#theres a lot skjfgdfg
oooocleo · 4 years
OC asks from a while ago...(;
decided to compile them so i dont spam you guys w lots of asks - ive tagged the folks who asked the questions in case theyre curious abt the answers haha
ive put them under a read more since i got more than i expected.. tysm if you end up reading through it all!
🌅 (Shirin) - What is your OCs favourite time of day? Are they a morning person or a night owl? (@norskseven​)
Shirin is definitely a night owl! He works by candlelight, late into the night...thats y he needs glasses...... his favourite time of day is probably midnight/when all is quiet and he can work w.o being disturbed, plus noam’s hair looks nice by moonlight (:
🧸 (Hetty) - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?) (anon)
Hetty would very much resent this but shes gotta be on the softer side of the scale..... maybe a 7? she doesnt usually Behave very softly but shes a bag of tears on the inside - very practiced at Wrenching That Down though
shed place herself where shed want to be, which would be around 4 😂
💡 (Noam) - How does your OC enact plans? Do they plan down to the smallest details, or do the wing it? (anon)
Noam does zero planning, completely wings it, rolls with anything that happens.. he can follow someone else’s plan though if anything deviates it might.....escalate quickly........... because he’ll still want to get to the intended goal 💁‍♀️ 
🩸 (Sura) - Does your OC believe in blood being thicker than water? (meaning family relationships and loyalties are the most important)  (@shurimancurator​)
Sura’s direct relatives aren’t around anymore, but he very much clings onto the importance of family & the feeling of belonging he had when he was still with them - when he finds the people that have his surname its very important to him to foster that familial bond
🩸 (Ezra) (anon)
ezra has a definition of family that is broader than just the people they are directly related to 🤔  they are very very loyal to those they consider family, but that may also be their childhood friend, their sisters’ spouse, etc
🌋 (Hetty) - What’s your OCs temper like? Are they a slow boil, or an instant explosion? (@shurimancurator​)
The Slowest Boil... she is very restrained so she doesnt confront a lot of things that make her angry (at least not @ the source of it)... she just glares when she thinks she can away with it lmao.. when it becomes too much she does reach a breaking point which involves angry tears
🍹 (Sura) - Does your OC drink? If so, what’s their drink of choice? (@shurimancurator​)
Sura’s vice is drinking for sure, he holds his liquor well but its not a good thing lol............. he tends to go for whisky, bourbon, sometimes port or wine
his behaviour doesnt change massively but he shows his mean streak more
✂️ (Ezra) - What kind of thing would have your OC cut someone out of their life? How likely are they to let someone back in? (anon)
i think ezra would distance themselves from people who a hurtful to the ones around them (not necessarily to ezra themselves?), esp if ezra liked those people 🤔 they’d also find betrayal of their family/elves in general very hard to forgive.. they definitely wouldnt Forget it happened even if they give them a second chance in the spirit of fairness
✂️ (Hetty) (anon)
hetty would do anything to avoid this situation... she is So wary of actually letting people close enough to be able to hurt her & would be very frustrated with herself for not.. seeing a betrayal of trust coming i guess?
when Noam turns out to have been keeping A Very Big Secret from her, she doesn’t think she’ll ever forgive him but ofc... he was her best friend...and hes very sad and guilty abt it........and also her annoyance is redirected at Shirin when he forgives Noam first while still having massive scars on his throat
✂️ (Sura) (anon)
sura trusts his instincts a lot when it comes to putting himself in others’ hands - how much of himself he entrusts depends on the person, and the less it is the easier it is for himself to cut folks off when they do things he doesnt like
once he passes a certain threshold though, hes pretty much All In & will understand and forgive until hes blue in the face
🎭 (Ezra) - Does your OC show different sides of themselves to different people? (anon)
kind of yes! they are generally very professional/capable/someone to look up to and admire & they foster this image because of their duties.. theyll yanno.. cover their mouth when they laugh unless its in front of close friends/family when they emote more freely
📎 (Sura, Hetty) - How organised is your OC? Do they keep on top of responsibilities, or leave things to the last minute? (anon)
Hetty is not particularly organised Or disorganised.. its not a huge priority to her but she gets embarassed if its too messy (reminds her of Shirins pigsty habits)
Sura hasnt had to do a lot of organising in his life but has a lot of.. house-husband qualities so i think hed do just fine
💬 (Sura, Hetty) - Is your OC much of a talker? Do they only speak when spoken to? (Or not even then?) Do they ever talk over others? (anon)
Sura is definitely a talker, he knows very well how to speak to people to get his way & will talk over others if it serves a purpose 💁‍♀️ he also gets into the habit of expressing himself a lot around Hetty, Noam and Shirin bc they can’t read the flower language on his skin that telegraphs his feelings
Hetty only really talks when she feels comfortable.. even then shes not super chatty - Speaking Up about things if a very big thing for her and requires a lot of prep usually lol.. she would feel bad about talking over someone but might still do it
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