#thank you for feeding my jake thots all the time
kryptonitejelly · 2 years
i’m so sorry i haven’t dropped by in a while!! i miss you!! i hope you’re having a lovely holiday and properly relaxing like you deserve!! 💖💕
so we’ve agreed jake and public just goes hand in hand right?? let me present ✨jake and skinning dipping while you’re on holiday✨
just you, him, the moonlight and one too many bottles of red wine from your meal out. you’re both so giggly but he’s so handsy and takes you on the beach then and there, not caring if anyone comes by and sees you bouncing on his cock.
“fuck, you look so pretty in the moonlight sugar.”
ilysm! mwah! 🫶🏼💘
HI <3 I AM SO GLAD YOU DROPPED BY 💕😌 I miss you too!!!! The holiday was good, but now I am back, and back to the grind. I can’t wait for my next holiday already. I hope everything is okay with you my love!
I giggled at this 😌 because of course Jake would be 110% about going stark naked in the sea - because what is a holiday without thaaaat.
I imagine it would start of super duper innocently (okay, well as innocent as it can be with him, because you guys have had bottles) - with both of you strolling along the beach. Jake is already handsy, murmuring all these deliciously dirty things into your ear, because the dress you are wearing is leaving very little to his imagination; and halfway, before you even realise what is happening, he is pulling you on the sand, towards the water both of you giggling like the couple of drunk idiots in love you are.
“take off that dress gorgeous, let me see what is underneath.” is what he would say, and boy is your dress off. Aaaaaand pleaseee, imagine if you wore 0 underwear that day because you didn’t want any lines showing on your dress, it would drive him absolutely wild, and he would remove the rest of his clothing in TWICE the speed he was removing them at previously.
He would totally take you right on the beach, if not for the fact that sand is a nasty little bugger and tends to get everywhere (you’ll still be washing sand our for days though), so he’ll drag you into the water, your belongings in a heap, and fuck you, secretly (or not so secretly) hoping that someone comes by and sees you bouncing on his cock.
“hope someone passes by and sees you bouncing on my cock darlin,” he’ll say and squeeze your breasts, one in each hand as you throw you head back in absolute pleasure, “you’re a work of art, you deserve to be seen.”
Thank you for this, public and Jake always makes me giggle and kick my feet so bad hehe <3 ilyyyyyy.
(I had a thot while typing this, and then I got distracted, and now for the life of me - I cannot remember what it is…. I hope I do)
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Jake Seresin loves laying on his back and helping you get off on his abs. he loves how much you love him and the first time you brought it up he could have died right there. he has to help you tho because you get dumb from the pleasure. "here baby, let daddy help you" he grabs your hips and starts sliding you up and down his abs, tightening the muscles so that it feels even better and once you've come all over his stomach and chest he's using his fingers and tongue to clean it all up.
of course you get dumb from the pleasure. you’re grinding your cunt over your lovers abs, feeling them tense underneath you, the ridges causing a delicious friction on your clit. you feel so pathetic that you’re so needy for jake you’re able to get off on just his abs and it adds to the pleasure that you’re feeling in between your legs.
jake would never want his baby and pillow princess to suffer, so he helps you.
he’s running his fingers over your arousal sticking to his sweaty torso and sucking on it with a satisfied hum. he’ll feed you some of your own arousal if you’re particularly dumb so you know what a good girl you’ve been for him.
thank you so, so much for this insane thot my dear anon!! 💌
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navybrat817 · 3 years
Happy Monday darling! Hope you're having a better day than I am cause I seemed to have screwed my head on backwards and just messing up things haha Sending you lots of love, dirty thots inspirations and hugs😘🥰
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His face when he sees you for the first time and knows he has to have you...in all kinds of positions😏
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Andy when he hears someone has upset you and maybe he'll take that frustration out on you🥴
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Scott calling in to check in and tell you all the places he's gonna do you when you get home 🏡
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Jake being upset with himself for not saying anything to you in the elevator, don't worry though he'll create an IT problem on your computer later and come fix it. And when it takes longer than anticipated, he'll distract you in other ways😏
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I fell asleep on the couch because I was tired and it is now Tuesday. 😂 Sending you so many hugs because I'm sorry you had a rough Monday!
You always feed me well with these All-You-Can-Fuck buffets! I need them all, please. I also adore the idea of Jensen creating an issue to get a second chance at talking to you. It's perfect.
You deserve to be taken care of after your day! Let them draw you a bath, have a nice meal ready for you and take turns absolutely wrecking you until you forget all about the day you had. ❤️
Love and thanks! ❤️
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sincerelyreidburke · 3 years
How your Kiersey friends survive the end of fall semester: by making campus festive!
Day 4 of the 25 Days of Kiersey is upon us! I’m doing a text post today. In normal college times, the stretch between Thanksgiving break and the end of fall semester finals is an extremely festive time of year. Or at least it is on my college’s campus, and I’m projecting that festivity onto Kiersey.
What you’ll find under the cut: the ways in which all the “main” characters of the Kiersey-verse celebrate that festive few weeks on campus.
Ask for anything you’d like to see this month in the way of Kiersey-verse festivities!
The 25 Days of Kiersey AO3 work
Nando: He occupies the Beech Street kitchen like it’s a damn military outpost (but not nearly as strict), and whips out every holiday recipe from home that he can manage. This means baking— Christmas conchas and marranitos especially— but not only baking. There’s a lot of, like, soup and stew going on. Red pozole, and chicken pozole verde...... (I am hungry typing this up) and also, this host of cooking wouldn’t be complete without Nando’s papa’s hot chocolate recipe. He makes it many times for his teammates and Quinn. Because Nando has such a thing about feeding the people he loves and cares about, he wants to make sure all his friends from Kiersey experience the true wonder of a Hernandez family Christmas.
Remy: Remy is a huge fan of pond hockey, so he goes out to skate any chance he gets on the one pond on campus. He can and will do this by himself, but he invites friends along too. You’re lying to yourself if you don’t think Remy “raging Canadian” Tremblay isn’t 100% in his element out on a frozen pond in skates, a winter hat, gloves, his Olympic Team Canada windbreaker, and track pants. So, yes, he does take himself out on skating dates. He works on his shot, his speed, and stick handling. But like I said, he’s not always alone. One time, he invites the team out for a game of shinny and it starts snowing, so it devolves into a KMH snowball fight. Another time, he invites Kai and gets ready to laugh at xir the whole time because Kai makes it out like xe can’t skate, and then Kai invites him to race, and it turns out Kai is a former figure skater and xe’s extremely fast. Remy is shook.
Ben: (Sigh) Although this is extremely characteristic of Ben Shaley, I do not approve of his life choices. Ben has a personal holiday tradition called the 12 Days of Lay. It’s exactly what it sounds like, but I’ll explain it to you anyway. In the 12 days leading up to the end of the semester, Ben tries to hook up every single day. He does this by showing up at random parties. Yes, I hate him. Yes, he makes terrible decisions. Yes, he’s a thot. Thanks for your time.
Quinn: First of all, he knits like a crazy person. Sophomore year, he makes matching blue and gold pom-pom hats for the entire hockey team (this requires some pre-planning, but he does it nonetheless), and he gives them to the boys right before their last game of the semester. He knits other things, too, in various holiday themes. He and Nando try to watch as many Christmas movies as they can in the short window of time post-Thanksgiving and pre-winter break, because Quinn never watched holiday movies growing up, and Nando gives him his first education in them, and then it becomes a tradition for them.
Cole: True story: every year, the drama club hosts a little holiday talent show, and every year without fail, Cole goes up and sings the Adam Sandler Hanukkah song. Yes, he plays his own guitar. Yes, he wears the ugly Hanukkah sweater that Quinn made for him. He might even wear his kippah? I’m not sure, but either way, he gets a real kick out of himself. I would also say “Cole teaches his Christmas-celebrating friends Hanukkah traditions,” but Cole barely has friends, so, uh. I mean, he could teach them to Reid? Except one of Reid’s roommates/“boys” from his graduating year is also Jewish, and Reid probably already knows. Come to think of it, Cole probably hangs out with Jake. But anyway.
Reid: He has a pair of Christmas socks for each separate day. You think I exaggerate, but I assure you, I do not. And as we saw yesterday, Reid is a big fan of Christmas decorations. He puts a [plastic] tree up in his campus residence, Duffy Hall apartment 3, which we saw a brief glimpse into during yesterday’s installment of the 25 Days. Duff 3 goes hard at the holidays, and it probably includes some good parties.
Bri: In collaboration with her fellow Art Students, she participates in a big fundraiser where they sell art designed to be holiday gifts. They do this on campus, but probably also out in the actual community of Kiersey, which is a (fictional) medium-sized town. Bri makes a lot of vases, dishware, and other ceramic stuff, plus stuff in the glass studio. The students donate some of the proceeds to charity, and use some to help fund their department. Also, Christmas leggings are to Bri what socks are to her boyfriend.
Jhiron: I know we don’t really see Jhiron all that much, but I want to include him on this list because he’s one of the few members of the Kiersey cast who actively celebrates an “uncommon” or at least uncommercialized winter holiday, which is Kwanzaa. He’s Muslim, but Kwanzaa is cultural rather than religious, so he celebrates it both at home and a little on campus. It doesn’t actually start until after Christmas, but he’s really active in the Kiersey Black Student Union (his girlfriend, Jazzy, is the president of it their senior year), and they have this really nice African holiday festival in collaboration with the campus multicultural center. It involves food, traditions, et cetera, and takes place right before everybody leaves.
Maggie: Maggie is the online shopping queen. She capitalizes on Cyber Monday deals, and times all her shopping so that gifts for friends will come in before they all leave for break. She’s extremely thoughtful and also extremely stylish, and there’s glitter on the wrapping for pretty much every present she hands out. She’s not a “DIY gift” kind of person— but she will gift you something that corresponds to your exact aesthetic, every time. She has an eye for stuff like that. She likes doing Yankee swaps and stuff for similar reasons.
Kai: I actually don’t know that Kai is big on celebrating any one winter holiday, but I don’t think that that means xe is against festivities, and I know for a fact that xe would decorate xir lizard’s tank. With, like, little lights around the sides. And Leonardo (the lizard in question) gets some kind of festive hat. He only keeps it on for about two seconds, but it’s long enough for Kai to get his picture and set it as xir profile picture on everything for the duration of the holiday season. Also, skating with Remy, as I mentioned earlier.
Claire: She does campus-wide caroling with the Kiersey acapella group, which is a real student organization that exists, despite my lack of mentioning it to this point. I think there’s probably some crossover with theatre kids, as in, a handful of them are in it, and Claire sticks out as someone who definitely would do it. Anyway. They go caroling from dorm to dorm during finals. Claire brings cookies for her acapella friends. They all wear Santa hats. It’s great fun.
Ellie: Because she is, at heart, a very outdoorsy person, Ellie helps decorate the exterior of campus. Like, hanging lights on trees and stuff? She also encourages her friends to participate in various outdoorsy activities such as building a snowman, which lives outside her apartment for a few days until some drunk football players knock it down, and then Ellie gets super pissed and re-makes the snowman passive-aggressively, and basically just keeps this up until the end of the semester. A hopeless romantic at heart, Ellie daydreams about having a girlfriend who will make snow angels, go on skating dates, and watch festive movies with her. When she actually does get a girlfriend, she does all these things with her accordingly.
Teegs: He throws the most raging, wild holiday parties you ever did see. Anyone who gets within a 10-foot radius of the house on Beech Street from after Thanksgiving until the end of the semester risks getting covered in fake snow confetti, being forced to play some kind of Christmas drinking game, and, of course, having their eardrums blown out by Teegs’ Christmas music. He has sunglasses with fun rims, like this..........
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sebsxphia · 1 year
Dropping in with a kiddo agenda thot bc it’s been a hot second and I think this makes up for the time…
Jake realizing you have a breeding kink
cracks knuckles
lets, shall we?
i can picture this with jake and kiddo when you’re still in college, jake being almost ten years older than you. you’ve spent the weekend at jake’s family ranch surrounded by his nieces and nephews from his many sisters.
jake knows how much you love his little nieces and nephews. he always notices the way your eyes crinkle up in the corners when you see them running around outside when he pulls up. everyone can see that you spend as much time as you possibly can when visiting, playing with them, feeding them, hell even sometimes putting them to bed yourself.
you’re straddled on jake’s torso with his hands in yours, jake lying in his childhood bedroom for the nights stay. you’re aimlessly moving his hands around while you both recall the day and all the family gossip.
“you were so cute with the little guys, kiddo. i love seeing you like that. you’d be a good mom one day.” jake means the latter seriously, but he plays it off as a joke. you giggle in response and playfully push down on his hand to hit his own chest.
“mm, i just love them. they’re so cute and it makes me think about me and you… someday.” you trail off, biting down on your lip at the thought that swirls around in your head. jake can spot that tell tale glimmer in your eye and he probes you further.
“you know i’d love that too, kiddo. and the sex too…” jake mimics a chefs kiss motion with his hand still wrapped in yours and you let out another small laugh, but your hips rut forward along jake’s torso at the thought and he notices immediately.
“what’s got you so worked up, baby?”
“nothing!” you protest and fall in defeat against jake’s chest. he takes this opportunity to hold onto your hips and spin you around so he’s now hovering over you with his broad arms pinned either side of your head, caging you in.
“i’m not so sure. seems to me like you’re thinking about something else, kiddo.” jake dips his head and nips at the supple flesh below your ear lobe, continuing and working down your neck.
“i- i just like the thought of you fucking me when we’re trying for a baby. it’s so intense, so passionate, so hot.” you let out a small moan as jake sucks on the sweet spot that makes you loopy.
“like the thought of me filling you up with my cum, hm?” jake murmurs against your flesh, moving his lips along your collar bone, just dipping to the swell of your breasts. “making you nice and full with our kid, baby?”
you gasp at the sensation of jake moving one hand to tweak over your nipple through jake’s old navy shirt. the sounds that jake is pulling out of you are nearly sinful, and mixed with his teasing words it makes you clasp your hand over your mouth so his family can’t hear.
you respond with a muffled, “yes baby.”
jake pulls again at your nipple, “these would be so swollen and big, kiddo. i’d love to have you like that, have you all sensitive and swollen.”
the way your hips jolt up to meet him tells jake everything he needs to know and he’s going to take his sweet time with this new kink of yours that he’s learnt.
i’m so here for this thot!! thank you so much for this insane kiddo thot bestie!! 💌
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sebsxphia · 2 months
Hey Sebbie! How are ya? I have a delicious thot for you ;)
Imagine being in a threesome with Jake and Coworker! Bob and y/n being the dom. One day, she decides that she wants to be used by both of them - just for a day - any way they want her but she sets the rules.
The day arrives and all three are very excited. Bob goes to work while Jake and y/n spend the morning. Jake and y/n have a heavy makeout sesh, full of groping and grinding, when all of a sudden, he manhandles you like a ragdoll and starts spanking you and simultaneously playing with your clit. He then leaves you with a ruined orgasm and then the both of you get dressed.
He then decides that he will pick out which underwear you wear and decides on a pair of granny panties that embarrass you to your core. He makes you wear them and pulls you down on his lap and starts moving you back on forth on his thigh, occasionally bouncing you a bit but never letting you orgasm.
He leaves for work, with a hard slap to your ass and a kiss that leaves you dizzy.
thank goodness you didn't have a meeting that day.
When you reach your office, you meet Bob. He tells you to write down everything Jake and you did and submit it to him when you both meet later on.
After your work is done and everyone except you and Bob have left, Bob comes to your office with a bottle of water and a grin, one akin to a Cheshire cat.
He asks for the report and you give it to him, squirming in your seat. He then pulls you from your seat and sits down on your chair, and asks orders you to strip. When you realise that you're wearing those granny panties, you're a little shy but you oblige. Bob sees those granny panties and asks you to remove everything except your bra and your granny panties.
He pulls you onto his lap and kisses you and marks you. He sucks on your nipples, twisting them and pinching them with another hand on your clothed cunt, slowly rubbing his fingers up and down. "Bobby please, I haven't touched myself all day!" you cry, on the edge of the fucking orgasm. He kisses you once more and grants you your wish and lets you cum. He then fucks you on the sofa in your office and uses all the tools in his arsenal - mouth, fingers and his dick.
After a few rounds, you both relax and he makes you wear your clothes to go back home. Jake calls Bob, asking for a status update and what time they'll be home. They have a small chat and when Bobby comes back to your office, you're buzzed and so very happy.
Bob carries you to his car where you fall asleep during the ride. When you reach home, Jake carries you to your room and helps you change your clothes. They feed you dinner and soon after, all three of you fall asleep in your bed.
Have a great day/night!
oooooh i love this delicious thot and delicious dynamic so much! 🤭 because jake is used to being the sub, it’s exciting for him to play the role of the dom and you and bob, realise that he can play it very well and he’s quite a tease when he wants to be. it’s also fun for bob to have his way with you and for jake to see/hear about the end state he got you to.
thank you so much for this delicious thot my dear anon and i hope you have a wonderful day/night yourself! 💌💗
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