#that'sa lot of tags.
rosabienfuerte · 18 days
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travesty-majesty · 4 years
(Second try posting lol)
I got tagged in a tag game, so I'm gonna post the info on its own too, so y'all get a sorta introduction to me! Here ya go ^^
Name: Not revealing my real name yet, so just Grave will do!
Zodiac: Taurus, but because of my birthday I'm on a cusp day (I think that's what it's called) with Gemini!
Height: Funny story. Last time I checked, which was only a few months ago, I was something like 5'9. Now my friends are approximately 5'3 and I'm only slightly taller then them. hELP-
Hogwarts House: I've been seeing a lot of Hufflepuffs on this thread tbh. Well we're changing it up! Because I'm a Ravenclaw (yknow, the blue one that hardly has any significance except lUNA)
Last thing I Googled: On my laptop, 'Kokichi Ouma sprites'. On my phone, 'Monokuma joins your party' (I DONT EVEN REMEMBER GOOGLING THAT)
Song currently stuck in my head: As i was reading this thread it changed to Somebody That I Used To Know, but beforehand it was Iodine by Icon For Hire ^^'
Amount Of Followers: 3. Hey y'all, two of you are getting tagged in this bc the other one tagged me, heh heh
Amount of sleep: On a good day, 9 hours or so! On nights like tonight where i stay up until 4:30am, maybe 6 or 7 lol
Lucky Number(s): I added the S because I have two, 7 and 13!! (Fun fact, the person above me thinks 7 is overrated. that's right stxrryy im calling you out)
Dream job: l i t e r a l l y n o i d e a . I'm going between author, illustrator, songwriter, actor, voice actor, comic artist- hhhHHHHHH
Wearing: S k i n (Jk jk, light blue fluffy pjs!)
Favourite Song: Can't decide between Erase Me by Ben Folds Five or Villain by Stella Jang lol
Favourite author: Hmm... i would say jaqueline wilson but i've kinda had to repress my liking for her work bc of ppl i know, so we'll go with roald dahl! Legit can't remember the name rn but his book about the kid called Danny and his dad is my favourite.
ACTUALLY No, Alice Sebold! I've only read The Lovely Bones but that is definitely my favourite book ever ^^'
Aestethic: Hm... Does checkered print, purple, black and white count? Bc yes I have adooted Kokichi's aestethic apparantly
Favourite animal noise: Mmm, that'sa hard one. Most usually set off my anxiety tbh, but if i had to choose... probably just a cat meowing, It's quiet and non threatening. I can respect that.
Random: V big lesbian!!
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languagesperkele · 5 years
So I was thinking I could clean up my bookshelves a bit and give away some of my books. I don't yet know what would be included but they are going to be 99% in Finnish (I have a couple of books in Swedish because I occasionally get inspired to buy something so I could Practice but then I never touch them lol) because I'm not going to give away my rarer/harder to find books (like anything that's in Karelian for example) and I was thinking I'd prefer to give the books away to Finnish learners who don't necessrily have (easy) access to books in Finnish but who'd like to have some? This is kind of heads up I suppose. I don't expect a lot of people to be interested so for now I'm just planning on posting a list of books I'm giving away and letting people be like "I want that one" (better be fast lol). If you'd be interested pls react to this post so I know what to expect and if that'sa plan that could work out. If you wish me to tag you when I get the actual post with the books up please reply to this post to let me know (prefered) or DM me.
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