#that's their ship name right? jd;kwjnnjs
cassyapper · 3 years
please elaborate on the kel/basil thing cus im p sure i noticed stuff between them in the real world parts but not in the albums or hearspace? i wanna know what u noticed
ya totally!!!!!
so one, the photo albums: even discounting the one that kel took of himself, kel has the most individual photos taken of him than any other character. basil notes once that aubrey is “always photogenic” so we can deduce that it’s not that his other friends are hard to take pictures of, he just always seems to be noticing what kel is up to more than what anyone else is up to. also, in the photo descriptions, even if the photo includes more than one person, basil is likely to mention something kel is doing in particular, a service he wont provide for anyone else
headspace: there are a bunch of little moments between the two here so I'm just gonna switch to more of a list format 1) kel wanted basil’s attention when they first go out to meet mari and basil....aubrey immediately runs to mari but kel on the other hand immediately runs to basil and tries to do something impressive and photo-worthy because, we can conclude, he likes having basil’s approval. on it’s own this isn't really anything too special but i just think it’s cute 2) basil pokes fun at kel in the very beginning. this is relevant imo because even headspace basil is very timid and doesn't like stepping on toes, but he isn't afraid to call kel a prick. what this means in the grand scheme of things then is that basil trusts kel in a special way which lets him know kel wont get mad over gentle, lighthearted teasing (and he doesn't! kel is like “cool so i could take care of a cactus!!”). like idk exactly how to phrase this,,,but basil feeling relaxed enough toward kel he’s willing to step out of his comfort zone in terms of how he interacts w ppl is a big deal in my opinion but it’s very subtle so let’s move on 3) when basil goes missing and they're all listing things about him that they miss at mari’s picnic, kel goes on and on about how he misses hearing basil talk about things he enjoys like plants and flowers, but he then lists more hobbies, like reading and art. idk i just think it’s rlly sweet that kel a) listened to basil talk so much so often even tho we all know kel usually cant stand being so still and lax for too long....for some reason basil is the exception and b) retained that information 4) i know the “well i miss when basil would tell me to wash my hands” thing was more to annoy aubrey than anything else, the fact that he and basil spent so much time together that saying that made sense? i know I'm looking too deep into this but I'm taking it thanks 5) when their memories are getting really messed up in deeper well/humphrey, kel remembers that a) basil probably would've liked all the strange plant life in deeper well and comments on this, b) remembers in molly’s sector that basil liked to take photos when people “least expect it” bc there's just “something about people living their own lives” when no one else even remembered basil’s photos existed, and c) when kel finds that basil plant in medusa’s sector he gets inexplicably sad and he doesn't know why and just HNGGH he cared about him a lot okay
i know they didn't have a lot of one-on-one interaction in headspace but i think these moments attest to Something. at the very least they were rlly close in a healthy way,,,these kiddos make me smile
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