#the only reason i didnt delete this is bc i havent posted any fuck terfs things in a while
percyjacksonfan3 · 10 months
Sincerely, why do you believe a man who cuts off his dick and has to clear a constantly "dilated" neovagina - literally full of fecal bacteria that smells just like you think btw - is entitled and sane enough to creep into the same bathroom as you? Does that sound like someone with a healthy soul enough to not be a complete lunatic pervert when you pull your panties down in the stall? That is the implication in your bio.
Hey uh... I sincerely have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or what in my bio has led you to sending me this, but even if you are just a random troll filling people's inboxes this seems like TERF rhetoric which is super fucking gross so how about you go away now
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