#that gaijins only get far if they trick the rules
eldesperadont ยท 2 years
Abt Jay's development, I've always thought people being mild abt him when he debuted as Switchblade worked perfectly for his character bc he came in as this tryhard insecure edgelord and it's like feeling that disrespect fueled him into becoming truly rageful and dangerous.
exactly!! yes yes yes
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eldesperadont ยท 2 years
headcanons that nobody asked for about my wrestling blorbos under the cut hehoo ๐ŸŒˆ
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any character i like is queer and/or ND in my head lmao but heres a few people i have proper thoughts on
Hiromu: autistic polyam king, neither cis or het, queer queer queer
El Desperado: dealt with self worth issues and depression since he debuted on the main roster, got better in the last few years tho :)
unfortunately in love with Hiromu - gender doesnt play a role in his attraction, not big on labels
Jay White: smug disaster gay, *slaps his head* this bad boy can fit so many mental issues in it, sooo insecure and masks it all till he can't anymore, calls himself King SWITCH so imma take that literal-
No but really i have a lot of thoughts about Jays motivations, in my reading he feels like the only way to make it in njpw as a gaijin is if you disregard the rules, fans and opinions of others - he's deeply afraid of everything he did to even be a wrestler having been pointless, he may cheat to get to his goal but a title is a title, the ultimate proof of his sacrifice having been worth it.
Juice Robinson: genuinely thought about giving up on wrestling, i don't buy his 'haha i tricked u all' explanation, he either reached out to BC or โ€” the spicier take :)c โ€” Jay reached out to him:
He knows how its like to be at rockbottom, feeling like everythings pointless. (his post WK15 promo) The guys Jay was in the dojo with were/are people he genuinely cared about (i could bring up counless examples), so he couldnt sit by and watch Juice throw his shot away
KENTA & Naito both gimme "bastard dad that constantly messes and jokes around but actually deals with a lot of depression and anxiety and whenever he (in the most unexpected moments) brings it up it gives you whiplash, feels like forbidden lore" vibes; they are very similar and i love them a lot, ive written about that before here
also Kenta and Shibata are bitter exes
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ELP: bi adhd DUMBASS. with more depth than u would think, dreads all his sacrifice not paying off in the end, similar to Jay, thats generally my theme for Bullet Club, if these dudes weren't so toxic they could be a great support system for one another
Robbie Eagles: bi nerd with the worst taste in men lmao, Ospreay's his ex, him and ELP are whatever the hell they are, obsessed definitely - ive written about them a bit here and here
BUSHI: transmasc genderfluid dude :)
Miho Abe & ZSJ: are whatever makes you fall in love with the trash emperor, they both date TAICHI
Kota Ibushi: adhd/autistic mlm king. okay no but genuinely i have so many feelings about Ibushis struggle to fit in, to do as others expect of him, being the weird one - i can relate to that so much it makes me cry
LIJ group dynamic:
Shingo and Naito are bastard brothers that annoy each other on purpose, Sanadas the younger brother both get along with
Naito and Bushi are parental figures for Hiromu, based on Naito being Takahashis mentor and Hiromu literally describing Bushi with ใŠๆฏใ•ใ‚“, mother.
Shingo is Hiromus loud scary uncle, Sanada is his cool quiet uncle
Naito and Bushi are married.
also a few aedub thoughts:
all of BCC is autistic.
Kingston has adhd.
HOOK is autistic, non verbal most of the time, uses sign language.
the whole roster's queer good for them good for them (except the ones i dont like.)
my Danhausen thoughts!
EDIT: i forgot Ricky, Ricky Starks is autistic
idk that's it, i dont have many HCs for aew so far lol
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