#the holocrons have ‘cower in fear’ across the bottom
vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Exciting news!
First, story time!
Several years ago, I made a fleece blanket for myself with all of the Eeveelutions from Pokémon appliqué embroidered on it ( @galexy-astra helped me out with some of the patches and with finishing the edges so I didn’t lose my mind)
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Anyway, during our move from Indiana, that bitch got stolen (I hope whoever took it is enjoying it, or gave it to a small child who is enjoying it).
We’re about to get into the time of year here where it is Too Cold To Live, and I have circulation issues. I’ve been just borrowing Wife’s fleece blanket for now, since they haven’t needed it, but when the real cold hits, we’ll both want fleeces. So I decided to make a new blanket.
I wanted my new blanket to be swtor themed. Wife and I originally kind of tried to talk me down from Brontes-themed, even though Brontes is the evil queen of my heart, steering me toward maybe just something with the class symbols. But then I started talking with the Hell Server about it and I got Enabled.
I have not yet finished the blanket, but!
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the patches are pretty much ready to go for appliqué! I may still fix up some of the details on the mask, and I may add more details to the colored parts of the Holocrons of Dread and Fear.
But I’m super proud of it so far, and super excited to be able to snuggle my wife and Brontes every night (we’re gonna be that “me, my SO, and their [thing they shouldn’t be cuddling in bed]” meme, poor Lex just like “me, my wife, and her Dread Master who could kill us both in our sleep and we’d say thank you”)
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vespertine-legacy · 3 years
Have some of my favorite Eleison screencaps from the end of her adventures on Dromund Kaas, round however many the hell times she’s had to go back to Dromund Kaas at this point:
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She’s too cute for her own good (as much as she denies it)
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She ate her first ghost! I’m so proud of her! (as an aside, I wish the Giant Scary Holocrons would get a little more creative and say something more than “cower in fear” but that’s all that all of them say across the bottom)
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She sassed (and ate) her second ghost!
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Her Very Good Ginx broke into a cutscene and tried to protect her from A Bitch
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