#the manual: these demons will want to fuck you do not engage in physical affections if this is not what you want
ghouljams · 11 months
You are fueling something in me. You call that demon Reader Fetch and all I can think of is König saying Good Girl and patting her head when she does, indeed, fetch (I’m gonna go bath in holy water now, I am so sorry)
König doesn't know how obsessed with him Fetch is, but it's really his fault because he does do that!! He doesn't know how to act around her, he's never had a universe assigned girlfriend before...
You think König's back might be sore from carrying his team through missions. Just one demon's opinion, but you sort of wonder if anyone here would get anything done without him. He, well both of you, are on loan from KorTac to some nothing mercenary group that you didn't even bother learning the name of. They all avoided him like the plague.
"You don't think that might be your fault?" He asks, arms crossed in faux ease while he leg bounces nervously. You pull yourself from his shadow on the plane wall, just enough to rest your elbows on his broad shoulders.
"Why would it be my fault?" König doesn't look at you, you pick at the edges of his hood, making sure they're in the right place. You like how big he is, he hardly seems to feel the weight of his sins, even when they're literally sitting on him.
"You're joking." He says it like a fact, but you think it might have been meant as a question. You grin and wiggle your fingers in greeting at the soldier sitting across from König. He refuses to look at you.
"You think I'm spooky Colonel?" You ask low in his ear, leaning more against his back to feel his heart jump. You know he likes when you call him that, remind him he's got a position over the other men that isn't just your presence.
"You shouldn't scare the other soldiers," He tells you, reaching over his shoulder to grab the back of your shirt and pull you the rest of the way out of the shadow, "it's bad for morale."
You settle more comfortable against his back, or try to around all the tac gear. You hum, resting your cheek against his shoulder, trying your best to look very not spooky. That doesn't mean you don't conjure some nice shadowy bat wings behind your charge, they're just as scared of him anyway.
König threads his fingers through your hair, scratching gently, something to occupy his nervous hands. You like it when he touches you like this, without thinking about it, it makes you feel like he's really gotten used to you. In record time too.
"Enemies closing fast," a voice crackles over König's radio. You pass him another round, happily following in his shadow as he moves.
"Fetch," König summons, you hum in assent waiting for your orders, "time to target?"
You zip through the shadows, tripping enemy combatants as you leverage their shadows for a path. You let your connection to König pull you back. "At current speed with engagement, maybe 20 minutes?"
König hums, and you see the cold excitement of death in his eyes, "And without engagement?"
"Good," He nods, "Let's retrieve livers this time, I'm interested to see how long it takes them to die without one."
"I'll clear the path, don't keep me waiting." You grin and disappear.
König jogs towards point, it's certainly been enlightening having you around. Your manual was comprehensive, but not as precise as your actual practice. Location and Retrieval had sounded... useful but not exactly needed when he'd first read it, but now? Now he walks over the bodies of men with holes punched through their stomachs, clawing at the dirt as they bleed out, and he thinks the uses might actually have been understated in the manual.
He's been testing the limits of your abilities, and you're proving yourself to be quite handy. Not to mention saving him a lot of time on intelligence missions. Those are tedious, he's never liked them, but with you he gets to skip the worst parts. He watches you hold a man by the back of the neck as you sink your hand into him like a knife, extracting his bleeding liver with pinpoint accuracy.
König thinks of the story of Loki and the dwarves, how they couldn't determine where the neck ended and the head started, thus delaying the God's beheading. He doesn't think you'd have that problem, as you hold the liver out triumphantly and let the man fall into a heap. Not a vein or tendon remains attached to the organ, the platonic ideal of a liver, like you'd pulled a model of it from the man instead of actual living tissue. He doesn't know how you do it, retrieving only and exactly what's asked.
"Good girl," He settles a hand on your head when he reaches you, enjoying the way you light up at the praise. It makes something squirm in his chest. He's still getting used to that part, the affection you seem to inspire in him, how giving you orders feels so much different from ordering a soldier around. "Braves Mädchen," he mumbles, feeling you press against his hand for more attention.
What had the manual said? Tendencies towards the flesh? He could do that.
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