#the skeleron clique
suns-blood · 2 months
Hey. Hey, do you want to hear about hair, cars and twenty one pilots? Great, then click keep reading you won't be disappointed I prommy
(This is a brain vomit of theories / analyses i have bouncing around in my brain like the DVD logo)
This religion I've seen mentioned only like twice in the clique which is just such a shame bc I love the ties it has with vialism.
Anyway the basic rundown is that Zoroastrianism is a religion that originated from 4000 years ago. It was practiced in the middle east by persians. It is one of the oldest (if not the oldest) monotheistic religions and one of the core beliefs is related to the duality of good and evil*, which has been prevalent in tøp's music since fucking self titled. I am not saying zoroastrianism has influenced Tyler since fucking high school??? However I think this is another case of them utilising irl concepts that have similarities with their lore (the other case being nicolas bourbaki). The duality of good and evil is a popular concept, so this is most likely a coincidence. However what is not a coincidence are the towers of silence.
*(It has a dualistic cosmology of good and evil within the framework of a monotheistic-style ontology; meaning that the religion's eschatology predicts the ultimate triumph of good over evil.) -Wikipedia. Yes I'm using Wikipedia as a source, I'm not doing anything scientific, it's fine.
The towers of silence
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...Also known as Dakhma. And what is the city in Trench called? That's right. Dema. This whole time I thought dema was based on the word "demon" which fits the narrative as well, however the parallels between vialism and zoroastrianism are unmistakable.
Below are excerpts from the "rationale" section from the corresponding Wikipedia article bc i don't see a point in rewording it.
"Zoroastrian tradition considers human cadavers and animal corpses (in addition to cut hair and nail parings) to be nasu, i.e. unclean, polluting.[1][2][3] Specifically, Nasu the corpse demon (daeva), is believed to rush into the body and contaminate everything it comes into contact with.[3][11]
To preclude the pollution of the sacred elements: earth (zām), water (āpas), and fire (ātar), the bodies of the dead are placed at the top of towers and there exposed to the sun and to scavenging birds and necrophagous animals such as wild dogs.[1][2][3] "
That, I believe, is the function for the towers in Dema as well. The bishops dispose of bodies they've used that way (through seizing, which is marked by yellow eyes. that way we know that the show hosts in good day dema were actually bishops and that the bishops sometimes take control of dead vultures)
Admittedly this connection was made by Dema in yt so go check them. They great lore/recap videos. Specifically the video on vultures.
However unlike zoroastrians, the vialists do mark their graves. More specifically with neon gravestones and they don't consider elements like fire to be holy. Neon lights are a great contrast to the bandito's love of fire. I believe we don't have the bishops' opinion on fire, but it is heavily associated with banditos so i doubt they'd consider it holy.
What is more interesting to me is the sentence about cut hair being consistent impure.
The hair
So considering the similarities between the role of vultures, the towers and everything else, we can assume that shaving your head is an act of rebellion from the rule of vialism. That theory is supported by the aforementioned belief in zoroastrianism and the fact that in "levitate" it is the banditos who shave tyler's/clancy's head.
That theme is, imo, also reflected in the music video for car radio, which is pre-lore, however most themes in the lore have been there since self titled. (For another example, cars. We will get to that.).
In that video it is tyler who shaves his own head and if my theory is correct then it symbolises him ridding himself of his negative thoughts (that will later become to be symbolised by blurryface who will later become his own character)(I told you the themes in the lore were not new)
In the music video for "levitate" the banditos shave Tyler's/Clancy's head. This is a clear parallel to his community/friends/etc helping him get rid of his negative thoughts.
The other explanation for the importance of those moments would be that cutting/shaving your head is also often done when someone is going through a change/wants to change their life.
I also heard it in a another post that Tyler has once again shaved his head. This aligns with my theory that Clancy is returning to Dema, but not of deceit or desperation, but intentionally, though i think we can all agree that this is pretty much canon. The other thing to note here is that all of the red we've been seeing has been a lot more orange (in general) than the red from the blurryface era (in general) and i believe that to be bc of this era's proximity to fire. Fire symbolises life, how real and unpredictable it can be, which is juxtaposed to neon lights, as mentioned.
Nicolas Bourbaki
Staying on the topic of dema/the bishops, i wanted to mention nicolas bourbaki. I have no big revelations regarding this one, though i assume i have missed some larger meaning as to why they added so many references to them.
So, Nicolas Bourbaki is the name of a group of french mathematicians active in the 1930s. Their purpose was to write and publish textbooks and the name they published from under was Nicoals Bourbaki. To my understanding it wasn't known that Bourbaki consisted of multiple people. Many so-to-speak faceless entities working as one, under one goal is how you could also describe the bishops, however i assume the fact that there were 9 of them is not hidden.
One of the fields they studied was, get it, topology. In university of waterloo's words (bc i am wayyy to stupid to fully understand it):
"Topology studies properties of spaces that are invariant under any continuous deformation. It is sometimes called "rubber-sheet geometry" because the objects can be stretched and contracted like rubber, but cannot be broken. For example, a square can be deformed into a circle without breaking it, but a figure 8 cannot. Hence a square is topologically equivalent to a circle, but different from a figure 8."
I believe topology is the inspiration for morph. That is also the song where they namedrop Bourbaki so the connections are pretty obvious. I won't do a whole ass analysis of the song rn, i'll do that when i vivisect the entire album like i did with self titled (the document ended up being like 17 pages long).
Anyway the general idea of morph is that becoming someone else is a defense mechanism. It is a way to avoid(?) the bishops because in that song he admits he cannot avoid the bishops' (his fears) and that he will be someone else in the meanwhile, perhaps someone better.
That ties into very nicely of my own personal theory regarding whether Tyler is Clancy or not. I believe that Tyler is Clancy the same way that Tyler is blurryface. Those are his best/worst sides separated from Tyler and turned into their own characters. So in that way Tyler is Clancy but Clancy and Tyler are not the same person, so Clancy is not Tyler in his entirety and the same goes for blurryface. Basically none of us are our worst/best qualities alone, and you cannot compare someone to the distilled good/bad versions of them.
I've also seen people on reddit theorize that Tyler is becoming Clancy, that Clancy was another person that lost to the bishops and Tyler is simply taking over his role as the leader of the Banditos and I really like that theory. It works so well with Tyler and Clancy still being sort of different people but in a way that the I am Clancy video still makes sense.
(Btw for the life of me i cannot figure out where i read it but i remembering seeing somewhere that the bourbaki group were the ones that started using the ø use which is a nice detail)
Car symbolism
This will be a condensed version of 17 page long self titled analysis (which i might clean up and release someday idk)
I just need to talk about cars bc they're still prevalent.
Cars, as a whole, are metaphors for our lives. There are many many lyrics that support this idea in St specifically but also quite likely in other albums however I've yet to look through those. I think cars are a another metaphor that have just stuck around and are still not a proof that Tyler has been loring since 2009.
In a car, a torch, a death we have the lines "I begin to envy the headlights driving south". He is jealous of people who get to direct their lives towards positivity. It's been a while since my analysis of this album so forgive my memory, but I do believe south has the same connotations as light/mornings/sun. I won't do a line by line but this song is about protecting someone from depression and because of that devotion Tyler doesn't get to go where everyone else goes. That is the main song where the car metaphors stem from I think, however another one is the heavydirtysoul music video.
Now that we've established that cars are people's lives it is obvious that in that mv it is not tyler who is in control of his life (car), it is depression (nico). The video ends with the car on fire. It would be reasonable to assume that his life is a wreck, a dumpster fire but to that I say no. That is a good thing. Because after all, did we not establish fire to be good? To symbolise escape from dema? His life being engulfed in flames means that he is alive, he's actively interacting with the world around him because fire is active and neon lights are passive. As are cars simply driving by. That, I believe, is also the symbolism of burning cars during trench era live shows.
Another thing. Look at the jumpsuit mv. It begins with tyler jumping on the burnt car and saying "we've been here the whole time. You we're asleep, time to wake up." And the car bursting into flames. The car got engulfed by flames and however destructive they may be, they are active. The car literally woke up. Then the entire music video happens and at the end we get a continuation of the scene at the beginning because the pilots love cycles/circular narratives nearly as much as I do. At the end tyler opens the trunk and grabs the bandito jacket. He had to return to his old life, the one that was controlled by the bishops, to find the necessary equipment to go forward.
Anyway thank you all for coming to my NEDtalk, I just needed to get these out of my head and I don't rlly see anyone else talking about these theories. If you have anything to correct me on, add on to, or just share your opinion on, I implore you to do so.
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