#that horse is hilariously photoshopped.. look at those hooves
sanctus-ingenium · 6 months
this is very specific but i love how you draw shiny horses. i have a lot of trouble with that (though that might just be cause i havent done enough studies lol) so seeing someone do it really well and cool as shit is very impressive 👍‼️
I did a tutorial on specular highlights on metallic surfaces here and placing the highlights on horses (or anything, really) follows almost the same principles - which is that the specular highlight occurs at the point where the light beams can make a 90 degree angle between your eyeball, the surface, and the light source. specular highlights are therefore positioned relative to the viewer and not just placed on the surface closest to the light source!
when you add fur or hairs to the mix you have to take into account the grain of the fur, which way hairs are lying. main point is that if the tips of the hairs are facing you it's like looking at a hairbrush head-on, the individual hairs swallow the light and scatter it so that it appears almost as if there's a cast shadow there. but there isn't, only an absence of light bouncing back into your eyes.
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this only applies to dark colours! white and pale-haired animals interact with light very differently.
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