#they're supposed to be glowy like the markings on the ark of yamato but you can't really see it now
feliciadraws · 6 months
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Waka raised an artifice of a hand to his eyeline, he pondered the appendage of light and metal that had occupied where his own flesh had once been...he could flex the elbow, he could turn the wrist and wriggle the fingers as if this prosthesis were his own arm, and yet...it wasn't... It was and also was not; while almost the full range of movement had been granted by his people's technology, where there used to be sensation, the sensation of nerves and muscles, there remained only the ghost of living tissue that waxed and waned as the moon's phases, and between that, from the boundary where his living muscle had been married to metal, a distinct numbness, an almost alien dissonance, not just within his arm but his mind...he had been wanting, wishing, to distance himself from his accursed people, but as he peered down at this marvel of a limb, what the layman of the mortal realm would surmise to be nothing less than strange magic, that task grew in its difficulty. How could he evade the shadow of the Moon Tribe, when their very machinery had become a permanent part of his own body? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm sorry everyone, Waka with a prosthetic arm has got me feeling very unwise haha
tagging @bamboorocket because YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND I KNOW YOU SEE MY VISION
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