#these are mostly from the wiki unless i remembered one that wasn't listen (cough cough floof cough cough)
bigboobyhalo · 3 years
dsmp characters and the pets that of theirs that I consider to be the most iconic
members without pets (callahan, schlatt, phil, charlie, michael) are excluded
DREAM: spirit (horse)
GEORGE: beckerson (tropical fish)
SAPNAP: mars (tropical fish)
SAM: fran (wolf)
PONK: sacrifice (cat)
BAD: mr. squeegee (salmon)
TOMMY: henry (cow)
TUBBO: phukkit (pufferfish)
FUNDY: beelloon (bee)
PUNZ: bumpkin (horse)
PURPLED: dogchamp (wolf)
WILBUR: friend (sheep)
SKEPPY: shortboyhalo (wolf)
ERET: ed sheepran (sheep)
JACK MANIFOLD: timmy (chicken)
NIKI: fungi (fox)
QUACKITY: ossium (skeleton horse)
HBOMB: UwU and OwO (cats)
TECHNO: carl (horse)
ANT: floof (ocelot)
CONNOR: kitty (donkey)
PUFFY: cottonball (horse)
RANBOO: enderchest (cat)
FOOLISH: the ninja turtles (turtles)
HANNAH: hannahxxboner (skeleton horse)
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