#the kind of love that should be a crime;; Jae x Gwangseon
hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
I am YOU
Gwangseon shook his head at Jae. “It’s really not that bad. I just keep forgetting I’m hurt because it doesn’t bother me all that much when I’m still.” He fiddled with the blanket with his good arm. “You don’t have to take care of me, you know. I can do it myself.” He brought his bottom lip in between, embarrassed from getting himself into this situation after Jae had said to be careful. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
Jae watched the other, tilting his head. "I'm well aware that I don't have to, Seony. But I want to.” he answered, leaning to kiss Gwangseon’s temple and then rest his head against Gwangseon’s. “Trust me when I say I’m just glad you’re alright.” he whispered, eyes closed. “You were just doing your job. I could never be upset for doing that.” 
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
Coffee was essential for Jae after a long night of filming for the new video, at the very least to make sure he got home in one piece. He was sitting as he sipped the coffee, munching on a piece of banana bread as he prepared to head home. A glance up had him doing a double take as he noticed an officer nearby. He recognized him, but he wasn’t sure if he should greet the other or not, so he waved at him instead. 
Gwangseon was trying to explain to the highly intoxicated man in front of him that the woman who had walked past was not his wife and that grabbing her rear end was sexual assault when he caught movement in the corner of his eye. He looked up and was met with the familiar face of Jae Kyung. He waved back before telling the intoxicated man he had to sleep of his stupor in the holding cell at the precinct. Gwangseon placed him in the backseat of his cop car and, telling his partner he’d be right back, jogged over to Jae. “Hello stranger.”
Jae couldn’t help but smile as the other came back over. “Hey there.” he greeted. “Busy night, I gather?” he asked, finger tilting the little cup in a circle. He knew his makeup was still in place and he was pretty sure his casual outfit of black jeans and a white t-shirt didn’t match, but he’d worked really hard on the video and he was happy to run into an acquaintance after the hectic day. “You look good, Seony.”
“Not really. Nothing serious, just drunken people doing what they do.” Gwangseon replied easily. At the comment from Jae he looked down at himself. “I hope you mean good in the ‘life has been good to you’ way because I look and feel like a mess. The car is cramped, ya know and it wrinkles the uniform.” He spoke trying to smooth out the wrinkles in his uniform.
 Jae laughed a little. “They can be fun from time to time.” he mused. “Though I imagine you handle the less fun side of the crowd.” He lifted his cup to take a sip, arching a brow. Swallowing the coffee, he licked his lips and shrugged. “And if I meant it both ways?” the singer asked, grinning playfully.
“Definitely the less fun side of things.” Gwangseon adjusted his gear belt. “If you meant it both ways I’d have to arrest you for lying to a law enforcement officer.” Gwangseon countered with an equally playful grin. “It’d be best if that didn’t happen, right?”
Jae opened his mouth in an amused but playfully offended way, eyes drifted back to where Gwanseon’s partner was waiting. “Tell you what, officer.” he mused, pulling a pen from his jacket and taking a napkin, writing his name and number on it. Folding it in half, he held it out. “When you get done with your shift protecting the innocent, hit me up and we can debate on the phrase ‘bauty is in the eye of the beholder’, hmm?”
Gwangseon took the napkin and placed it in his pocket. “Maybe some other time, I’m always protecting the innocent.” With that Gwangseon winked, turned around and walked about to the NYPD cruiser where his partner waited in the driver’s seat. He climbed into the passenger’s seat and motioned his partner to drive. As they drove passed Jae, Gwangseon waved slightly and smiled.
Despite being exhausted from work, Jae laughed at Gwangseon’s remark, waving him off. “See you around, Seony.” he called, headed to his own car to head home. He had another day of filming tomorrow, so he needed to get home and rest. Once home, he showered and slept, waking up early to head to his label, where they’d take him to the next location for filming.
Gwangseon stood outside his cruiser, blocking off the road. His partner asked what exactly they were doing and Gwangseon just shrugged. He just went where he was told to go. In intervals crowds of girls would come by and look around before leaving and it was beginning to irritate Gwangseon. “Why are we even here?” He complained, tilting his head back to look at the sky.
Jae had headphones in as the driver took them to the building where they’d be filming, but his eyes were looking out. As they pulled in, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of a certain officer stuck on security duty for the day. Once the vehicle had pulled in, Jae got out and looked over, waving towards where Gwangseon stood before heading to the tent where the makeup crew was waiting. Clad in a dark blue suit, he ran a hand through his hair as he began getting instructions on where backups would be placed and the kind of angles the crew was looking for.
Gwangseon stared but didn’t wave back. His partner made a comment about drooling to which Gwangseon turned his back to Jae with a “Humph!” In all honesty, Jae looked stunning but Gwangseon was not about to tell him that. The officer in charge brought over water bottles and Gwangseon and his partner nodded in thanks. Gwangseon glanced back over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. “This is so NOT fair.”
Summer meant the suit was hot and between shots, makeup touched up everything from his hair to the neutral eyeshadow. When he was able to get a break while the cameras and dancers got a rest, he made his way over to Gwangseon, tossing a fresh bottle of cold water to the other as he leaned on the barrier. “How’d you end up on fangirl removal, handsome?” he asked, grinning as he put his sunglasses back on.
Gwangseon caught the bottle easily and rolled his eyes. “I do what I’m told and don’t ask questions.” He twisted the top off and took a drink. When he was done he twisted the cap back on and fanned himself with his hand. “How can you wear that thing?” He said using the water bottle to motion at Jae’s suit. “I’m dying in this.”
Jae couldn’t help but laugh at the answer, shrugging. “They could at least give you some shade. This isn’t Madison Square Garden.” he mused. Looking down at his suit, he laughed again and nodded. “Very carefully, trust me. The makeup does not help, though, trust me.” he answered. “You working the late shift again?”
“I believe shade is a privilege.” Gwangseon scoffed sarcastically as he took another drink of water. He readjusted his radio on his shoulder for the nth time and rolled his shoulders. “Only when I have to. Usually if I do, I’m taking someone else’s shift. They don’t like temporarily switching up partners, it can cause some issues with the job.”
“Well, then neither of us are very lucky today.” Jae half-laughed, watching Gwangseon for a long moment as he listened. “What time are you off duty?” he asked, nudging his glasses down to reveal his eyes as he looked at the other.
Gwangseon chuckled at the singer. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” He raised an eyebrow as he spoke and his partner piped up from behind him. “He gets off at nine.” Gwangseon swung around to look at his partner and gave her a look that said ‘shut your mouth right now’. He turned back to Jae with an uneasy laugh. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” Behind Gwangseon his partner rolled his eyes and whispered under her breath, “You really need to get laid.” Gwangseon choked on his water mid drink and gave her the same look as before.
Jae gave a smirk at Gwangseon before hearing his partner, clicking his tongue thoughtfully. “Nine, huh?” he asked, chuckling as he saw the male try to cover the information he’d been given. “Oh, that hurts, Seony.” he mused, laughing as he happened to catch the ending of the woman’s sentence. “Maybe if you quit playing hard to get, we wouldn’t have a problem with that.” He mused with a wink.
Gwangseon blinked toward Jae as he slowly turned to face his partner. “I am SO driving for the rest of the month.” He turned back to star in front of him and replied curtly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m just here doing my job and having a friendly conversation with a friend.” He crossed his arms and looked off toward the building to his right.
Jae watched the two interact, smiling at the woman kindly as she shrugged at Gwangseon’s answer. He laughed again at the other male’s reaction, tilting his head. “Oh, come on, Seony. One date won’t kill you.” he sipped his water again. “Am I really that bad to be around?”
Gwangseon stood in silence, mouth hanging open but no reply coming out. He took a breath and smiled a little at Jae. “I already have plans.” He spoke quickly with a matter of fact look on his face. Gwangseon crossed his arms over his chest causing the condensation from the water bottle to end up on his uniform. “Besides, who said I liked you like that anyway?”
Jae pouted a little, sliding his sunglasses back up to cover his eyes. “Oh, so you’re gonna avoid me, huh?” he smirked, looking at the woman who was clearly Gwangseon’s partner. He really did want a date with the attractive male, but he supposed he was going to have to play hard ball too. “What about you, beautiful? Do you have plans? Since this one here’s not interested, I could treat you.” he offered, trying not to be as phased by Gwangseon’s last question as he was, his playfulness a little quieter suddenly without meaning to.
“Sorry, she doesn’t swing that way. I think she has a date for tonight anyway.” Gwangseon replied, wondering at the subtle change in Jae’s demeanor. It was a joke but what if Jae had taken him seriously? Geangseon didn’t have room for a significant other in his life right now anyway. No one would ever understand that his job would have to be first. He looked up and saw the people behind the cameras waving. In a queit voice he continued, “I think they’re calling you.”
Jae rolled his eyes. “I could still treat her to dinner, since you won’t let me spoil you.” He turned as Gwangseon spoke, frowning a little. Damn it, he really wanted to try and get just one date. Looking back, he gave a smile at the other. “You gonna stick around? I may be able to convince you yet, even with my crazy schedule.” He moved to right himself, tossing the water bottle towards Gwangseon.
Gwangseon caught the bottle and called after the retreating male. “I have to, it’s my job.” He turned to his partner and found her giving him a look that said she wanted to hit the back of his head. “Don’t look at me like that.” She rolled her eyes as Gwangseon spoke. “Why don’t you just tell him you’ve been into him since you worked that security detail at his concert?” She inquired as Gwangseon fiddled with Jae’s bottle. “I just don’t want to bring someone into my life and tell them that they have to be second to my job. I save a lot of people and I have to be able to go when and where I’m needed.” He spoke sadly and with a solemn look he turned to face the opposite direction of the singer and his crew.
Jae went about the shoot, but his eyes kept straying to the officer between takes. Turning back to the makeup team as they adjusted his makeup again, his hair being restyled as he closed his eyes and let the tent shade him just enough to take the edge off the heat. When filming was coming to an end, he asked his driver for just a moment, going over to the pair and moving around the barrier. “Hey, Seony, at least give me your number, huh?”
Gwangseon was startled by the singer and still upset from his partner’s scoldong earlier. He reached into his patrol car and grabbed his note pad while taking his pen from his belt. “Just so you know, this doesn’t mean anything, okay?” He jotted his number down and tore off the piece for Jae. “Here.”
Jae smiled as he was given the paper, giving a bright smile. “ Wrong. It means we can keep in touch this time.” he countered, tucking the paper into his pocket. “Be safe, alright? I know your job is risky.” he told him.
“Mybe not as risky as you think. Minji usual does the scary stuff.” Gwangseon joked as he reached throught the window and grabbed the star’s water bottle. “I believe this belomgs to you. Unless I’m totally wrong and you have a twin running around here.”
“Seony, regardless of who does what usually, your job is still a risk.” Jae argued, his lips twisting in a concerned smile. “Just be careful, alright? Make it home safe and all that.” He blinked as Gwangseon gave him his water back, smiling and taking it. “If only I’d been blessed with siblings.” He mused, runnign a hand through his hair. 
“Mr. Kyung, I do hate to interrupt, but we really should get back to HQ.” his driver said, giving a faint smile. 
Jae’s lips curved in a sad smile, turning back to Gwangseon. “Well, my duty calls. I’ll text you later, okay?”
“Sure thing.” Gwangseon turned back to his partner began to speak and before he knew it he was responding to a domestic abuse call and arguing about whether or not Minji’s girlfriend would like him. His phone dinged but he couldn’t hear it over the sirens that sounded from his cruiser and the ambulance in front of them.
Jae waited a while before sending a message, not wanting to bother Gwangseon if he could avoid it. The last thing he wanted was for something to happen to the officer because of him. Once he figured it would be a little more reasonable, he sent a message as he was cooking his food. 
[To; Seony-kun]: Well, I made it home safe, Seony. Your turn.
Gwangseon’s phone sat in the NYPD cruiser as a gunshot rang out in the night. The ambulance was given it’s occupant and took off as the cruiser followed suit quickly. 
Jae received a message from a number that wasn’t Gwangseon, and it took a minute to realize it was the woman partnered with the male. A brief conversation about which room Gwangseon was in ensued, and Jae readied himself to leave. Grabbing a hooded jacket, he drove to the hospital, drawing the hood up as he walked through, going to the appropriate floor before he asked where he could find the room. The nurse was happy to help, leading him to the room and reminding him to be quiet. Opening the door, he caught sight of Minji first, who was sitting in one of the chairs in the corner by the window. “Hey beautiful. How is he?”
“He’s gonna hurt like hell for a bit. Nothing life threatening, but they still had to dig a bullet out.” She answered, eyes watching her oartner as she spoke before they fell on Jae. “I know you’re busy and all, but I figured you should know, and see, before you got any closer to Gwanny. This is our job, and that risk is always going to be present. It could definitely have been worse tonight, but we all got lucky.”
Jae listened to her, could see how serious she was. “I know the job has risks. And I know it’s something he chose, I wouldn’t ask him to change that. He loves his job, despite those risks, that’s who he is. Just like my music means the world to me, being a cop means the same to him.” He answered. “I knew the risk when I started flirting with him, I’m not gonna pretend I didn’t.” He motioned to the other chair. “May I?” He asked, giving a smile as she nodded, walking to sit next to her.
Gwangseon let out a groan as he came to. “I didn’t even get a sentence out.” HE looked to the side where he knew his partner would be and was surprised to find Jae as well. “Min, did they get the family out of there?” He gave a little wave to Jae with his good arm and smiled sheepishly. “It’s not my fault. The guy didn’t even let me talk to him.” He raised his good arm to grab for his phone which sat on the bed table. He stopped mid way through and leaned back with a sigh.
Jae perked up despite being half asleep when Gwangseon spoke. He leaned forward as he watched the male, resting his head on his hand. 
“They’re all going to be fine. The kids are with their mom, she lost a lot of blood, but she’ll be fine. Her sister is gonna watch the kids during her hospital stay.” Minji answered. “Now that’ you’re awake, I’d like to go change, I have blood all over my uniform.” she teased, moving to stand up and walking over to kiss his forehead. “Get better. And don’t you dare go against doctor’s orders.”
Jae waited until she was gone before getting up and moving to sit on the edge of the bed. “I told you to be careful, Seony.” he mused with a smile. “At least you’re gonna be okay, though.”
Gwangseon called after his partner to stay but she exited the room anyway. “It’s not my fault. The guys was crazy, usually I can talk people like that down but this time it was like a whole different atmosphere. Minji was even worried, I should’ve just let her do it.” He moved away from Jae just the slightest bit and prayed the other didn’t notice. Gwangseon just didn’t want anyone to jostle him and hurt his shoulder more. “Well good news for you, I’ll be on paid leave while this heals. So I’m free everyday for the foreseeable future.” He laughed a bit but stopped as his shoulder moved again.
“That’s just a part of the job, though, right?” Jae asked as he reached to hand Gwangseon his phone. “The main part is that you’re okay, Seony. When Minji messaged me and told me you  were hurt, of course I was going to come. We may not have dated or anything, but I was serious about wanting a date. I didn’t mean to go and get shot, though.” he answered, giving a smile. He noticed the other moving. “Is your shoulder bothering you?” he asked.
“I’m fine really. And I didn’t plan to get shot, it just happened.” Gwangseon huffed at Jae. “I’m so hungry though, do you think she’ll actually bring me sushi?” Gwangseon whined, looking at Jae with a pout. “I reaaaaaaallllly want sushi. Like really really.” Gwangseon felt high. He blamed it on the morphine and slowly blinked his eyes while looking at Jae, trying to determine what exactly he wasn’t supposed to tell him. “I don’t know. I want sushi.” He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.
“Hey, as long as you‘re gonna be okay, that’s what I’m worried about, silly.” Jae laughed at the inquiry, shrugging a shoulder. “Maybe? I could message her if you’d like. Keep your shoulder from jostling too much.” He offered, opening his phone in time to recieve a message from the woman. He chuckle and answered, adding that Gwangseon wanted sushi. “I’ll have her bring some.” he promised, finishing the message and moving to set his phone on the bed next to him. “Besides wanting sushi, how do you feel? Still a little high?”
At this point Gwangseon began to doze in and out of sleep. “Yeah maybe a little. I feel like there’s something I’m not supposed to tell you.” He continued pouting as he moved his head to face Jae again. “But I don’t remember what it was, so I guess it’s a win for me.” He smiled a little and waved his hand up and down. “Come here.” Jae leaned down and Gwangseon put his finger on the other’s nose. “Boop.”
“I mean, I know we aren’t super close, but what would you not be okay telling me?” Jae teased, reachign up to pet Gwangseon’s hair. He blinked as he leaned over and was booped. A quiet laugh escaped him and returned the motion with his own hand. “You are very high, Seony.” he mused. “Minji is on her way to get food, though.” He smiled as he watched Gwangseon, glad Minji had thought to tell him. “I did receive a lecture when I got here, though.”
Gwangseon perked up at the sound of food. “That’s just Minnie.” He said with a small smile. “You’re pretty.” He spoke softly, completely serious no joking lilt to his voice whatsoever. “It’s not fair. I wish I was pretty too.” Gwangseon looked away and his vision blurred as tears began to fill his eyes. He didn’t like crying and he really didn’t like people knowing how he felt about himself so he tried to stop everything but he was too high control himself.
JAe stopped when Gwangseon spoke, tilting his head. “What makes you think you aren’t pretty, huh?” he asked. “Hey, look at me.” he urged, reaching over to try and turn Gwangseon’s face back to look at him. “You are beautiful. Not just how you look, either. Your voice, you kindness. Gwangseon, there is no one I can think of more beautiful than you.”
Gwangseon reluctantly turned his head to face Jae, a tear slipping free of his jaw. “No one sees me like that, please don’t lie to me.” He pushed Jae’s hand away and turned back the other way. “I really don’t stand a chance.” He mumbled as he thought of how pretty the girls who had been to the music video shoot had been. He sighed and attempted to curl into a ball and watch the clouds pass over the blue sky.
Jae frowned and adjusted to reach and run his fingers through Gwangseon’s hair. “I see you like that.” he countered. “Other people are idiots if they don’t see how amazing you are. Of course you stand a chance, when you’re the only one I care about seeing.” he moved to lay his hand on Gwangseon’s hand that wasn’t attached to the injured shoulder. “Did you think I wanted a date as a fling? No. I want to know you. I want to see you smile and be happy. You’ve been on my mind for months now.” he said, tilting his head to try and catch the other’s eyes. “Do you know how happy I was the other night when I saw you again after so long?” 
Gwangseon leaned into Jae’s hand as it messed up his hair. He listened as JAe spoke but didn’t get his hopes up, he knew it wouldn’t be long until he was alone again. He moved to pull his hand from Jae’s but the other male tightened his grip. “I don’t date people he responded sadly, it doesn’t end well.” He actively avoided Jae’s eyes as Jae spoke. He couldn’t bring himself to look at the singer, too afraid that in this state he’d do something stupid. At Jae’s final question Gwangseon slowly turned his head to look at the other. “What?”
The action made Jae smile, though it fell a little as he listened to the response. “Gwangseon, I am not most people. Trust me. My schedule makes it really hard to make any kind of real connection, too. Just for a slightly different reason.” He explained, leaning in to rest his head on Gwangseon’s. “Don’t shut me out now, okay? I was so happy to see you again. It made my heart go haywire.” He went quiet. “I was really scared on the way here, you know. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew I was going to do everything I could to help.” He pulled back to look at Gwangseon, reaching up to lay a hand on the other’s cheek. “I’m not going anywhere just cuz you had a bad day saving lives, y’know. But in the non-stalker way.” he chuckled.
Gwangseon blinked sleepily. “Yeah?” His blinking grew slower as he drifted off, only to be woken a moment later as Jae pulled his hand away. Gwangseon was about to get angry when his partner walked into the room. As they ate the food she had brought they talked about various things including Jae’s previous comeback, to which Gwangseon made some comments he knew he wouldn’t remember the next day. He did remember drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
Jae was still processing everything he’d taken in as Minji left, remaining at the edge of Gwangseon’s bed as the other slept. Eventually he got tired and got up to lay next to the other on Gwangseon’s good side, one arm draped over Gwangseon’s waist as the other tucked beneath his own head. He drifted off, though he woke up on and off as nurses came in every few hours. When Minji came in the next morning, he woke with Gwangseon’s head tucked beneath his. He coudln’t help but smile, letting Minji take over watch duty while he went home to shower and change. He tidied up the apartment, hoping the other would accept the offer to stay over while he healed, before heading back to the hospital.
Gwangseon conversed with his partner, groaning and trying to remember what happened the previous night. No matter how hard he tried all he managed to piece together were fuzzing images but h had no idea what exactly had happened or who was in the images he was able to bring back from the abyss of his morphine high.
Jae stopped to get some food, making sure to get a few options for Gwangseon and Minji before he headed back to the hospital. He kept his hood up despite the heat to hide his face, going inside and making his way to the room. Knocking before he opened the door, he smiled at Minji as he walked in, eyes moving to Gwangseon and lighting up when he realized the other male was awake. “Hello there, Sleeping Beauty.” he teased, holding up the two bags of food. “I brought lunch.”
“Well, lookit there. Songbird is a gentleman, too.” Minji grinned, holding out her hand. “Some for me?”
“Naturally. I can’t have you angry for feeding him and not you.” Jae answered, setting the bags down and pulling out the food for her, handing it over before turnign to Gwangseon. “How do you feel?”
Gwangseon avoided making eye contact with Jae. “I’m fine.” He answered shortly, hoping to skate around anything that happened while he was doped up. He threw a glance at Minji as she began to go to town on her food. He was hungry but he knew he couldn’t feed himself, his dominate arm was ruined at the moment and he refused to be fed again. How he had convinced himself that he was okay with that was beyond him. His focus drifted away to his thoughts as he tried yet again to remember just how much of a fool he made of himself.
Jae didn’t know what, if anything, Gwangseon remembered of the night before, so he fought the urge to run his hand through the other male’s hair. “I brought some stuff that should be easier for you to eat with you good arm.” he offered, moving to sit on the edge of the bed where he’d been most of the night before. “I didn’t know if you’d be okay with being fed again once you weren’t out of it.”
Gwangseon didn’t even turn his head. “I’m not really hungry.” He stomach said otherwise and his face turned bright. “I’m really not.” He looked at Minji for help, pleading with his eyes for her to help him. He knew she would be no help and just closed his eyes to try and exit from this embarrassing moment. “I’m sorry about anything I said last. I don’t really remember what I did or said but I’m sorry.”
“At least eat a snack?” Jae offered before his head tilted as he watched the other. “Why would you be sorry?” He asked, giving Gwanhseon a smile. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Seony.” He promised.
Gwangseon felt uncomfortable and Minji wasn’t helping as she munched on her food. Gwangseon turned a glare in her direction and Jae set food on the table for Gwangseon to eat. “I just know I did something that I shouldn’t have. So that was more an apology for myself.” He bit his lip as he looked at the food. “I really can’t remember anything that happened.” He let his eyes drift up Jae’s body as the male turned to talk with Minji. Jae looked amazing, like always, and Gwangseon found himself feeling insecure in his hospital gown. He shifted the blanket to cover himself more and winced when his shoulder moved.
“I promise you didn’t do anything wrong,” Jae repeated, being distracted by Minji until he heard Gwangseon wince. He immediately turned back, looking the male over. When Gwangseon asked Minji to step out of the room, he waited until the door was closed before he turned his eyes back to the other male, sitting back down and moving to rest a hand on Gwangseon’s knee. “What’s wrong, handsome?” he asked, concern on his face. “Talk to me, Gwangseon, please?”
Gwangseon was scared to even ask but he did anyway. “What happened last night after I woke up? I don’t remember anything and I hate that, please tell me.” He couldn’t even look at Jae when he asked. He knew his face was red and he didn’t care about that, it was the fact the he was vulnerable that made him avoid the singer’s eyes. “I want to know what happened but Minji doesn’t know what went on while she was gone but she said you were here.” Now Gwangseon looked up at Jae. “What happened?”
Jae watched the other, opening and closing as he struggled with what to do. “You were pretty out of it.” he began. “You wanted to know about the family, and she said they would all be okay. She went to get a shower an change because she still had blood on her.” He reached out to lay a hand on Gwangseon’s knee. “You wanted sushi, and I messaged Minji to bring you some.” he answered. He hesitated for a long moment. “You called me pretty, and said you wished were pretty too. But you are pretty. You’re beautiful, Gwangseon, but when I told you that, you started crying.” He went quiet for a moment, his thumb brushing over the blanket where Gwangseon’s knee was. “Minji brought us food and you couldn’t eat, so I fed you. I offered to let you stay with me, and you fell asleep. I stayed here overnight so you weren’t alone. Minji came this morning so I could go shower and change.”
After another long moment, he looked up to watch Gwangseon’s face. “Look, I know our schedules are rough to work around, and I’m sure that’s caused problems for you before. But I’m serious about wanting to try. Seeing you the other night after months made me really happy, and I promise no one will know about anything we talk about when it’s just us.” He licked his lips, taking a chance and lifting his hand to try and rest it on Gwangseon’s cheek. “You’re beautiful, Gwangseon. Not just how you look. The way you care about people, your voice.” He smiled at the other. “And I promise I’ll take care of you while you’re hurt.”
Gwangseon startled at the contact with his cheek. He didn’t want to look at Jae. He didn’t want to be vulnerable in front of anyone, especially Jae, and he had done the one thing made him the most vulnerable. In front of Jae. He couldn’t bring himself to turn his head but leaned into Jae’s hand slightly. “That feels nice.” He whispered, not meaning for Jae to hear him. Gwangseon closed his eyes and turned to hide his face in the hand on his cheek. “You are pretty though.” He pressed his lips against the inside of Jae’s hand. “Really. I know I don’t stand a chance, please don’t get my hopes up.”
Jae smiled at the nice comment, moving his thumb to brush over Gwangseon’s skin. “We had this disagreement last night, Seony.” He mused. “If you’re the only one I care about seeing, the real question is who stands a chance against you.” He leaned forward to kiss Gwangseon’s head before gently nuzzling him. “I don’t know why you don’t see it, but I’m gonna make it my goal to help you realize how amazing you are.” He said confidently.
Gwangseon smiled at the movements despite himself. He really did like Jae and if Jae said he had a chance he decided he should take it. “You go and do that, Jae. I’ll be waiting for you to show me.” His smile was glued on his face as he rested his head against the pillow. “I’ll give you until the end of my recovery period to make me fall in love with myself then.” He winced when his shoulder gave a sudden throb and took a deep breath in an attempt to relieve some of the pain.
Jae chuckled a little. “I guess I should start early, then.” he mused, leaning to place a kiss at Gwangseon’s temple. “And what happens if I fall in love with you, too?” he asked in the other’s ear, voice quiet as he stayed close. He was pretty sure it was going to happen; he’d been thinking about Gwangseon for a while. He’d thought about Gwangseon as he’d recorded the vocals for the new song, had pretended the cameras were the other male watching. He frowned a little as Gwangseon winced. “Is it bad?” he asked, pulling back to look at Gwangseon worriedly.
Gwangseon shook his head at Jae. “It’s really not that bad. I just keep forgetting I’m hurt because it doesn’t bother me all that much when I’m still.” He fiddled with the blanket with his good arm. “You don’t have to take care of me, you know. I can do it myself.” He brought his bottom lip in between, embarrassed from getting himself into this situation after Jae had said to be careful. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
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