire: … it hit the backboard and then richoted into a stop sign… then again into the street…
Jesse: But you went to get it right?
Robaire: I would have but the car was faster.
Jesse: The car? 😱
Robaire: The car.😰
And by the time I got to it-it looked like this *holds out a flat basketball*
Robaire: I-I didn't know it would happen.
Jesse: What did Z say?
Robaire: Nothing…cause that's exactly what I told him.
Jesse: Robaire you can't hide this forever.
Robaire: You're right I don't plan to just long enough for me to leave the country 😭
Jesse: That's a terrible plan.
Robaire: I know but what else can I do?
Jesse: Telling him the truth might be nice.
Robaire: *Vigorously shakes head*
Jesse: Alright well I'm gonna order the pizza, and then you can pull him aside once we've finished eating and tell him what happened.
Robaire: Fine if I must 🙄
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amakumos · 11 months
im in such a big dilemma omg
like u dont have to read this but like i just need to bitch tbh </3 😰
okay so like this bitch from my old school used to bully me in y7 for liking kpop right even tho we became bsfs in y8 (but we also broke off our friendship ig? i mean she like randomly ignored me one day and COMPLETELY shut me out)
and as we got to y9 she started to like get obsessed with being popular (because ngl shes acc so pretty but her personality makes her such a horrible person) and she would like yeah not treat me well
ANYWAY the point is now that ive moved and i noticed on her like insta updates n all she likes kpop now?? and people applaud for and encourage her for that
and like obv i cant yk control other peoples behvaiour
but like she bullied me so bad for liking kpop? like she got me OUT of it for years i only got back into kpop like last year + she gave me insecurities xoxo
but yeah idk i just think its so unfair that just cause shes pretty and popular she gets a pass on liking kpop when 11 year old me took all the hits from her
never been this emo on the blr omg
vball anon </3
hello wtf??? i will beat her up … but yeah i understand why you’d feel upset about it especially because she used to hate on u for it …she sounds like a pretty terrible person i hope ure okay ☹️
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antoniokroos · 3 years
I want portugal to win but I don’t want gulasci to concede 😩😩😩
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