#their natural college campus starbucks habitat. i dont even remember what i ordered. i just remember feeling like i was gonna faint after
sleepygaymerdisease · 8 months
i cant sleep because i just remembered how like 3 years ago i went and bought starbucks for myself and like im always vaguely confused my fuckin bad but starbucks in particular confuses the shit out of me because i dont know a single damn thing about coffee. and anyway i remember standing around waiting for my drink right but somebody took mine without realizing and they bitched with their friends about the drink being slightly-Not What They Ordered and their name being spelled wrong (it wasnt. it was my name.) and i was too overwhelmed to say anything because it was loud as shit in there so i just took the girl's drink and had that in defeated silence but idk i guess something about my general demeanor made the girl suddenly connect the dots and her friend group started giggling and laughing at me? as if i fucked up? and one of them was mocking my name like ooooohhh THIS must be "ani" ahahahaha!! and like god damn i just walked out and did my best to pretend that i didnt hear all that. even though this whole situation was their fault. idk why this was so haunting to me but its keeping me up.
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