#thank you to Sandy from @aroundthesims! and to @olomaya for your mods
samkat10423 · 4 months
Grande Lama's Sunset Valley
I recently downloaded @olomaya's religion mod - because my heathen sims need to learn to respect their simgoddess. Well, they do! One of the religions is based on the Sims Medieval Peteran religion. Sadly, it's the namby-pamby, "let's hand out flowers and sing kumbaya!" one. Not the kick-ass, take no prisoners Jacoban one that reflects my attitude toward my idiotic sims, but oh well. Anyway, since I plan on making my SV sims my first converts, I decided I needed a more imposing church. Especially since in her mod description, she says the priests can "shakedown" church members for more simoleons. (There's hope for these flower-children priests yet!)
Before my computer died, I had saved a copy of @grandelama' s church from his version of Sunset Valley. But with the death of that computer, I lost that file. But luckily, he still has the world available for download. Which I did last night. So THANK YOU!
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I truly love this church. But - like every lot I play - I made a few changes. Mostly in how I furnished it. Although, there are a few outside too. He didn't use any CC but I have Sandy's lovely church set, and I always use it in my churches. So, I used it here too. Outside, I used a different statue, and got rid of the willow tree and used some oaks with Lily-of-the-Valley's tree bench around it. I also replaced the curbing with his curbing set - that I absolutely love.
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I haven't added the objects from @olomaya's mod yet, but I will. I was just experimenting with how I wanted it to look today. By the entrance door, is a confessional - plus some candle stands for the faithful to use. I've also got a few relics in some of the alcoves. I need to place a statue to me - the great and wondrous samkat! But, as I said, this is a WIP.
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This is the reception hall building. In the original, he had a kitchen where I've placed the gambling stuff. I would have liked to have Bingo stuff, but this is as good as it gets. This is just one way the church brings in extra simoleons. The other side is where brides get ready.
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Then upstairs, I used stuff from both of those wedding sets. This is a major step up for my sims, who usually just get married in their bathrooms, by their toilets.
Anyway, a HUGE thank you to @grandelama. I moved all my lots to your version of SV today, and even have room for some new ones! Plus, this version isn't giving me as many headaches as EA's. So, win-win for me!
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